
Wednesday 1 December 2021


 Dear lovers and soon to be couples, 

  Have you check out these or consider checking on these? 

I will love to share with you little important things to do or check before agreeing to get married to each other.

Do not over look or shun this because of your personal interest. Remember what marriage is. 

So, think if he/she truly loves you, and would want you to be his/future partner, then the two should know about their Medical (tests) results before the relationship goes deeper. You know why? 

When it has gotten deeper, lovers hardly let go of each other. They will say to themselves "No sickness can separate us" And then they take  a risky journey. 

Please don't! 

The most important thing to do before saying "yes I do" Is to go for some medical tests. Those tests are;

1- Genotype Test, 

2- Fertility test, 

3- Hepatitis B and C, 

4- Blood group test, 

5- HIV and AIDS test, 

6- STD 

7- Thalassaemia test, 

8- Mental health assessment. 

1- Genotype Test. 

To me, I think this is the most important thing to know about each other even before the relationship went deeper. So it would not be difficult to split up if it happens that the two are not fit to marry each other.

  If you don't do it while in a relationship, then you should do it before tying the knot. Knowing your genotype will save you from lots of trouble and prevent story that touches the heart. 

  Dear lovers, please don't be selfish. Do this for the sake of your future kids. 

2- Fertility Test. 

It's very important for the couple to be go for fertility test together. Through the fertility test, the doctor can be able to discover if there would be infertility problem after the marriage. 

Infertility can be caused by:

~ some kinds of medicine consumed

~ smoking cigarettes

~ alcohol or drugs

~ having contact with chemicals. 

~ toxin or radiation. 

Dear women, especially women in Nigeria. We all know the kinds of Drama a woman with infertility faces in her husband's house, and from his family too. To avoid the future drama and depression/anxiety it would Cause you, please go for fertility test before the marriage. For your health sake, it's important to improve the quality of your life. 

3- HIV

We all know that HIV isn't only gotten when one had sexual intercourse. It can be gotten from sharing of sharp objects. 

It's advice the both should go for HIV test together. 

4- thalassemia test

Thalassemia is a blood disorder. When two people with thalassemia carriers marry and have children, there is one in four chances of having a thalassamia baby at every conception. 

5- Blood group test. 

Blood group help determine the genes your babies would inherit from you. 

6- mental health assessment! 

It's important both of the couple to be go to see a psychologist. 

STD and Hepatitis C and B. 

These two are dangerous. It's sad this two are never taken serious. 

Dear young man/woman, how often do you check on your health status? The above mentioned is so important that you have to check on it often not because you're getting married. 

You health and wellness should come first. 

There are also many things to check out before saying yes. 

There are also signs and red flag you should not ignore. 

I hope you find that someone who is perfect for your health. 

Happy married life dear!

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