
Tuesday 7 December 2021


 The magic dried lemon does in helping to burnout belly fact. 

Many people throw away lemon when it got dried. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a great benefits. 

Check out those great benefits dried lemon has, and hence, from today, on one should throw away dried lemon even if it has happened to turn to stone 

Dried lemon

~ it's used in slimming recipes. Body slimming, especially the belly area fat quickly and effectively. (If you want this result, boil the lemon and drink after meal)

~ it remove body waste and toxins

~ it contain large amount of Vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to bacteria. 

~ purify the blood. 

~ fever treatment (severe heat rise) 

~ it is used to treat acute diarrhea and stop it immediately. 

~ it is used to treat dandruff. 

~ strengthen the stomach and intestines. 

~ strengthen the muscle of the heart. 

~ taken for pain and headache. 

~ heals abnormal heartbeat. 

~ purifies blood.

~ remove liver toxins. 

~ expand the arteries and reduces triple fat. 

~ remedy for dizziness. 

~ it's of great benefits to pregnant woman after birth to compensate for what she lost from Vitamin c, and to increase her resistance to exhaustion caused by child birth and breastfeeding. 

How to use:

Boil one dried lemon in a cup of  100mm water and drink once in a day, after breakfast or lunch.

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Friday 3 December 2021


Have you ever wondered why the celebrities nothing in your country and other countries look Young than their age? 

Most a time, you will be surprise hearing that a celebrity is older than you, but physically look younger than you. 

Here is the secret! 


Yes! Exercising. They know the relevance of doing that. So they've make it to be part of their lives. 

Exercise is important. It's makes you look younger than your age, improve your mental and physical wellness. 

~its a real energy booster

~ it's build and maintain a strong muscle and bones. 

~ chances of not getting some diseases. 

It's reduces body pain, relax your system and firm your skin! Oh WOW... Is this not amazing? 

However, while you do exercise, watch what you consumes. 

Eat healthy, eat vegetables and fruits. 

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You're overwhelmed because you've been trying hard, and everything seems not to be working out as expected... 

Hey dear, have this at the back of your mind that this CONTENT is going to be a tool that would make things right for you again. 

Everyone on Instagram wants enormous amount of followers. It often annoyed them when it takes time to get any. Especially, those who are purposely there for business. It's overwhelming when  you are not get followers, sales and engagements. 

Hey there, worry not! I love learning, and love sharing knowledge, and that's just the reason why I created this content. So after the read make sure you would have to apply every you come across on your Instagram management. 

Instagram has been one of the root of digital marketing. But also one of the difficult channel to get engagements, unless if you are doing it right. 

   People who are doing it right are really making cash and cool money there. So what is it they are doing that you not getting? 

Let's see! 

First! How is your profile created? Is it professional and attractive? 

Well if it not, then I will say you should work on it right now, right this moment. 

•your profile is your identity. 

~ make sure you put up a clear profile picture. 

~ your bio. Your bio should be stating what you do, and everything about you or your business. You can add to your bio, the link to your website, and some important highlight.

Second, I will remind you of this. Instagram isn't like Facebook. On Instagram, you need to improve the quality of "SNAPPING" Of your products. 

People on Instagram wants to see goo

Products SNAPPING idea

d and fancy photos. It attracts them a lot to your page.

~packaging, branding/rebranding, innovation. These is what most of the failed business owners are not taking serious. Aside from taking a good picture of your products, you need to package them beautifully. You need to be learning how to keep rebranding, and innovating your products. If not, Instagram people will looked away, and pretend not to see you. 

Packaging idea 


Here, your headlines should be the driving force. Create headlines that Attracts. 

Then you can go ahead and create quality body content that tells what problems your products are actually solving. 

Now let's dive into the tips that can fetch you FOLLOWERS, MAKES MORE SALES, and GET MORE ENGAGEMENTS. 

1- Find out your competitor that are selling similar products like yours. 

~Be in there comment section, like and reply to their customers comment. 

~ check on their followers, pick 5-7 of their followers, go to their profile and like/comment on 3 of their photos. 

~ if possible DM them. 

These people are likely to be your potential customers. Some   will follow you back, and you'll be noticed. 

2- #Hashtags.

