
Friday 3 December 2021


You're overwhelmed because you've been trying hard, and everything seems not to be working out as expected... 

Hey dear, have this at the back of your mind that this CONTENT is going to be a tool that would make things right for you again. 

Everyone on Instagram wants enormous amount of followers. It often annoyed them when it takes time to get any. Especially, those who are purposely there for business. It's overwhelming when  you are not get followers, sales and engagements. 

Hey there, worry not! I love learning, and love sharing knowledge, and that's just the reason why I created this content. So after the read make sure you would have to apply every you come across on your Instagram management. 

Instagram has been one of the root of digital marketing. But also one of the difficult channel to get engagements, unless if you are doing it right. 

   People who are doing it right are really making cash and cool money there. So what is it they are doing that you not getting? 

Let's see! 

First! How is your profile created? Is it professional and attractive? 

Well if it not, then I will say you should work on it right now, right this moment. 

•your profile is your identity. 

~ make sure you put up a clear profile picture. 

~ your bio. Your bio should be stating what you do, and everything about you or your business. You can add to your bio, the link to your website, and some important highlight.

Second, I will remind you of this. Instagram isn't like Facebook. On Instagram, you need to improve the quality of "SNAPPING" Of your products. 

People on Instagram wants to see goo

Products SNAPPING idea

d and fancy photos. It attracts them a lot to your page.

~packaging, branding/rebranding, innovation. These is what most of the failed business owners are not taking serious. Aside from taking a good picture of your products, you need to package them beautifully. You need to be learning how to keep rebranding, and innovating your products. If not, Instagram people will looked away, and pretend not to see you. 

Packaging idea 


Here, your headlines should be the driving force. Create headlines that Attracts. 

Then you can go ahead and create quality body content that tells what problems your products are actually solving. 

Now let's dive into the tips that can fetch you FOLLOWERS, MAKES MORE SALES, and GET MORE ENGAGEMENTS. 

1- Find out your competitor that are selling similar products like yours. 

~Be in there comment section, like and reply to their customers comment. 

~ check on their followers, pick 5-7 of their followers, go to their profile and like/comment on 3 of their photos. 

~ if possible DM them. 

These people are likely to be your potential customers. Some   will follow you back, and you'll be noticed. 

2- #Hashtags.

Hashtag is a strong tools that attracts your ideal customers. It helps to grow your page, and and get more sale. For me personally, this is what I've been using to generate followers. I'd never posted without using any hashtag. If it has work for me, it really will work for you, if you apply it appropriately. 

So now, this is how you should use hashtag to get visible.

Before then;

~ check on your competitors hashtags to get an idea of what works and what doesn't. 

~ use relevant hashtags

~ check on insight to see how they are performing. 

~ avoid using Banned hashtags

~ create your branded hashtags. 

So now, the question is, where should you put the hashtag? 

Use your hashtag in your CAPTIONS. Not in the comments section, if you do that, then they won't be visible. 

Use a combination of hashtags that will get you maximum organic reach and increase visibility. 


Products/service hashtags = #whiteningcream

Niche hashtags= #skincareproducts

Seasonal hashtags= #harmattancream

Location hashtags= #Abuja 

Branded hashtags= #ganariousdermalcare.

Now, if you use all of the above mentioned hashtags in your caption, there is 99% assurance that your products will reach out to those who are interested in the above tagged hashtags. 

3- power of Reviews. 

Collect feed backs and testimonials photos from your customers, and repost on your timeline. If possible, ask for a repost from your family and friends. Reviews encourages people to want to try your products. It ginger the interest and make them want to buy from you as well. 

4- Follow Instagram influencers, community pages.

Give in your best commenting on their post. Make sure you gives brilliant and impactful comment. People will like your comments, check on your profile, and they likely would follow you. 

5-  power of giveaways!

This, has been a tool, many business owners on Instagram are holding on to. 

They announce giveaways with a rewarding tips. 

For instance they will say "products worth #20000 for give away. To qualify for this, 

a- invite people to like your comments, and those people would have to follow us. 

b- repost this content

c- mention 10 who should see this.

 For God sakes take a look at this excellent strategy? Imagine the amount of people who would be invited! Imagine how the content will reach out to people. If you are Nigerian, please hold on tight on this strategy, Nigerian love giveaways. 

6- share knowledge. 

Educate your audience about health, marital and relationship issues, D.I.Y. tips and more.

It's should not be about your products always. 

Often, ask about their well being. 

Create engagements/polls

Share news or gossips

Share your story. 

The amount of engagements you will get will surely shock you. Some will even tag some of their friends they be like "come and see oo" 

7- if you can afford to, pay an influencer to model for you. 

8- collaboration

If you are into clothing, collab with the person who is into shoes/bags or anything that has to do with fashion. 

You two should work together. 

Get a model to wear and help showcase your products. 

9- use of fine graphic designs. 

10- location. 

Above all CONSISTENCY! The strongest force in human personality is to stay consist. Post daily. Post fresh content. 

Is there anything I should add?

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