
Thursday 23 January 2020


How To View WhatsApp Status Without Contact Knowing
1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the 3 dots icon
2. Tap on Settings , and also click on Account
3. Tap on Privacy and disable the Read Receipts option
You can go and view anyone status, they won't see you in the viewed by notification.
You can later turn on the Read Receipts option when you want.
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Wednesday 22 January 2020


It The How To Speak With Confidence To Absolutely Anyone

 In 2015, Monica Lewinsky gave a TED Talk on the public shaming she suffered following her affair with former President Bill Clinton. Before the talk, she was extremely nervous.

She knew that millions of people would hear her speech and was terrified that she would screw up, further damaging her reputation. But in the end, the audience gave her a standing ovation and an endless stream of glowing online reviews.

The lesson? Don’t let your lack of confidence hold you back from giving public speaking a shot. Just remember, while there’s a lot at stake, it’s a great opportunity to get your ideas out into the world.

The truth is, that public speaking is a skill that anyone can learn. For example, in Kenya, a 12-year-old boy named Richard Turere invented a system to keep lions from killing his family’s cattle.

 He had realized that the predators were afraid of moving lights and created a network of lights that switched on and off in sequence, frightening the lions away. The tool became wildly popular and he was invited to give a TED talk.

 At the time, Turere was shy, spoke very little broken English, and had a difficult time describing his invention coherently. But even he, after just six months of training, was able to come to California and give an amazing speech, captivating the audience with his story and his charm.

 At the time, Turere was shy, spoke very little broken English, and had a difficult time describing his invention coherently. But even he, after just six months of training, was able to come to California and give an amazing speech, captivating the audience with his story and his charm.

How you speak is important. It tells others you believe in yourself and that you’re worthy of respect. Becoming confident in your speech can help improve your relationships, allow you to reach your goals, and give you the boost in self-esteem you need to embrace your dreams in life.

The real benefit of speaking with confidence though, is that it’s one important way that you embrace and build upon your power. Your words, your tone, and your boundaries while communicating with others are indicators of whether you’re claiming and honoring your power.

 If you want to improve your confidence when speaking to absolutely anyone, there are many strategies you can apply to improve your skills. Learning to speak confidently is just like learning any other skill. You need to know the right methods and tricks, you need to practice often, and you need to learn from your mistakes.

Let’s dive in.

Take it Slow

Most people make the mistake when speaking in uncomfortable situations, of talking too fast. This is especially true when you’re already nervous about the situation. Speaking quickly tells everyone listening that you’re nervous and lack self-control.

Think about how slowly you talk when you’re in conversation with your friends. When addressing a larger or unfamiliar group, adopting this same pace will help them feel more relaxed, and like you’re engaging with them, not hurling words at them.

When you’re practicing and speaking in everyday life, slow down. Adopt a relaxed pace to your voice. The more you pay attention to your speed, the more you’ll become aware of when it’s racing too quickly, and you can adjust accordingly. Speaking slowly also allows you more time to think about what you want to say, and it shows others deliberate confidence.

Pause Before Speaking

A mistake that’s often made in a conversation between two or more people is rushing to speak as soon as the other person finishes their thought. This speech pattern clearly shows that you’re just waiting for your turn to speak and not considering what the other person has said. When you jump in right away, you appear overly eager and may leave the other person wondering if they were heard at
When talking with someone else, pause for a second or two after the other is done talking, before you say what it is you want to say. When you take your time, you come across as more relaxed and confident, which also gives the words you’re saying more authority. A conversation isn’t a race to get through as quickly as possible. Take your time, and you’ll find others will follow suit.

Eliminate Verbal Pauses

We all do it. We have those words that creep into our speech when we’re looking to fill the void. Words like “um” and “like” are sprinkled throughout your speech, and you might not even know how often you’re saying them. When you use these words to fill space in your speech though, you sound uncertain and lacking in confidence.

Practice by recording yourself in conversation with someone or the next time you have to make a presentation at work. Listen to the recording and count how many times you say these filler words.

Now that you’re aware of your problem, you can focus on dropping these words from your speech. When you start to hear one creeping in, slow down and pause. It’s better to say nothing than say one of these meaningless words. When you pause more, it also allows people to catch up to you and anticipate your next words.

