
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Un-name story.

    Godiya da yabo sun tabbata ga ubagijin talikai,mai rahma mai jin kai,mai amsa addu'ar wanda ya rokeshi.

Wannan takaitacen labari'a Samata suna ba sabida marubuciyar tanason ji ra'ayin'ana duk wace ta karanta ta kuma fahimci wani abu daga wannan labarin sai ta sa mata sunar da duk tagan ta dace da ita(akan  fahimtarta)..da haka zatayi anfani da "majority' respond daga makaranta,don sanyawa littafin suna dakuma yin ful version din..zaku iya droping comments/contributions da kuma sunar da kuka gan ya dace da littafin a 👉🏼
Godiya nake.😇

this short story  is been dedicated to the honest women in the world. GAISUWAR SADA
*Zuwa makaranta,
*the good women &
*all others,Assalamu-alaikum.
Biye take dashi a hankali ba tare da ya lura ko fahimci haka ba.

Arkilla suka nufa,duk dai tana biye dashi..tayi mamaki ganin sun sha kwanar junction din gidansu kaka..sai kuma ta basar tare da yin hamdala,ko ba komai gidan sauki na zo domin kuwa zan su binciko min yarinyar da officer ke zuwa gunta.

Tunda suka kuno kai ta rage binsa,tana dan nesa dashi...
Dai-dai kofar gidan kaka yayi parking,itama guri ta samu tayi parking tana me kara mamakinsa na parking gidan kaka.
Tana cikin mamaki,sai ta hangi wata kamar JUWAYRIYAH tare da wata sun fito daga cikin gidan kaka.

Ta fito daga motan tayi dan taku kadan daga inda tayi parking zuwa gaba,tana son ta tabbatar ne ko JUWAYRIYANCE..

tabbas itace don kamar ance ta juyo,ita wacce suke tare ta wuce abinta,ita kuma JUWAYRIYAH ta shige motan officer.

Ta dade tsaye tana mamaki abinda ya kawo officer gun JUWAYRIYAH...Tayi kutta tare da fadin zaki gane kuranki,watau ma dake za'a hada kai a cutar dani ko!.daman kinsan wacce officer ke zuwa gurinta amma baki ta'ba sanar dani ba ko?
Ita kadai ke surutun ta..tana gamawa ta shiga motar ta ta tayar.
A guje ta shigo gidan tana me kwalawa kaka kira da karfinta...kaka..kaka...kaka!!
Tana shiga falon ta tarar da ita zaune tayi tagumi.
Hannu ta sa tacire tagumin tana yarfa mata bundir din dubu daddayan da ke hannunta.
Cikin farinciki tace kaka ga wata dubu darin kuma,tana fadin haka tana shafawa kakar kudin a kuncinta.

Ita kuwa kaka sai binta take da ido.
Guri ta samu ta zauna tana facing kakar tace"inayi maki magana kin kyaleni"

Ajiyar zuciya kaka tayi tace yar nan na fada maki kar ki yi haka,wallahi anty hafsatu bata cancanci haka daga garemu ba.
Kiyi hankuri ki bar zancen wannan mutumin,Allah zai kawo maki wanda ya fishi

Kai kaka!so nawa zani fada maki da ki daina damuwa da zance anty hafsat!.don kawai ta taimaka  mana sai ace kar muji dadin rayuwa..toh gaskiya sabida ita bazan yi denying abinda nake so ba..besides shi ya ganni yace yana so.
Sa'anan da ya je ya auri wata bazan daga waje tazo ta cutar da ita ai gwara ni na shiga ma'ana ya aureni..kinga ba yanda za'ayi na cutar da ita ok?..ta dagawa kakar gira..
"Duk da hakan dai hankalina bai kwanta ba"inji kakar.

Ta yamutsa fuska tace "bari na fadamaki kaka,idan zaki kwantar da hankalinki ki jidadin sauran kwanakin da suka rage maki,ki kwantar.duniyar ce daman kuma haka ta ga'da. abinda anty hafsat zatayi mana da ya wuci ta yi fushi ko ta yanke zumunci da mu,bayan nan kuma fa?..ta yarfa hannu tana me kallon fuskar kakar tace "Babu".

Ajiyar zuciya kakar ta sake yi ba tare da tace wani abu ba.

JUWAYRIYAH ta mike zuwa daki,ta fito rike da wayarta...Aminiyarta ta nemo,bugu daya zuwa biyu ta dauka.bayan sun gama gaisuwasu irin ta shakiyannan take tanbayar kawarta yaushe zata shigo ne.
daga dayan bangaren  take sanar da ita cewan"nifa a bushe nake,bana maganin sisi.
..."kar ki badani mana" kamar ba nice aminiyarki ba" ai idan na samu kamar kin samu kenan.

..kai kawalli! ji kamshi wani abu daga wannan furucin.

Cikin dariya tace sai dai kinzo,ki shigo gobe da safe muje kasuwa..daganan ta kashe wayan.
Ta juyo ta dubi kakarta da tunda ta soma waya take kallonta.
Cikin murmushi tace "kakus-kakus...da me dame kike bukata?,idan naje kasuwa na sayo maki.
Cikin girgiza kai tace ba komai..
Ba tace mata komai ba ,ta zari mayafinta ta ficewarta.

  Sai bayan sallan magrib ya shigo gida kamar kullum dai.
Yauma ta nufeshi ta amshi jakar hannunsa.
Ta taimaka masa yayi wanka ta fito masa da dogon riga marar nauyi,ta fesheshi da turaren KHUD.
tare suka jero zuwa dining,ta zuba masa abinci a plate tace bisimillah sa'anan suka fara ci.
SOsai ya ci abincin hakan ya nuna yana tare da empty stomach...
Bayan ya wanke hannunsa yayi hamdala sa'anan ya tashi daga gurin dining din zuwa cikin falon.
Ta kwashe kwanukan da suka ci abincin tare da kintsa gurin sannan ta biyoshi falon ta zauna kusa dashi.

Ya da'ga hannu ya rungumota jikinsa,nan tayi lamoo....
Cikin sarkewa murya yace "ayimin hira me dadi mana".

