
Tuesday 14 March 2023


 The power of Because when writing to persuade.

"Because, is a persuasive word that explains why.

The power of Because: this seemingly innocuous word is the poster child for persuasive writing.

You may mistakenly think that "because" is forceful or pushy. Or it is too simple to make much of a difference. Not so!

"Because" gives a reason why
"Because" offers benefits
"Because" is stronger with you

The word "because" is so powerful for one simple reason. It explain why.

Why does giving a reason make a difference in persuading readers?

Because people resist change. They keep doing what they normally do unless you give them a reason to do something different.

By using "because" you give them that reason.

What is especially interesting is that the reason you give doesn't matter all that much. (Of course, if you're a good writer you'll give a compelling reason.)

The power of Because: it's Documented!

A well known 1978 study by Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer demonstrates the "power of because" the research data was collected at a busy college campus copy center back in the day when copies were made at a Xerox machine rather than by personal printer. The center was notorious for its perpetual waiting line.

Study participants asked those waiting in line one of three of these carefully worded questions. Notice the percentage of positive responses to each one.

Using the word "because" and giving a reason produces a significantly higher positive response in persuading people to do something than when there was no "because" and no reason even when the reason is not compelling, as in "because I need to buy..."

Bottom line: people respond when you give them an explanation or a reason why.

So use "because" to explain why.

In writing use "because" as a connector to make a start or a request.
Follow by an explanation.

Here are a few examples:
  1. Give face oil to Zarah because...
  2. Fatima uses this because...
  3. I like oriflame products better than Bismid because...
  4. If you like Facebook, you'll like Instagram because...
  5. You don't want to miss this offer because...
  6. I need your help with the course because...
  7. Try the face wash because your face is...

Give a compelling reason after "because"

Preferably, teh reason you give is compelling one that offers benefits.

Double power of Because

Used together, these two words are even more persuasive than they are on their own: "because" and "you"

~"because" by it self, gives the reader an objective reason why
~But because combined with "you" makes the reason personal.

If you're writing to persuade, always try to use "because"... Because it's a word that gives the reader a reason to say yes.

This is applicable to when writing a sale copy for your products.

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