Hashtag is a strong tools that attracts your ideal customers. It helps to grow your page, and and get more sale. For me personally, this is what I've been using to generate followers. I'd never posted without using any hashtag. If it has work for me, it really will work for you, if you apply it appropriately. 

So now, this is how you should use hashtag to get visible.

Before then;

~ check on your competitors hashtags to get an idea of what works and what doesn't. 

~ use relevant hashtags

~ check on insight to see how they are performing. 

~ avoid using Banned hashtags

~ create your branded hashtags. 

So now, the question is, where should you put the hashtag? 

Use your hashtag in your CAPTIONS. Not in the comments section, if you do that, then they won't be visible. 

Use a combination of hashtags that will get you maximum organic reach and increase visibility. 


Products/service hashtags = #whiteningcream

Niche hashtags= #skincareproducts

Seasonal hashtags= #harmattancream

Location hashtags= #Abuja 

Branded hashtags= #ganariousdermalcare.

Now, if you use all of the above mentioned hashtags in your caption, there is 99% assurance that your products will reach out to those who are interested in the above tagged hashtags. 

3- power of Reviews. 

Collect feed backs and testimonials photos from your customers, and repost on your timeline. If possible, ask for a repost from your family and friends. Reviews encourages people to want to try your products. It ginger the interest and make them want to buy from you as well. 

4- Follow Instagram influencers, community pages.

Give in your best commenting on their post. Make sure you gives brilliant and impactful comment. People will like your comments, check on your profile, and they likely would follow you. 

5-  power of giveaways!

This, has been a tool, many business owners on Instagram are holding on to. 

They announce giveaways with a rewarding tips. 

For instance they will say "products worth #20000 for give away. To qualify for this, 

a- invite people to like your comments, and those people would have to follow us. 

b- repost this content

c- mention 10 who should see this.

 For God sakes take a look at this excellent strategy? Imagine the amount of people who would be invited! Imagine how the content will reach out to people. If you are Nigerian, please hold on tight on this strategy, Nigerian love giveaways. 

6- share knowledge. 

Educate your audience about health, marital and relationship issues, D.I.Y. tips and more.

It's should not be about your products always. 

Often, ask about their well being. 

Create engagements/polls

Share news or gossips

Share your story. 

The amount of engagements you will get will surely shock you. Some will even tag some of their friends they be like "come and see oo" 

7- if you can afford to, pay an influencer to model for you. 

8- collaboration

If you are into clothing, collab with the person who is into shoes/bags or anything that has to do with fashion. 

You two should work together. 

Get a model to wear and help showcase your products. 

9- use of fine graphic designs. 

10- location. 

Above all CONSISTENCY! The strongest force in human personality is to stay consist. Post daily. Post fresh content. 

Is there anything I should add?

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Wednesday 1 December 2021


 Dear lovers and soon to be couples, 

  Have you check out these or consider checking on these? 

I will love to share with you little important things to do or check before agreeing to get married to each other.

Do not over look or shun this because of your personal interest. Remember what marriage is. 

So, think if he/she truly loves you, and would want you to be his/future partner, then the two should know about their Medical (tests) results before the relationship goes deeper. You know why? 

When it has gotten deeper, lovers hardly let go of each other. They will say to themselves "No sickness can separate us" And then they take  a risky journey. 

Please don't! 

The most important thing to do before saying "yes I do" Is to go for some medical tests. Those tests are;

1- Genotype Test, 

2- Fertility test, 

3- Hepatitis B and C, 

4- Blood group test, 

5- HIV and AIDS test, 

6- STD 

7- Thalassaemia test, 

8- Mental health assessment. 

1- Genotype Test. 

To me, I think this is the most important thing to know about each other even before the relationship went deeper. So it would not be difficult to split up if it happens that the two are not fit to marry each other.

  If you don't do it while in a relationship, then you should do it before tying the knot. Knowing your genotype will save you from lots of trouble and prevent story that touches the heart. 

  Dear lovers, please don't be selfish. Do this for the sake of your future kids. 

2- Fertility Test. 

It's very important for the couple to be go for fertility test together. Through the fertility test, the doctor can be able to discover if there would be infertility problem after the marriage. 