Har cikin ranta,taji dadi da ya fadi haka.don da'ma tunda suke cin abinci take son tambayarsa abinda ke kaishi unguwarsu kaka,sai dai kuma bata son yace tayimasa shisshigi,don haka wannan maganarsa ta kawo mata opportunity.
Tayi murmushi tace yau kam ba hira me dadi!
...ya dube ta yace sai marar dadi?
Tayi dariya har kyawawan hakoranta suka bayyana...
Ya sake fadin "yau miye sa ba'a sami hira me dadi ba?
...hmmmm,maza tsoro suke bani.

Da sauri ya juyo yana dubanta cikin mamaki.
Ta da'ga masa gira tare da fadin yau wani labari naji a gun aikinmu da ya taba min zuciya...

Kamar jira yake ta kai maganar,yace miye faru?

Ta ta'be baki tace wata ce da muke aiki tare.. tareda ya bari ta karasa maganar ba ya tare ta da fadin miye sameta.?
...hmmm,kawai ta fada sannan tace banason maganar ta dame kamar yanda ta dame tare da sanyayamin jiki...yau duk a kasale nake sabida abinda ya faru da ita.

Cikin kosawa yace "pls can u just go straight to d point? matsu wallahi.

Gyara zama tayi,ta rasa me zata fada masa don daman dabaru takeyi don riga kafin abinda tage hangowa...can sai ta tuno da labarin wata mata,nan da nan ta fara.
   ...watace a gun aikin mu,sunan ta halima,muna kiran ta madam halima ko malama....yara uku,duk mata.
Mijinta ya samu wani incident tun shekaru goma sha bakwai da suka wuce.A lokacin yana aiki da wani attajirin me kudi. Aikinsa shine bin wannan mutum duk inda za shi ko kuma aike watau massenger.
Watarana attajirin ya aikeshi,yana cikin tafiya wasu suka tsayar dashi a kanhanya.sun duba plate number motan suka ce shine...da jin haka sai ya rude yana fadin wallahi ba ni bane ba motana bane ni dan aikene..basu saurareshi ba suka turashi cikin motan tare da dauke jakkan kudi,ganin haka yasa shi karfin halin kokawa dasu wai shi zai amshi jakkar,nan suka yi masa duka,sai da suka gan alaman baya numfashi sa'annan suka saka shi a motan tare da sawa motan wuta.

Idan kwanarka bai kare ba, ba yanda za'ayi ka mutu,wannan bawan Allahn Nan bai mutu ba amma kuma ba shi da banbanci da gawa...sakamakon dukansa da sukayi ya sami matsalar kashin baya,megidansa ne ya taumaka aka tafi dashi kasar india domin gyaran  kashin.
baya n nan kuma bai sake bin ta kansa ba,balle ya dauki nauyin sauran treatment din ko ta iyalansa.
Madam Halima ce ke komai,daga kan kulawa da yara,aminci gida har kudin asibiti..domin kuwa bayan sun dawo daga kasar india asibiti aka sauke shi don gyaran fatarsa.
Madam Halima ta shekara uku tana tare da gawa' sabida ko motsi ba  yayi balantana bude ido sai numfashi kawai hakan kuma baisa  ta fasa auren ba...duk wani abu nasa ta sayar,har ita din ma bata komai sai kaya kala uku sai kwanuka daidai su,tayi kosan sayarwa,tayi talla,tayi wankau duk dai sabida ta sami abin kaiwa asibiti...shikuwa mijin bai san duniyar da yake ba.
Duk da mawuyacin halin da tashiga yaranta na zuwa makaranta.

Tana cikin wannan yanayi likitoci suka bukaci da ta kawo kudin da ake binsu,sa'annan ta kawo kudin aiki,idan ba haka ba tohh su tattara su koma gida...ta sake shiga wani hali,nan ta shiga gari tana neman taimako da aro a gun jama'an gari,har yan uwan mijinnata amma abu guda take ji"Babu"..tayi kuka ta baiwa Allah komai.
A daren da za'a sallame su,ta fito ko Allah zai hada ta da wanda zai taimake ta,tana cikin tafiya ta hadu da wani makwabcinsu,shi wannan makwabcin nasu dan kwaranda ne masu ginar kasa su ciri ko zinari ko azurfa da sauransu.
Bayan gaisuwan ta gabatar da bukatanta  nason ya ara mata kudi.
Ya ni'sa ..yace a gaskiya bashi da kudi yanzun,amma akwai wani aiki da zasu tafi yi a jihar neja,idan dai tagan zata iya,sai ta bishi amma fa aikin akwai wuya...shi kadaine taimakon da zai iya yimata a yanzun.
Tayi ajiyan zuciya tace zan iya da yardan Allah.
Suna magana ta nufi asibitin,nan ta shiga basu hankuri yi masu alkawarin nan da wata biyu zata kawo masu kudin su.ta kuma nemi alfarman da su bar mijin ta annan,su kuma bashi treatment din da ya kamata.
Daga asibitin ta nufi gidan kanwar mijinta,ta nemi alfarman da ta ajiye yaran gunta tana duba mata su kafin ta dawo..kanwar mijin ta ba'ta rai ba tare da ta amsa ba.
Kashe gari da safe madam halima ta shiga bin gidaje inda suke bukatan wanki tayi masu ta amshi kudi ta je wani gidan,idan wanke wanke ko share sharene tayi su bata kudi..da hakan ta dan tara silalla,ta sayi wa  yaranta sabulan wanka na wanki,makilin da dai abunda zasu bukata..ta kuma sayi abinci ta kaiwa kanwar mijinta gudun kar nauyi yayimata yawa...ragowan kudin kuma tayi sadaka dasu tare dayin addu'an Allah shi maida mata baninki wannan.

A gurin ginar kasan ba irin challenges da bata gani ba,su biyu ne kawai mata,ita musulma dayat kristan...sai kuma maya masu kawo masu abincin saidawa.

Iya wulakanci da cin zarafi madam Halima ta gani...ta dai wulakantu.
Wani cikin manyan ogoninsu ya nimeta da harkan banza,ta sanar dashi ita matan aurece kuma me tsoron Allah,don haka taki bashin hadin kai,sanadin haka ya sanya mata ido,tare da kuntata mata..tayi kuka tayi kuwa ta kai kara gun me sama.
 A ko dayaushe tunaninta   na gun yaranta da babansu..bata san wani hali suke ciki ba.

Akwai wani guri dasuka auna,sun tabbatar za'a sami zinari a gurin,don haka aka shiga ginansa..kwana takwas ana gina gurin,ba alaman wani abu..kwana ta tara,wannan ogan ya hasala ya ce abar gina gurin a canza guri,don daga alama ba za a sami komai ba...don haka kowa ya watse don daman gari ya fara duhu.