Practice Speaking with Authority

When you’re speaking, your voice shouldn’t pitch up at the end of a sentence unless you’re asking a question. One way you lose authority and sound uncertain is to speak as if you’re unsure about what you’re saying. Raising your pitch is a sign that you’re unclear or uncertain, which can make you sound less confident.

Practice doing the opposite of this inflection. At the end of every sentence, focus on pitching your voice slightly downward. How does this sound? What difference does it make to what you’re saying? Even when you ask a question, this downward inflection adds confidence to your speech. Try it and see what a difference it makes

Work on Your Pauses.

Deliberate pauses can add authority and confidence to what you’re saying. Strategically placed breaks add emphasis to your points or words. They also vary your speech patterns, which makes it more interesting for the listener. In shorter sentences, try adding a pause halfway through. In longer sentences, break it up into thirds.

Pauses are useful for getting the listeners’ attention as well as making your point even more evident. And using pauses purposefully communicates that you’re confident in what you’re saying.

Work with Your Breath

Your breath comes at a slow, steady pace. When you want to speak with confidence, your speech should have that same slow, steady pace. By working with your breath, instead of trying to get all your words out in one go and quickly inhale to keep going, you’ll relax your pace and sound like the confident person you are.

Practice taking breaths that fill your lungs deep down, not just at the top. Your lower ribs should expand when you breathe deeply in this way. This type of breath takes longer to inhale and exhale.

This is the breathing and the speaking rhythm you want. Practice speaking with your breath to see how it affects your pace and helps you project more confidence to others.

Loud Does Not Equal Confidence.

Talking loudly is often mistaken for showing confidence, when in reality it just shows that you don’t respect your listeners. While it’s essential to be heard, especially in a large group, speaking loudly isn’t as important as the rhythm of your speech and the pitch of your voice.

Talking loudly often results in a pitch that resembles screaming, which is never pleasant to listen to for long. Instead, you want to adopt a cadence that’s smooth and rhythmic and a pitch that’s low and steady. This will make you sound more confident.

Again, recording yourself is a wonderful way to see how well you’re doing with this. Listen to yourself talking. Does your pitch go up and down dramatically? Does your rhythm feel smooth or choppy? Practicing your speech is a way to work on not only what you want to say but how you want to say it.

Drink Water.

Drink plenty of water throughout the day and always have some water close by when you’re speaking, to enhance your voice and keep you feeling confident.

Relax Your Body

When you’re tense, the muscles in your jaw, neck, throat, and shoulders are all affected. These same muscles influence your tone of voice. Relaxing these muscles is vital if you want to sound confident.

Start with a deep breath. As you exhale, open your mouth slightly, relax your jaw, and push the air out in something like a sigh or a yawn. Swing your arms, stretch your neck, and loosen your jaw to relax all these muscles too. When you’re speaking, as you feel these muscles start to tense back up, focus on releasing that stress and staying relaxed.


When you’re speaking to others and you see a sea of frowning or blank faces, smile. You’ll quickly notice that many people will start smiling back at you. And when you smile, you’re showing that you’re confident in what you’re saying and will appear more composed and friendly.

When you smile, it also enhances the quality of your voice and helps you keep a more even pitch and rhythm. Practice speaking into a mirror to feel how smiling influences your confidence.

Modern speech is filled with phrases and words that add nothing to the conversation but have become ubiquitous. Many of these are also phrases that show you’re not confident about what you’re about to say.

Examples of these include, “I’m sorry,” “Well,” “I mean,” and “This is just my opinion.” We say these things to apologize for what we’re about to say, which begs the question, why should anyone continue listening? These tics are common when people are nervous or hesitant about how others will respond to their ideas.

 But when you say what you mean without these qualifiers, it lends authority and confidence to your meaning. You don’t need to say it’s your opinion. Offer your viewpoint with authority and get rid of these unnecessary filler phrases that rob you of your confidence.

Show Gratitude.

When you’re speaking to a group or talking one-on-one with others, showing appreciation for others’ participation, ideas, and contributions, will convey your confidence from the onset. Acknowledging those who came to hear you is an effective way to start a talk.