Infertility can be caused by:

~ some kinds of medicine consumed

~ smoking cigarettes

~ alcohol or drugs

~ having contact with chemicals. 

~ toxin or radiation. 

Dear women, especially women in Nigeria. We all know the kinds of Drama a woman with infertility faces in her husband's house, and from his family too. To avoid the future drama and depression/anxiety it would Cause you, please go for fertility test before the marriage. For your health sake, it's important to improve the quality of your life. 

3- HIV

We all know that HIV isn't only gotten when one had sexual intercourse. It can be gotten from sharing of sharp objects. 

It's advice the both should go for HIV test together. 

4- thalassemia test

Thalassemia is a blood disorder. When two people with thalassemia carriers marry and have children, there is one in four chances of having a thalassamia baby at every conception. 

5- Blood group test. 

Blood group help determine the genes your babies would inherit from you. 

6- mental health assessment! 

It's important both of the couple to be go to see a psychologist. 

STD and Hepatitis C and B. 

These two are dangerous. It's sad this two are never taken serious. 

Dear young man/woman, how often do you check on your health status? The above mentioned is so important that you have to check on it often not because you're getting married. 

You health and wellness should come first. 

There are also many things to check out before saying yes. 

There are also signs and red flag you should not ignore. 

I hope you find that someone who is perfect for your health. 

Happy married life dear!

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Meet a young beautiful lady with a stubborn hustling spirit.

Founder:  MUZAI

On the 20th of November 2021, Ganarious Blog had an online interview with Zainab Musa Rijau. An entrepreneur who we hope her story will be soure of inspiration to other young girls. 

  Zainab Musa Rijau, who often refers herself as "Future Yar'gote" (Because of how optimistic she is) is an entrepreneur, a hustler, and a goal getter who has refused to give up, despite some of the situations, and challenges life had thrown at her.

Tell us About yourself (your Education and family background,tribe, and state of origin) 

My name is Zainab Musa Rijau. Also known as Hajiya Abu. I'm from Rijau local government in Niger State of Nigeria. I am Dukkawa by tribe, born and raised in Minna, capital city of Niger State. I attended both my primary and secondary school in Federal Government Staff School Minna. I went ahead and studied Biology/Chemistry at Niger State College of Education Minna. Currently, I am pursuing my BED degree program under Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida  University studying Counselling/psychology. 

Marital status

Single and not searching. 

Ganarious blog is interviewing you, because we've learned that you are a HUSTLER and a Business owner. Can you tell us how it all started?

it all started when I was pursuing my N.C.E program. Although, I grew seeing my mothers doing small scale business, I mean, selling all kinds of small-small stuffs. I think that was were I got my Entrepreneurship skills and confidence from.

My hustling spirit began during my N.C.E program. I had a thought about how to kept on multiplying my "Pocket Money"  and idea of Buying and selling came into my head, so I used my pocket money to buy few "Made in Aba" Wears, and then I resell. The gain was between a #100-#200, I was being thankful and saved from the little I was making, and then I decided to expand the sale. So I ventured into selling of fairly used imported clothes which is known as "Gwanjo"

  Gwanjo market day is usually on Saturdays. So every Saturday, I will be in the market early so if the bale is opened, I will be lucky to select and picked quality clothes. The business was moving fine, until people began to buy clothes on credit. Most of them used to delayed the payments that I almost gave up, but I didn't. Instead, it paved away for me to began drop shipping, till date. 

How I was able to start and owned my Business: After my I'd graduated from the college, the journey of staying idle started. I mean, staying at home doing absolutely nothing. So I thought to myself that I'm supposed to get something doing, something to keep me busy. So I applied for teaching in a private school, and I got accepted. This, interrupted in my buying and selling because of inadequate of time. However,  I later resigned from the private school I was teaching, and luckily, I got a part-time job in a secondary school. So then, my buying and selling hustle continued. I engage in selling varieties of stuff. So many things. With the little I was gaining, I enrolled for cosmetology training. I'd learnt so many ways shea butter can be refined and turned into cosmetic such as cream, lotion, hair cream and many more. So I started producing and packaging my own products. I'd also trained so many people. 

MUZAI instant cereal meal. 

What pushed you to began hustling/ that which brought out the hustling spirit in you? 