Madam halima ta tashi zatayi qiyamulail,sai ta nufi inda sukayi ginar kasar don yin tsarki.
Tayi tsarkin ta,ta taso tana dawowa sai ta gan kamar abu na walkiya,ta yi addu'a a zuciyarta sa'anan ta karasa gurin.sai me zatagani!!!!!!!😳😳🤭
Diamond ne ta gani..tayi sauri ta sa hannu ta dauka,nan take tayi sujjada tana meyiwa Allah godiya..
Bayan ta bar gurin tashiga tunani yanda zata boyeshi ba tare da kowa ya sani ba.
Nan dabara ya fado mata,ta koma makwancinsu ta dauko allura da zaren da tazo dashi,ta yagi zanin jikinta ta dunkule dutsen ciki sa'anan ta dinke shi gam gam a jikin pant dinta.
Tundaga wannan lokacin take cikin farin ciki da anashuwa koda kuwa sun bata mata rai bata damuwa,fatan ta dai su koma lafiya.

A ranar da ta dira birnin shehu,a daren ranar  ta nufi babban asibitin da ke garin sakwato inda aka kwantar da megidanta.
Dakta mustafa yana daya daga likitocin dake kula da mijinta..yana tausayamata sosai tare da bata baki da kuma taimako iya karfinsa..don haka tana isa asibiti shi ta fara nema,nan suka sanar da ita yana off don haka ta nufi dakin da mijin ta ke kwance.
SHi kadai ta tarar ba kowa tare da shi,yanda ta barshi haka ta same shi..ciki farin ciki tare da hawaye  ta rike masa yatsa tana gaida kamar me jinta..tayi masa alkawarin komai zaiyi karshe da yardan Allahu..
Ba taje gurin da ta bada yaranta ajiya ba,ta koma gida.

Kashe gari da safe  ta nufi asibitin,a harabar asibitin sukayi karo da Dr.mustafa,sun gaisa ta nemi su ke'be,..bai musan ba,suka ke'be zuwa inda ba'a ganinsu.
Nan ta sanar dashi batun dutsen da kuma yanda akayi ta sameshi.

Ya tausaya mata tare da yi mata murna...ya nemi sanin ra'ayinta yanda zatayi da shi dutsen.
tace masa tana son ya taimaka mata a sayar da shi..nan yayi mata alkawarin zai yi abinda ya dace.

.....kudi masu yawan gaske ta samu bayan ansaida dutsen.
Dr.mustafan ta baiwa komai,don haka ya kawo shawaran tar da mijinta waje.
kasar jamany suka kaishi aka gyara masa fata da sauran kasusuwan yatsun sa da suka markwashe..tabi mijin nata domin junyarsa,suna can har ya bude ido....sai dai kuma kashh🤔🤨!..Megidan nata yayi loosing memory dinsa amman likitocin sun tabbatar mata na dan lokacine ba me daurewa bace.
kafin su dawo ta aikawa Dr.mustafa sako da ya saya mata gida madaidaici daman gidan haya suke zaune.
Bayan sun dawo ta sayi kaya ta sawa gidan.

Sannu a hankali mijinta yafara samu sauki.
Dr.Mustafa ya zo dubiya sai yake tambayar madam halima mi zatayi da sauran kudinta.

Shiru tayi daga baya tace  zata juya shi ta hanyar sana'a,sannan zan shiga makaranta na kuma biyawa yarana kudin makaranta.
Ya jidadi da ta fadi haka,don shi yana sah'awar mesonyi karatu..don haka ya bata goyon baya.

Bayan ta gama biyan bashisuka da ake binta ta biyawa yaranta kudin makaranta har zuwa lokacin da zasu gama..
Ta baiwa dakta,ya ki karba.
Ta sayi shago da sunar mijin,ta mallakamashi sabida ta sawa ranta idan har yaji sauki bazai karayin aiki karkashin wani ba.
  ...bayan an salleme su,sun dawo gida sauki kam sai hamdala domin kuwa memory dinsa sun fara dawowa..ita kuma alokacin ta sami karbuwa a makarantar shehu shagari college of education da ke garin sokoto..a yayinda take zuwa makaranta,yaranta ma suna zuwa..don haka makaranatar ta rabi da rabine,idan dai tana lecture hankalinta na gun mijinta,da zarar anfito sai ta dawo ta dubashi kafin lokacin wani lecture yazo ka kuma kara komawa,ganin haka  yasa Dr.Mustafa bata shawaran da ta sami wani wanda yayi makaranta irin su nursing school ko health school ya dinga zama dashi sabida bada magunguna da sauransu.
Ta kuwa yi sa'a,ta sami yar budurwa wacce ta gama health school ba aiki,don haka sukayi yarjejeniya da kuma abinda za'a dinga biyanta.

Cikin ikon Allah ya sami sauki sosai,har ya fara takawa daga nan ya fara zuwa shagonsa da ta bude masa.
Madam Halima ta gama makaranta,tayi dabaran yin degree dinta..bayan ta gama ta sami aikin koyarwa..cikin ikon Allah ta aurar da babbar diyarta.
Allah ya albarkaci shagon,har sun kai ga bude wasu manya.manyan shoguna suna sai da kayan electronic...arziki ya zaunu sai hamdala

Suna haka kwatsam madam halima taji mijinta ya kara aure...

***tunda malama Hafsat ta fara magana,idon malam Zubair wanda take kira da officer na kanta.
.. ta dubeshi tace kasan ko wacece ya aura?
Ya girgiza kai alaman a'a.
"Wannan Nurse din me kula dashi".
Yayi ajiyar xuciya ba tare da yace wani abu ba.
Ta kara tanbayarsa da fadin "don Allah ya kyauta mata kenan?"
Shiru yayi daga baya yayi gyaran murya yace "yace yanzun haka ba gaskiyan labarin ba kenan!.ko kuma itace bata da gaskiya har ya kai ga yin hakan.