Thanking others for sharing their insights with you shows you’re open to new ideas. Showing gratitude to those who helped you prepare or move forward conveys that you’re confident in your progress. Don’t be afraid to let others share in your newfound confidence.

  Use Silence

Throughout your speech, people need time to process what you said and reflect. Using silence is a way to allow for this as well as show you’re confident in what you’re saying. Learning to live with silence, and not fill it with unnecessary jabbering or verbal pauses is the sign of a truly confident speaker. Practice in everyday conversation using silence to help you make a point or to allow your listener to think.

 Stand Up Straight

 Just as smiling affects your voice and speech, so does your posture. And how you hold and carry yourself tells others a lot about how confident you’re feeling. Even when you don’t feel all that confident, standing tall and keeping your head high can make you feel sure about what you’re doing.

Practice standing tall with your feet firmly planted hip distance apart. Distribute your weight equally across your hips. Avoid swaying, pacing, or tapping, as these detract from what you’re saying and show a lack of confidence.

Good posture is essential to speak with confidence. When you stand straight, you can breathe more deeply, which allows you to project as well as watch your pace.

 Lift your chest, which exposes your chest and torso. Roll your shoulders back and relax them. With your head held high, look in the mirror. This pose is reminiscent of the Superman stance, and for good reason. It embodies power and confidence, which is what you also want to project to your listeners

Work on Eye contact

When talking with a larger group, work on making lasting eye contact with one person at a time while you speak. Fix your sight on one person in the room for at least six seconds. After holding your gaze in this spot for what probably feels like a little too long, move on to someone in a completely different area of the room. This type of lingering eye contact makes your listeners feel like you’re talking just to them and also conveys confidence.

You should avoid scanning the room or gazing over the tops of people’s heads. Don’t keep looking back at the same people over and over, because this can make them uncomfortable. While you may have heard that looking at the back of the room can help you feel less nervous, this move can cause your audience to disengage from you very quickly.

Don’t speak at others, speak to them. Most people, when you make eye contact with them, will smile or offer other positive reinforcements, which can also make you feel more confident.

Move Your Hands

Your body language is just as important as the words you choose to say. Using a variety of gestures conveys energy, confidence, and warmth to your audience. Your gestures should be purposeful and related to your talk rather than distracted fidgeting or nervous habits.

 Use your hands in ways that add to your message. Practice in front of a mirror if you’re unsure of what would be appropriate.

Focus on the Situation

When speaking, it can become easy to get lost in the present moment. When you’re so focused on what you plan to say next, you forget about relaxing, breathing, or slowing down. Focusing on the present and what you’re saying right now is the only way to stay grounded and sound more confident in your speech.

Listen to your voice, and focus on each word like you mean it to keep all those other bad habits from creeping back in.

Practice, Practice, Practice

 If you want to improve your speech and sound more confident, you’ll only achieve this by practicing. The more you practice, the less nervous you’ll feel about using your new skills.
Practice allows you to work out what you want to say ahead of time, which also leaves you with less to consider at the moment. If you have to make a speech to a large group, practice with a microphone or podium, whichever you’ll have at the event so that you can feel comfortable with your hand placements and posture.

Record yourself to listen for your pitch, pacing, and pauses too. Nothing will help you improve more than practice will, so use every opportunity you have to work on feeling more confident in your speaking.

Final Thoughts

Learning to speak with confidence can help you improve your relationships with others, move ahead in your career, carry out important goals in your life, and share your knowledge and views with others. It can also help you reclaim the personal power that you’ve lost by not being confident in yourself and honoring your own needs and priorities in life.

 Like all skills, learning to speak with confidence is something you can master over time and with practice. There are many components to effective communication, including your voice’s pitch, tone, and rhythm, as well as non-verbal cues like your facial expressions and posture. Even learning to use silence and pauses can help you make your point more confidently to your listeners.

 If you want to be more confident in what you’re saying, you must believe the words you’re using and communicate a message that’s important to you. Above all else, you must be true to your values and beliefs if you want to interact confidently with others.
Practice these skills and you’ll have all your listeners believing in your confidence in no time.