Well, like I said before, after my N.C.E program ended, I began to stayed at home doing nothing. I also do not have any source income then, because I'd stopped the buying and selling due to people not paying me. It was for a mean time though... So then it has gotten to a time that I do not have a #10 of my own. So I used to borrowed from my siblings.

But then, seeing my dad being down, and my mum and her co-partner struggling to keep everything going, I felt it was time I started contributing. As an adult, I should not be adding more burden on them. 

How did you came up with the business name MUZAI? 

Well, the inspiration behind my Business name was from the love I have for my Dad. His name is Musa. So the first two alphabets of his name that is "MU"  And first three of mine "ZAI" Were added. It therefore  formed "MUZAI"

MUZAI Beans flour

Who are your greatest supporters in your business?

My family of course. They've been my greatest supporters ever since I started. Shout-out to them. 

The founders father whose name was the inspiration behind MUZAI

Founder of MUZAI and her sisters

Have you ever had a thought of giving up on your business, due to some challenges? If yes, how did you overcome the challenges?

Yes! So many times. It has not been long that I a thought of giving up. Like, sometimes some challenges seems unbearable, and one will think giving up is the solution. But then it's not. 

Actually, my thoughts do rotate. After having a thought for giving up, my thought will rotate to motivating and warning me not to.

MUZAI Rice and Maize Grit

Your weakness and strength (when it comes to your business).

My weakness is, when my products had stayed long, without being purchased. It weakens me. And, my strength is Allah. Allah has been my strength, and always been putting me through. Along the way my supportive family. Shout-out to them. 

What is your greatest achievement so far? 

Alhamdulillah so far. My achievements in my business are countless. The greatest of all so far is building me to become an independent lady. This give me joy and happiness. At least I won't be a reliability. Also, reducing the burden on my parents. I am not a kind of lady that rely on men, or beg people to help pay for my bills. I think this is one of the greater achievement, being able to pay for my bills.

Again, my business has connected me to people who I'd never thought I will have a good and respectable relationship with, people of high profile. 

What are you proud of in your business?

My customers, who have always been supportive. 

What motivate you/keep you going?

My parents

Is there a book or story that inspires you? 

Well, no! I really do not like reading books. So I can say I am an inspiration myself. 

How do you build a customer relationship?

I always try to stay calm and patient. We all know to what extent some customers approach can be. They can be annoying often, so I always control my temper. 

Where do you advertise your products, and how can one easily get it? 

social media. 

On Facebook, it's Musa Zainab Rijau.

On WhatsApp, it's +2348170482469

As a girl hustler who knows what she want, and never stop chasing, what advice do you have for young girls who are being lazy and depending on their boyfriends for every bills and needs? In other words, how would you tell them to stop being a reliability?

From the way things are going, I think girls are waking little by little. So I will say this to those who are still depending on their men(boyfriends) to help pay their bills, that there is joy in getting and having your own money. I also want to remind them that, so often, nothing goes for free. They pay for your bills, they ask for dirty things in return. 

How would you describe the relevance of your story to being an inspiration for other young girls? 

Well, I think the relevance of my story is to serve as an inspiration for girls like me. If I can do it, you also can do it. All you need is a mindset and dedication. 

Do you have any message, quote, or words of encouragements you will like to pass across anyone who come across this interview?

First! I will say to them never to give up. Build yourself. Be consistent in your business, learn how to move your business forward.

Let me what the 3p's of entrepreneurs means. 

1st P = patience (success don't happen over night. So you have to be patience enough to trust the process) 

2nd P= persistence (you have to be strong enough to not let go because of a mistakes. Instead, learn from your mistakes, and correct the process) 

3rd P= passion (of course you have to love what you're doing. If you don't, hOw else do you expect others to? So love what you do). 

And, for those who want to start up a business, but do not know how, be free to contact me on the above information. I will always be available to put you through. Even if you don't have a capital to begin with. 

So far, Alhamdulillah! All praises and Gratitude are for Allah who has been putting me through. 


My products so far are;

1- MUZAI KUNU (instant cereal meal powder) 

2- MUZAI pepper spices


4- MUZAI rice and maize Grit.

Lastly, I want to say thank you so much Ganarious blog for featuring me. It's such an honor. 

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