😳😳huh..! Kamar ya fa?.ta sake tanbayarsa.
Uhmmm...kinsan mata!.
Yanzun haka bata fadi the other side ba ma'ana,duk cikin labarin bata fadin inda tayi mistake ba,so ba ku taba fadin laifin ku sai dai na megida sabida mutane suyi blaming dinsu...itah fa wannan madam halima tunda itace sanadiyar arzikinsu ta iya tayi masa gori ko kuma taso ya zama karkashinta..she might want to be the BOSS👸🏻
shi kuma kila bazaiyi tolerating ba sai yayi hakan.
C'mon officer..what so ever it is ya kamata ace yayi aure bata sani ba?.?
Shiru yayi..ta ta'be baki tace "ashe zaka iya yimin  hakan kenan,..sabida labarina da strugles dina da nata suna da kamanin"..shiyasa jikina yayi sanyi yau throughout.
murmushi yayi ya janyota jikinsa..Haba my soul ya'ya za'ayi nayi maki hakan,ai sai Allah ya kamani..
Ta juyar da kai gefe tace 'atohh don nasan maza basu da tabbas."

A daren ranar tanajin motsi motsinsa ,da alama maganar/labarin ce ta shige shi,don har bacci yayi awon gaba da ita bai runtsa ba.

Kashe gari da safe suna breakfast ya da'go yana dubanta tareda fadin"idan da kece haka madam Halima ya ya zakiyi?
Chak!🙄..ta tsaya tana dubansa,sai kuma ta hadiye abincin dake bakin ta tace "me zanyi??
 Ya da'ga  mata kai.
Tace uhmmm..kawai tace,tacigaba da cin abincinta ba tare da ta amsa shi ba.
Suna kammala cin abincin,ta kwashi kwanukan.
     **     *        *    *       **
A gidan kaka kuwa  da safe,JUWAYRIYAH ta hada masu kayan breakfast nagani a fada,masu lafiya da gina jiki.
karfe goma sha Daya dai dai kawarta kuma aminiyarta basma  tayi sallama ta shigo sun rungume juna  cikin murna suka shiga falo.
Basma ta bude baki tana fadin ashe an gyara maku gida??
Ta riko hannunta ta zaunar da ita tana fadin kodai na gyara gidan.
Cikin mamaki Basma tace  ke kiga gyara kamar ya?
Ta bata labarin komai game da oficer,ta kuma shaida mata karo na uku kenan da yake bata bandir din dubu farkon da ya bani kujeru da fenti na saya,ta biyun kuma na sayi kayan sawa,nayi wa kaka itama harda waya.jiya kuma ya kawo min wata,zamu je kasuwa mu chasa shi...ko ya?
nan suka tafa,Basma kuma ta tayata farinciki,dashi ke kuma tasan relationship din dake tsakanin malama Hafsat da JUWAYRIYAN,don haka tace wa JUWAYRIYAH amman kina ganin haka yayi daidai kuwa? ki tsoron bakin mutane??

Kakar dake cikin daki tanajin duk wani abu da suke fadi,ta fito tace yawwa yar'nan ki fada mata abinda take yi bai dace ba.
JUWAYRIYAH ta taba kawarta tace "keh kawalli duk abinda za'a fada,an da'de ba'a fadeshi ba...wallahi maganar mutane ba abinda ke hanani sukuni bace,idan sun so duk  inda nabi su nunani ba damuwata bace.
kaka ta sami guri ta zauna tana kallon sarautan ALLah da kuma mamakin jikarta.

JUWAYRIYAH ta cigaba da fadin"🤨😏kehh...idan bakiyi kwace ba yanzun,miji zai gagareki ki mutu ba aure.
nan ma kakar ta sake sako masu baki.."Toh sai  ki rasa wace zaki kwace wa miji sai wacce ta kawo wa rayuwarki haske?,ta farfado dake daga rayuwan kunci da yunwa!
Nan ta bata rai tace "nifa kaka ina ganin alaman baki son bani goyon baya a wannan al'amarin,idan bazakiyi supporting dina ba toh ki kau da kai..ita kuma anty hafsat da kike ikirarin kawowa rayuwata haske"fine",ai ban musa ba,idan tagan cewan ba'ayi mata dai dai ba domin taimakon,sai ta fada na biyata daga shekaru goma da suka shude....
KU biyoni a next and last page,da shike short story ne amman ful version dinsa zai zo inn'shaa'Allah..Assalamu alaikum.
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Sunday 24 December 2017


To Avoid Dandruff, Avoid These Things
Many commercial shampoos contain chemicals that are harmful, and dandruff shampoos are even worse. And within shampoos and hair products, make sure you avoid parabens, sodium laureth or lauryl sulfate.
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Friday 22 December 2017



For you to have a successful natural hair journey, you must understand the meaning of natural hair and what it takes to go about it.

The term Natural Hair means having a relaxer free hair. That is, keeping your hair without the use of relaxer.

 Before, the belief was that natural hair is only for ladies or women of certain religious sect or beliefs, so the fear of keeping natural hair because of what people will say at work, school etc. and many other reasons make people stay away from keeping their hair natural.

 The natural hair movement now in Nigeria has grown & well accepted, people are no longer afraid to keep their hair natural.

Natural hair is a journey that needs full knowledge & enlightenment for it be a successful one.

Your natural hair can be as successful as the ones you see and admire if you are ready to invest the time and energy into learning to care for your natural hair properly.

Let's get started!
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Vital Things To Know:

1) Make Up Your Mind
This matters so much, you have to be sure you are ready to keep your hair natural, this will go a long way in helping you to embark on the natural hair journey and to stay natural no matter what challenges or discouragement you may get.
Both big chop and transitioning have what it takes to go about

2)Big chop or Transition?
You have to make a choice if to do a big chop (cutting it all off) or to transition (cutting it bit by bit).
Both options have their Do's and Don't, that is the conditions and care applicable to each.

3)Get your natural hair products
There are so many natural hair care products out there which you can get but they can be expensive.
That is why you will be taught how to make some of your natural hair products yourself.
This will not only save you the cost of buying expensive natural hair care products but it will also help you to be sure of what they are composed of.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 8)Study your hair.
What works for someone's hair might not work for you!
Study your hair to know what works for you and what doesn't work.

9)Have a journal
In your journal or notebook, write down the things you are using, this will help you have a record of the things you are using or have used and from that you  will be able to get what are beneficial to your hair & also to know the things to eliminate or remove.

10)Keep your hair clean, hydrated and attractive

To achieve a healthy and successful natural hair, ensure you keep it clean,
Moisturize as often as possible to avoid dry and dull hair.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 4)Build a hair care regimen
In a natural hair journey, building a hair care regimen is very important.
It will help you to plan how to wash, deep condition, moisturize and some treatments you can implement every now and then without affecting your daily activities or work.