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Wonders of shea butter you don't know!
    A side of its Amazingly lacal treatments, shea butter does a lots of magical, and treats skin infections like Eczema, Acne, dry skin, broken lips e.t.c are all we knew right.
 But! Do you know that organic shea butter smooth and soften your skin? You're also aware of that right?
I think you should know of this i'm about telling you if really you want to keep your skin Natural glow.
 When shea butter is whipped with essential oils such as Coconut oil, carrot oil, argan oil, olive oil, Almond oil it eventually fades away Blemishes, dark spots, Freckles and stretch mark to give you a wonderful natural and comfortably complexion.
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Monday 20 January 2020



Ina fatan duk mun san me ake nufi da warin baki? Warin baki shine wani iri doyi ko iska barar dadi da ke fitowa daga bakin dan' Adam. A gaskiya duk wanda yake fama da warin baki zai kasance yana jin kunya ko nauyin yin magana gurin taro, ko yin magana da abokan sa, sabida a duk lokacin da yai numfashi iska ta fito, tou lallai kuwa duk wanda yake kusa dashi zaiji babu dadi.
Kada daga cikin ababen da ke sanya warin baki sune kamar haka:
~Rashin shan ruwa,
~ulcer na ciki da makogoro,
~yawan cin danyen albasa,
~cin daddawa,
~rashin wanke baki, ko kurkure baki a yayinda aka gama cin abinci me dauke da su daddawa da sauran su.
  Wadannan da aka lissafo sune mafi kuma kadan daga cikin ababenda suke kawo warin baki... Tou idan ana fama da warin bakin ga yanda za'a kawo karshen sa.
  Da farko ga ababen da za'a Bukata:
~danyen citta(Ginger)
~Ruwan kal
~mint leaf.
   Ina fatan mun san duk ababen nan da aka lissafo? Kanufari shine babban makamin mu a nan! Kanufari yana maganin ababe da dama, ciki har da ciwon hakori... Ku lura kasashe ketare kamar india da sauran su, basuyin maclean ba tare da sun sanya kanufari a ciki ba. Don haka kanufari ba warin baki kawai yake magance ba, har da ciwon hakori idan aka dace.
Idan hakori na ciwo, a sami kanufari a sa a baki a tattauna(a cikin baki) idan yayi lukui, sai a ture shi daidai inda ke ciwon a barshi na dan lokaci sai a tofar, idan kuma anan fama da warin baki, maimakon a tofar sai a hadiye.

  Sa'anan za'a sami roban ruwa me kyau da marfi sai a jika kanufari, da citta, da cinnamon idan ya jiku sosai a tace a zuba ruwan kal , a sami kuma roban ruwa me kyau sai a zuba... Tou da wannan hadin ne za'a dunga kurkure baki safe da dare.
Sa'anan anfanin peppermint shine a dunga tattauna shi.