5)Avoid applying direct heat
Excessive direct heat can cause great damage

6)Protective and Maintenance Styles
You have to keep your natural hair in styles that will help protect and maintain your hair growth and length. There are so many protective styles you can do, examples are braiding, twisting, Bantu knots etc.
Also avoid tight hairstyles

7)Health, Nutrition, Vitamins and supplements
Ensure you take a well balanced diet, vitamins and supplements
These are essential for a healthy natural hair growth.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Starting Your Natural Journey

There are two basic ways of going back to natural if you still have a relaxed hair.

They are:
2)Big chop


 This is when relaxed hair is allowed to grow
for a duration of time without relaxing it. It can take up to few months to a year depending on how long you want your new growth to be before trimming off the relaxed part gradually or cutting off bit by bit.
 During the period of transitioning, there will be new growth together with straightened hair from the remains of relaxer. It is important to note that you will have to manage both relaxed hair and new growth at
the same time.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Tips On Transitioning To Natural Hair:

  Going natural with the choice of transitioning requires a lot of patience because it takes time and requires managing both relaxed hair and new growth at the same time.

2)Trimming or Cutting bit by bit
This can be done twice monthly or monthly.

3)Avoid direct use of heat

Tools like straightening combs, curling irons etc should be avoided.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 4)Moisturize
This should be done as often as possible (like twice in a day) with water or water based products,  and seal with oil or any other sealant.

5)Pre poo

This is the moisturizing treatment applied to your hair before you shampoo it.
This is important to help strengthens your hair and prevent breakage.
I will take you through some of the pre poo you can do later.

6) Shampoo in sections

This can be time consuming but it will help minimize breakage because as you continue to transition from relaxed to natural hair, the new growth becomes difficult to detangle while washing. Therefore putting your hair in sections will help you deal with every parts thoroughly.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 7)Deep conditioning

This should be done on a weekly basis, it will help your hair flourish.
There so many deep conditioners you can get from stores, as the training goes on you will get to some of them and you will also be taught how to make your deep conditioner yourself (DIY deep conditioner)

8)Protein Treatment

Monthly, this should be done for replenishment of protein supply to hair.

9) Choose the right styles
During the period of transitioning, protective styles such as braids, weaves, wigs, Bantu knots, Twist outs, Flexi curls and other curl styles that does not require heat are good to help you blend the two different textures (straightened and new growth).
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: BIG CHOP

This is cutting off all relaxed hair.

The fastest and instant means to start your natural hair journey is doing a big chop.

Big chop gives you the benefit of having a fresh
healthy start by allowing you to have one
consistent texture and the removal of all dead

Doing a big chop is really a great commitment because after cutting off all relaxed hair you will have to go about with a short Afro, but you can rock it using wigs, crochets and braids.


1) Widetooth Comb

2) Silk or Satin bonnet or cap

This is essential to protect your natural hair and retain length

Going to bed with something protecting you hair
is important to retaining moisture.
Cotton is very absorbent, thereby sucking the
much needed moisture and oils from you hair
overnight. Cotton is also very rough, even though
it may feel soft to the touch, its not so soft
when it comes to hair. When you are asleep and
move your head around, the cotton pillowcase
does not provide a smooth surface for the hair to
glide on like a silk or satin cap would, instead it
has the opposite effect. The roughness of the
fabric and excess friction catches the
hair causing, split ends, tangles, dryness and
So remember to cover your natural hair with a satin bonnet before going to bed.

You can buy or make one for yourself.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 3)Spray bottle

For a better application of water and some other moisturizers such as aloe vera juice which you make yourself, a spray bottle is essential.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 6)Soft clean towel or an old clean T-shirt

For draining water out of your hair

7)Measuring spoons

For measurements

8)Bobby pins

This are essential for holding natural hair in place, for styling some natural hair styles and to achieve a smoother look when you are done packing your hair.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 4) Plastic caps or nylon bags

You need this to cover your hair after your a deep conditioner or pre poo.

5) Mini bowl

This will be needed for mixing, usually for protein treatment and when making a deep conditioner on your own.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: PROBLEMS OF NATURAL HAIR (Real reasons why you are struggling with your natural hair)

  The struggle in the natural hair journey is real and that is why it’s called a “journey.” Like anything else natural hair journey needs dedication, there is always a good and bad side of anything so really it’s not a struggle rather a challenge.

  In transitioning and natural hair journey, there will definitely be some challenges that can be so frustrating if we choose to let ourselves be beaten down by them.

   The appropiate way to look at these challenges is to take them as lessons or teachings you need to have in order to grow in your natural hair journey.
  Also, you don't have to always listen and follow what people say about your natural hair, they can be misleading.

Embrace and enjoy every stage of your natural hair no matter what challenges you are having.

Learn to focus on the solution and not the problem so as not to get discouraged, thereby going back to relaxing your hair.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Here are some common problems faced in the natural hair journey and solutions to it.

1)Knots And Tangles
When it comes to keeping natural hair you will experience tangles and knots, especially when your natural hair is is left unkept, before and after washing and when you don't  properly loose braids or any other protective hairstyle. All these can make your hair twine together to form tangles which can lead to knots and eventually breakage.
Tangles and knots can be dealt with by proper detangling, care must be taken when detangling because rough detangling leads to pain, breakage and damage of ends which leads to reduction in hair length.
So, take your time and work through tangles and knots.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: d)Detangle carefully with your fingers first by starting from the ends before using a widetooth comb.
The reason why it is best to use your fingers first is because you can feel knots and tangles with your fingers and separate or pull them apart gently. After detangling with your fingers, the widetooth comb will be easier to use.

d)It is always a good idea to twist or braid the section back after you have finished detangling it, to prevent it from tangling up again!

e)Change your hairstyle or undo your hair before it tangles.
Keeping hairdos for a long time can make the hair tangle and knot.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Solution:

a)Put hair in sections: Using your fingers divide your hair into convenient sections. If your hair is long, twist or braid it into four or more sections. If your hair is short, use hair clips otherwise known as butterfly clips instead. Either way, treat your hair as gently as possible. Although working with sectioned hair takes times, it is easier and reliable than doing everything once. It ensures the coverage of all parts of your hair. Detangling in sections also enables you to separate the hair you’ve already detangled from the hair that still needs to be detangled.

b)Unfold each section one after the other to work on it.