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Thursday 16 January 2020


  Episode 6
      By Aisha M. Gana

Na rasa sukini a safiyar ranar, komai nakeyi sai mafarkin nan ya dunga fado min... Duk sai na matsu Sameer ya shigo na sanar masa.
Iyaye ne na lura jikin su a mace yake, na basar ina tunanin wata kila gajiya ce bata bar jikin su ba.
Har izuwa karfe goma sha dayan safiya, Sameer bai shigo gidan mu. Wanda wata sa'in daga masallaci ya ke gangarowa yazo muyi karatu tare. Ganin haka yasa na dauki wayar (line-line) nayi kiran sa, shiru ba'a daga ba. Na dawo kan computer ta na aika masa sako, nan ma shiru...nan na futa ina fadin "ni Sameer zaiyiwa banza?"
   Jira nake hade da tsirawa hanyansa ido, amma babu alamun sa... Na kasa jurewa, na nufi gidan su.
Mahaifiyarsa ce na hanga tana tare da wasu mutane, tana hango ni ta shiga yiwa mutanen yaren su, suka bar gurin ita kuma ta nufo ni tana me murmushi muka hade.
Bayan mun gaisa, nake tambayarta, yau sameer lafiya? Nayi kiransa bai da'ga ba, kuma yau bai zo ba, jiya kuma bai fada min za shi wani gurin ba.
   Asshaahh.... Ta fada! Tare da chigaba da fadin "kin ganni ko, na sha'afa ya bar sako na baki. Bayan ya dawo daga gun ki jiya, aka yo mai waya daga can, wai ya zo. Tou da shike akwai wadanda zasu tafi gida a yau, sai aka shirya mai komai a darwn jiyan, suka kama hanya yau.
A sanyaye na dube ta tare da fadin "tou yaushe zai dawo?
Ban sani ba, amma ba zai dade ba.
Haka na koma gida jiki na a mace.....
Bayar na baro gidan su Sameer din, umman sa ta fashe da kuka "" mutuwa me yankan kauna....kuka take tana fadin mutuwa ka raba Hafsat da Sameer! Hafsat abin tausayawa ce.
Ranar dai na kasa barci, a matse nake gari ya waye, na sanarwa iyaye na su shirya mun tafiya.
Ina idar da sallah asubahi na shirya kaya cikin akwati, na fiddo takardun tafiyata.
Bayan na kimtsa na kwashi visa da sauran takardun tafiyat na nufi dakin Umma ta. Nan na tarar ba ta cikin dakin, na dawo ta mahaifi na, nan ma ba su ciki, cikin mamaki na shiga dube dube ina tunanin ina suka nufa da sanyi safiyat nan... Bayan na duba lungu da sakon gidan, na gan babu alamun su sai kawai na sa kai zuwa gidan su Sameer.
Ina kaiwa koridon da zai sada ni da dakin umman Sameer sai na hangi takalmin Umma ta... Don haka na karasa zan shiga dakin, amma maganar da naji sunayi ya bani damar dakatawa na saurare su.
Umman Sameer ce ke  fadin "hanzarta ki tafi kar ta farko baccin ta duuba ba ta ganki ba.
Uhmmm... Umma ta ta nisa hafe da fadin 'ni fa a  takure nake'
"yi hakuri, halin da yar' nan zata shiga idan ta sami labarin mutuwar Sameer  shi nake hangowa.....
Ban san yaya maganar su ta kai karshe ba, amma bude ido nayi na gan kaina a gadon Asibiti.
A takaice dai, nayi shekara ina jinya, domin kuwa na koma kamar wace ta samu tabuwar hankali. Bayan ma na sami sauki iyayena sukayi-sukayi na koma makaranta, na ki sabida babu abokin tafiyata, da haka nayi shekaru uku zaune gida, daga baya dai na koma..... Tayu ajiyar zuciya sa'anan ta ce "kaji dalilin kenan"
Cikin tausayawa ya sa hannunsa ya share mata hawayen da suka zubo mata a kunci.
"Allah sarki, wannan labarin da ban tausayi yake! Nayi maki alkawari da yardan Allahu idan da namiji kika haifa Sameer Zamu sanya masa. Allah ubangiji shi kuma Yiwa sameer rahma, yasa Aljanna makomarsa!
"Aamiin'' ta amsa.

      **      ***         ****
Allah da ikonsa, Hafsat ta haifi da' Namiji... Tou ina ganin bazan iya misalta ko baki labarin irin farin ciki da murnan da suka tsinci kansu ba, a lokacin.
Wannan da da Hafsat ta haifa, shi ne babban yayan mu "SAMEER"
  Bayan haihuwan Sameer da kamar wata biyar, akayiwa mahaifinmu transfer zuwa lagos tare da karin girma a gun aikin.
Hafsat tayi sallama da iyayenta sabida su ma din iyayen zasu koma kasar su da zama.
   Ba su jima da komawa lagos ba, yan uwan abba suka soma yo masa saki da korafi, wai ya ki kawo dan sa su gani.
  Nan wasu suka shiga jigilan zuwa, duk kwana bibbiyu, wai suna zuwa duban yaro... Ganin haka yasa mahaifinmu neman transfer zuwa Minna Niger state.
   Hafsat da danta Sameer suna samun  kyakkyawan kulawa daga wajan mahaifin mu.. Yana son sameer kamar ransa, idan da yana da iko, tou da ko ku'da ba zai taba yaya Sameer ba.
Suna zamar lafiyar su, abokiyar (kishiyar) kakan mu ta kawo shawaran da ya dace auri wace suke yare daya (watau bagwara kenan) wai shine mutuncin sa. Bayan da mahaifin mu ya sami labarin haka, yace masu shi mata daya ta ishe shi, kuma suna zamar lafiyar su don haka a janye maganar nan.
Ita dai mahaifiyat mahaifinmu (kakar mu kenan) ba ta ce komai ba, sai kishiyarta ce ta shiga babatu harda yar kwalanta wai don ba itace ta haife she a cikin ta ba shi yasa shawaran ta bai zaman masa dole ba..... Kin ji fa!
Mahaifin mu ba ya kaunar yagan ya sabawa iyayensa, balle har su kai ga zubda hawaye akan sa, don haka dole ya amince ba don yana so ba.
 Hajiya Asabe, watau kishiyar kakan tamu itace da kanta ta zabawa mahaifin mu mata.
Diyar kanwar ta da suke uba daya me suna Rakiya( wace a yanzun muke kira Mummy) itace aka aurawa mahaifin mu.
  Tun zuwan Rakiya zama yaki dadi... Zaman lafiya da kwanciyar hankali ya bar gidan mahaifin mu.
Hafsat ba ta jin dadin zaman gidan kwata kwata, ga shairi da makirci wasu abun ma a gaban Abba akeyi mata, amma kuma bashi da ikon magana.
Kowa yasan Mummy ta Asirce Mahaifin mu.
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Saturday 11 January 2020


    Dimples are those adorable little indentations on your cheeks. They are caused by puckering of the muscle under the skin when you smile. Your chick muscle is called  th e BUCCINATORS.
Dimples are heredity, if one or both of your parents have dimples, then you may get them too.
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Tuesday 7 January 2020


   There are many ways to achieve a smooth and clear skin. This is a beauty secret you're yet to discover.
Now, i' shall unveil it to you. For a clear, smooth and soft skin, Natural African skincare product like sandalwood and black soap have proven to be safe and effective.
Now things you need:
1. Black soap
2. Sandalwood
3. Cocoabutter
4. Sheabutter
5. Coconut oil
6. Egg yolk.
7. Milk
8. Honey
9. Lime
10. Vit. E oil.
11. Crusader bar soap.

Smash crusader soap using mota and pestle, add black soap beat until smooth.
Add all the above mentioned, and pound.
You can add preservatives.
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Sunday 5 January 2020


 Episode 5
    By Aisha Gana(Ganarious).