c) Damp and Condition Your Hair: Try wetting the unfolded part or section, don't over wet when wetting, you only need to make the hair damp or moist not too wet to avoid breakage.
Then apply a generous amount of a slippery conditioner or oil to your hair. The water and conditioner or oil will provide lubrication and slip to the hair, which will make it super easy to detangle.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 2)Breakage

Breakage can be a very serious problem if not well handled and prevented. It can cause the hair not to grow longer than the length it has been stuck at for several years. Breakage is also another reason why many women have been led to believe that their hair grows slowly or that their hair can only grow to a certain length. In other words, you can call breakage an “Enemy of Progress”.
There are many reasons why breakage may occur and you can't completely stop breakage from occuring but there are some preventive measures that can be taken.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Preventive measures or solution:

a)Moisturize as often as possible

 Hair needs the perfect balance of moisture and protein to remain healthy or breakage free. Lack of moisture can make hair brittle and prone to breakage. Hydrated hair is not easily broken. If you notice popping of hair strands, that is a good sign that moisture is needed. Dry hair will break off, even if it’s in a protective style. However, when it is soft, bouncy and healthy, it is more resilient to breakage.

b)Detangle and Comb your hair when it is damp (moderately wet) not wet.

c)Pay extra attention to your ends.
Your ends are very important but the most fragile because it is the oldest part of your hair. Make sure you have your ends covered by applying product from ends to roots. This is especially important when using the LOC (Liquid Oil and Cream) method to moisturize hair.

d)Avoid heat styling
Heat styling makes hair strands weaker over time. It damages the hair cuticle thereby drying the hair out.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: e)Cover hair before going to bed
Your hair should be covered with a satin bonnet. Don't expose your hair to your cotton pillowcase instead you can go for a silk or satin pillowcase.

f)Dry with old soft T-shirt only
The use of towel for drying hair after washing can lead to tangle and breakage. Instead of Towel, use an old soft T-shirt it is also absorbent.

To keep your hair healthy, it is important to consume the essential nutrients that it needs for healthy growth. A well balanced diet is required to avoid breakage.

h)Don't do tight hairstyles
Tying your hair up all the time can cause it to be weak at the parts where it is secured.
These weakened parts of your hair are more likely to break over time.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: I)Use of Oils

j)Deep conditioning
This helps to strengthen your natural hair.

k)Lack of protein: The major cause of breakage is lack of protein. To resolve this do a protein treatment with a protein conditioner (you can use our hair mask with egg) or prepare a homemade conditioner with ingredients such as egg, mayonnaise and honey. Apply the mixture and cover for at least 30mins before shampooing. This should be done once a month. Do this once every three months or as needed to prevent breakage.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 3)Excessive Shedding
Shedding actually is not a problem as it is a natural process that happens during the 4 stages of hair growth. Naturally we shed about 50-100 hair follicles daily; however, shedding becomes a problem when it is excessive or too much. For instance, if you notice that chunks of your hair is falling off than normal, then it would be in your best interest to go see your medical physician. Excessive hair shedding could be a sign of a medical symptom or postpartum(after giving birth).
Postpartum shedding: Pregnancy usually thickens the hair and prevents normal shedding. After giving birth, the hair that you were supposed to shed throughout your pregnancy comes falling which can be frustrating. Always remember that this is normal and not much can be done to prevent it. Try to maintain a good and simple regimen without adding too much stress on the hair. You may massage your scalp with oil such as Castor oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil at least 3 times a week to help minimize the effect and promote growth.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: 4)Shrinkage
Shrinkage comes along with the natural hair journey. It is the difference between what your hair looks like when it is wet and gently stretched to its maximum length and what it looks like when it is dry.
If you are struggling with shrinkage, I want you to know that it is normal and not always bad; it is a sign that your hair is healthy and full of elasticity. Fighting shrinkage can really damage your hair especially if too much heat is involved or too much tension is placed on the hair and scalp.

However, I know that it can be an annoying problem, so here are a few tips to help minimize shrinkage.
•Bantu knots
•Use of straw set, flexi rod set and roller set
•Shampoo hair in braids and twists
•Use of sheabutter
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: To maintain your natural hair after fixing, moisturize using a spray bottle and ensure you lift the weavon so that you can actually moisturize your hair and not the weavon alone
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: Some Common Natural Hair Acronyms And Terms.

• BC-Big chopped (when you cut off the chemically relaxed hair to return natural).
• TWA-Teeny Weeny Afro (Hair length or stage after big chop).
• DIY-Do It Yourself (Homemade treatment or do protective style yourself).
• EO-Essential Oils. These are concentrated oils that must be diluted with carrier oils before use. Examples are rosemary oil, lavender oil, orange oil, lemon oil, etc.
• CO- Carrier oils. These are oils that are used to dilute essential oils. They can also be used on their own. Examples are coconut oil, olive
oil, avocado oil, sunflower oil, etc.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • JBCO-Jamaican Black Castor Oil. This is a special oil that is good for adding thickness and shine to the natural hair.
• LOC- Liquid, Oil and Cream. This is a method for moisturizing the natural hair. LOC stands for liquid, oil and cream. A liquid, preferably water is sprayed on the hair first, an oil is then added to coat the hair strands to prevent moisture from leaving the strands. Lastly, a cream or butter is used to finally coat or seal the strands to ensure that no moisture leaves the hair at all.
• LCO-Liquid, Cream and Oil. It is a moisturizing method like the LOC method. The only difference is that the cream is used before the oil in this case.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • EVCO-Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
• EVOO-Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• ACV-Apple Cider Vinegar. This is used for clarifying natural hair. It also helps natural hair to be shiny.
• Humectants-They attract water vapour or moisture from the atmosphere into the hair. Common humectants are honey and vegetable glycerin. Honey can be used as a pre-poo or conditioning treatment. Vegetable glycerin can be added to water in your spray bottle, it is a good moisturizer.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • PS- Protective Styles.This is any hair style that hides the natural hair and keeps the ends of the hair covered. Protectives styles can be used to retain the length of the hair, because there will be no combing or manipulation while the protective style is in. Examples are weaves, kinky twists, braids, crochet etc.
• TO- Twist out
• Clarify– To remove build-up in hair strands using a clarifying shampoo or conditioner, ACV, Baking Soda etc.
• Co-wash or CW- When you wash with only conditioner without shampoo.
• Sham-wash or Poo- When you wash with shampoo.
• Pre-Poo– A method of applying either oils or conditioning the hair before washing with shampoo.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • DC- Deep conditioning. A deep conditioner deeply conditions the hair preventing breakage and giving strength to the hair.
• Sealing- This is the process of locking in added moisture in the hair with a cream or oil.
• W 'n' G-Wash and Go. This is a method of washing the hair either by deep conditioning or co-washing and applying a styling gel then letting it air dry and off you go.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • W 'n' G-Wash and Go. This is a method of washing the hair either by deep conditioning or co-washing and applying a styling gel then letting it air dry and off you go.
• Product Junkie– A person who enjoys buying new products because of what it promises or heard about it.
• Pineappling– A sleep technique in which the hair is packed in form of an updo so as to preserve curls.
• Plopping– The use of a old clean T-shirt to dry the hair.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • Braid Out- A protective hair style that deals with braiding the hair a night before and take out the braids in the morning.
• Banding- This is a method of stretching the hair using bands.
• 1/2abc/3abc/4abc- Hair curl types under the hair typing system.
• Bagging or Greenhouse Effect Method(GHE)- This is a process in which you coat your hair with a leave in conditioner or just water at night and cover with a shower cap or plastic bag overnight so that the heat from your body steams the hair making it super moisturized.
[11/3, 9:18 AM] Aisha Gana: • Holy Grail-  Hair products that have been tested and true.

*APL: Arm pit length
*BSL: Bra strap length
*CBL: collar bone length
*MBL: Mid back length
*SL: Shoulder length
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Natural hair journey 2

Natural Hair Protection

When going for protective stlyes, ensure u make do with what your hair/scalp would be comfortable with.
If you feel pains or severe pressure on your scalp in the course of making your PS, please don't proceed further.The hair follicles weakens when excess pressure is put on it which often results in severe hair breakage.
Wearing a long time PS is not advisable.
Avoid an excess manipulation or combing of your hair (very important) and avoid combing hair when dry.

Ensure you properly moisturize ur hair and cover with a good silk or satin bonnet or scarf before going to bed or better still sleep on a satin/silk pillow case.
Also in the morning when wake up, gently massage your scalp with any oil of your choice (as applicable to your hair texture and porosity) for atleast 2mins.
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Natural hair journey. 😀

Natural Hair Protection And Maintenance.
Building A Hair Regime.
Hair regimen or Hair routine is simply a way we follow to care for our hair, it is a must in the natural hair journey to build a regime if you really do want to achieve a healthy natural hair! Building a regimen will help to increase hair's moisture while decreasing breakage and damage.
Hair care regimen doesn't need to be massive or expensive, SIMPLICITY is the key.
It is important to know that healthy hair/growth doesn't just happen overnight, it is usually as a result of patience and judicious hair care.

Don't forget the number one basic step to creating a regimen is understanding your hair type, porosity, density and texture. This will help you to decide on your weekly, every two weeks and monthly hair care regimen.

Below are the guide lines that will help you create a healthy regimen:
Monthly wash
- Pre poo
- Shampoo
- Clarify scalp
- Deep condition
- Rinse
- Moisturize and detangle
- Apply your leave- in conditioner
- Style

Monthly or Every 2 months
Protein treatment (to maintain optimal hair health)

Daily or 2 days
Moisturize once per day, twice in a day or 3-4 times in a week
Apply leave in conditioner

Weekly or Every two weeks (depending on hair texture)
Deep condition
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Essential oils for hair

[ Essential Oils for Hair
Even if you don’t make your own hair care products, you can still add essential oils to your existing products. This will improve your hair by miles! Essential oils have numerous benefits for natural hair. Remember they should be added in drops to carrier oils!
List of some essential oils and their benefits:
1. Moisturizes the scalp and balances sebum production.
2. It is ideal for people who have a mixed type of scalp, e.g. oily near the forehead and at the back of the head, but dry at other parts.
3. Its powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial action makes it excellent for controlling dandruff and heal dry scalp.
4. It can also help heal minor injuries on the scalp caused by scratching, especially in children.

1. Rosemary oil is one of the top essential oils for hair thickness and growth.
2. It is used to increase cellular metabolism, which stimulates hair growth and promotes healing.
3. It helps to combat premature graying and thinning of hair . It encourages blood
circulation in the scalp and stimulates the
hair follicles.
4. Rosemary oil has anti-dandruff action, but it is best suited for people with oily hair.
Regular use of rosemary oil ensures healthy, strong, non-greasy hair.

1. Peppermint oil has a cooling effect. This makes it very useful for rejuvenating hair follicles and promoting hair growth.
2. It helps stimulate and regenerate a dry, irritated scalp.
3. It also helps control dandruff associated with dry scalp.
4. You can add 2–3 drops of peppermint oil to your shampoo or conditioner.
Peppermint oil can safely promote hair growth, but this essential oil is not safe to use on young children
1. It is a great moisturizer for the hair, it helps to keep the scalp free of bacteria and fungal problems (relieves dryness and itching).
2. Tea tree oil unblocks the sebaceous glands and encourage the flow of the scalp’s own moisturizing oils while clearing away dead skin
3. Tea tree oil mixed with other essential oils is especially good as a scalp treatment for relieving dandruff is considered the number one remedy for dandruff.

To stimulate hair growth.
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[Hair Oils And Their Uses
Carrier oils are very important in hair care; they are great moisturizers, strengtheners and very nourishing for hair.
List Of Some Carrier Oils and Their Benefits To Hair
1. It penetrates down to the scalp and hair shaft, and readily loosens and dissolves hardened build- up. The scalp and hair follicles are left clean and free to continue their normal function.
2. Jojoba is great for all hair types and can be used on oily scalps to inhibit or prevent overproduction of oil, by the oil glands making it the perfect choice for people with oily scalps that still need conditioning.
3. It is great for dry hair as it helps to moisturize your hair properly.

1. Olive oil helps in preventing as well as curing hair loss as it prevents the production of the hormone DTH which causes the hair follicle shaft to decrease. Regular application of olive oil to hair prevents the production of DTH hormones on the scalp, thus getting rid of the problem of hair loss.
2 . It contains antioxidants that promotes a healthy hair and scalp.
3. Olive oil strengthens and smooths hair cuticles.
4. It helps in the prevention of dry scalp and dandruff.
5. Gives hair a healthy, stronger, shiny hydrated look.