   Ita dai wannan baiwar Allah yar' kasar Maxico ce. Mahaifinta Muhammad Ali shine dan asalin maxico, mahaifiyar ta kuwa yar' kasar yamen ce.
Su biyu kacal iyayen ta suka haifa, ita ce babba sai kaninta. Mahaifinta  Ambasador ne na maxico zuwa Nigeria. (A shekarun baya.)
  Da farko iyayenta basu yi marhaba da zancen ba, amma da shike basu son bacin ran ta, haka yasa don dolen su suka amince.
Bayan auren Hafsat da mahaifin mu, wasu kofofin arziki suka budewa mahaifin mu, arzikinsa ya bunkasa na ban mamaki shi kan sa tsoro ya kan kamashi idan ya duba ya gani.
A wannan shekarat mutanen gomasha bakwai mahaifin mu ya biyawa aikin hajji. Ya yi gine-ginen shaguna da gidaje ya baiwa wasu kyauta, sannan kuma an saka yan haya.
 Tun da sukayi aure bata  taba zuwa garin mahaifin mu ba, sai da tayi shekara daya da watanni uku, alokacin tana da shigen ciki... Sai dai daga ita har mahaifin mu babu wanda ya sani.
Yan uwan mahaifinmu sunyi farin cikin ganinta, mutanen gari kuwa sai tururin zuwa ganin baturiya sukai.
 Satin su biyu suka koma.
Sunyi murna sosai sa'anda aka sanar masu Hafsat na dauke da ciki. Basu da wani buri da ya wuci su gan ranar haihuwa da kuma dan da zata haifa... Yau ma kamar kulum, tana zaune da mahaifin mu "ya ce Boy or girl" da shike haka suke yi kulum!
Kai ma kasan Boy nake ra'ayi ai, tayi murmushi hade da jan kuncinsa! Duk wanda Allah ya kawo ina son..
Shima Mahaifin mu ya murmusa yana me mata kollon so da kauna.
Ta sake duban sa ta ce ka san me?
A'a sai kin fada ya maida mata.
Idan har Boy din na haifa, ina neman alfarma da a sanya masa suna SAMEER.
Na Amince, amman sai kin fada mu dalili.
 Ta numfasa, tare da gyara zama sa'anan sa soma bashi labari. "tun muna yara jinin mu ya hadu. Watau da Sameer . Mun shaku sosai. Sameer dai dan makwabcin mu ne shi, mahaifinsa shima Ambasadon Jidda ne zuwa Nigeria.
A tare muke zuwa makaranta, komai tare mukeyi kamar su Assignment da sauransu. A lokacin ni kadai ce iyayena suka haifa, shi kuma a gidan su su biyu ne.
Sameer uztazu ne sosai, ko mahaifiyarsa tayi ba daidai ba, sai ya ce "Allah ya hani kaza da kaza"
Shakuwar mu ta kai ga har idan muka yi hutu, sai mu je kasar mu tare, wani hutun mu je nasu. Ba ka ta ba jin fadar mu, sai akan rashin daura dankwali. A cikin hirarakin mu sai ya ce idan matar sa ta haifa masa ya' mace sai ya sanya mata suna na, ni ma nace masa zan sanyawa da' na Sameer.
    Ranar wata alhamis, na tashi da rashin kwarin jiki sakamakon mafarkin da nayi. A mafarkin wai Sameer ne sanye da fararen kaya, sai murmushi yakeyi, na maida masa hade da fadin wannan murmushin fa? " ya shafe kaina, hade da bude baki zaiyi magana sai wata katuwar tsuntsuwa ta dauke shi... Ihu nake, ina kiran sunarsa, ga shi wai cikin jeji ne, ni kadai ke jejin tsoro duk ya mamaye ni, ina me ihun kiran sunan sa.... Firgigit! Na mike, jiki na sharkaf da zufa. Nan nayi zaune ina me mamakin wannan mafarkin.
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Saturday 4 January 2020



   Eight months ago, my hair was damaged. It has all broken. Each time i combed the hair, the comber is filled up with bunch of hair. So, i decided to stop using relaxers on the hair.
I decided to start a fresh journey there by changing the tips and style of my hair care.

Then, the journey began.
I wanted to get rid of my dandruff, i wanted to regrow the edges of my hair, i wanted a soften, silky hair and brighten dark hair🤗.
Treating dandruff wasn't so easy, even when it can't
completely live.

Ginger, onions and clove juice is what i normaly spray my hair with.
    Growing the edges again is something that's very simple. First, i stop plaiting my front hair tightly.

and i always keep it moisturized with essential oils.
Also, for my steaming i always used Avocado and banana to steam.
   For my hair cream, i do it my self, which i thinks make my hair to grow faster after 8 months of stopping relaxation.
 I got a cream called JET, and coconut oil,carrot oil, lavender oil, Avocado oil, vitamin E oil, olive oil, and my unrefined sheabutter, and pawpaw seed powder.. I mixed all and whipped making it creamy, and keep on applying the mixture on my hair.
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Wednesday 1 January 2020



This is a wonderful and Amazing body scrub you can Do it your self to maintain your skin, smoothen, and soften.
If you've been wishing to have baby skin, then you give this a try.

Things you need:
1. Wall nut powder
2. Honey extract
3. Glycerin
4. Aloe vera gel
5. Almond powder
6. Olive oil
7. Apricot oil

~Get a clean bowl, measure 3 table spoon into the bowl.
~Add 2 table spoon of Almond powder,
~Add 1 table spoon of your honey, Aloe vera gel, Glycerin, Apricot oil and olive oil.
Mix thoroughly until it become paste.
Scrub your body with small amount day and night.
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Designed by Jide Ogunsanya.