1. Coconut oil is considered one of the best natural nutrition for hair and is in contention with olive and jojoba oils as the king of the carrier oils.
2. It is an excellent conditioner and helps in the re-growth of damaged hair.
3. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair
4. It can penetrate the hair shaft, promoting strong, healthy, natural hair.
5. It helps to prevent protein loss in the hair strands, making it stronger and less likely to break off.
6. It helps to softens the hair and conditions the scalp.
7. It is effective both as a prevention and as a cure for head lice.
1. It nourishes hair and prevents the scalp from drying by attracting and retaining moisture.
2. Castor oil can be added to hair care products or used on its own to seal in moisture, softens, and visibly thickens hair.
3. It helps to control hair loss.
In getting this oil, I will recommend that you get a cold-pressed (meaning there was no heat involved during the extraction process) processed 100% pure virgin castor oil e.g JBCO.

1. It is full of healthy hair vitamins like vitamins A, B, D and E. The vitamins help protect the scalp and feed the hair follicles
2. It also has protein, amino acids, iron, copper, magnesium, and folic acid. All nutrients that make it ideal for use to help prevent damage to the hair.
3. Avocado oil is also loaded with fatty acids which help to make hair feel soft and shiny.
4. If you want a super deep conditioner treatment without having to buy a commercial preparation, you can add avocado oil to the other carrier oils and you will definitely feel and see the difference.
5. Avocado oil contains healing and cell regenerative properties.
6. Avocado is the best light carrier oil for soft, vibrant hair.
7. Avocado Oil is an effective moisturizer for dry, brittle, damaged hair.
8. Avocado oil can be added to shampoo, used as a deep treatment or used as a sealant.

1. Almond oil is a fast absorbing carrier oil that is non-greasy.
2. It is the best carrier oil for hair that is dry
3. It is great for those with irritated, sensitive or dry scalp problems.

1. Neem is antibacterial, anti- fungal, antiseptic and has soothing properties. It can be used to fight off fungal infections on the scalp.
2. Neem oil is suited to dry hair and as a head lice remedy. It is known as the ultimate hair conditioner.
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DIY Hair Cream Recipe
2 tbsp shea butter (organic unrefined shea butter)
½ tbsp coconut oil
½ tbsp olive oil
¾ tbsp jojoba oil
¾ tbsp sweet almond oil
½ tbsp pure aloe vera gel
⅛ tbsp Vitamin E oil
15-20 drops of essential oils e.g 6 drops rosemary, 5 drops onion oil, 5 drops peppermint oil
1. Combine shea butter and coconut oil, melt in microwave for a few seconds,
or fill small saucepan or pot with water and set glass container inside, heat on
low heat just until melted.
2. After melting, add the remaining ingredients and stir well to mix. Transfer to a
small, shallow tin with a lid.
3. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight until mixture is cooled and set up.
Remove from refrigerator and allow it to cool to room temperature before using.
4. Store at room temperature for a nice, creamy consistency and use within a month. Refrigerate any amount you can’t use within that time.

You can use any carrier and essential oils of your choice.
Just ensure shea butter is part of your mixture so as to achieve a creamy consistency.
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Spritz is a water based moisturizing leave-in conditioner that supports the life wire of our natural hair. It keeps our hair healthy, shiny with bounce. It helps prevent breakage and split-ends. It also helps boost our hair’s elasticity and repairs damaged hair. In fact, spritz is a balanced moisturizer our hair cannot do without.
The best moisturizer for hair is water. Instead of just spritzing your hair with
water, here are some other things that can be added.
• For a Hair Porosity Hair
 Spritz should be a mix of 90% water and 10% of oil
• For a Low Porosity Hair
 Use 80% of water and 20% of oil.

 All you need do is get a spritz bottle and mix in your water and oil. 1-2 tablespoons of other ingredients like aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, coconut water, black or green tea, vegetable glycerin, a few drops of any essential oil of your choice can also be added to your spritz.
These mentioned ingredients are not ALL necessary in your spritz, just one or two ingredients will be okay or water and oil alone will do.
 Another way of making your spritz is a mix of 50% water and 50% rosewater, add 1-2 tablespoons of oil.
You can also add aloe vera juice to your water to pump up the moisturizing capabilities.
Ingredients: Aloe Vera Juice, Water
Instructions: Mix one part Aloe Vera Juice to one part water, shake, and spritz.
When you spritz your hair, please ensure that you allow air to flow through your hair. Spritz and Air guarantees an effective result.
Also, only mix enough for a few uses or keep in the fridge.
[12/22, 12:28 PM] ‪+234 816 861 2873‬: HOW OFTEN SHOULD I SPRITZ MY HAIR?
Spritzing the hair is a daily affair .
Some even choose to spritz twice or thrice a day.

All hair! Loose hair, cornrows, braids, Ghana weave, locs, threading, wool PS, etc.
For PSs like fixing of weaves, spritzing should be done with care. When you spritz, ensure that you expose hair/ scalp to air for a few minutes before you style, or else you may find yourself battling with itchy scalp.
Ensure that your spritz is kept in a cool place.
Always shake before use, as water and oil tend to separate when left to stand.
Your spritz bottle does not have to be a fancy one. It could be clean washed perfume bottles.
Whatever bottle you use, ensure that it gives a good spray/splash for a proper distribution of the spritz mixtures.
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How To Use:
1: Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with equal amounts of lemon juice.
2: Massage your scalp gently with the mixture.
3: Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with shampoo.

How To Use:
1.Crush 2 aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair.
2. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with mild shampoo.

How To Use:
1: Wet your hair slightly.
2: Keeping your hair wet, rub a spoonful of baking soda on your scalp.
3: Leave it on for 60-90 seconds before washing it off.

How To Use:
1: Pour a few drops of tea tree oil on your scalp and spread it evenly.
2: Let it soak for 5 minutes.
3: Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
 You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo as you wash normally.

 How To Use:
1: Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and set it aside.
2: After a regular hair wash, apply the mixture on your wet hair.
3: Massage your scalp well and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

How To Use:
1: Grind a bunch of neem leaves in a blender to form a thick paste.
2: Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes or so.
3: Wash it off with water.
[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: 7. ORANGE PEEL
How To Use:
1: Put some orange peels in a blender and squeeze in some lemon juice too.
2: Grind all the ingredients into a paste.
3: Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo.

How To Use:
1: Blend garlic with little water
2: Use it on your scalp to see quick results.
The smell? You could always mix in a little honey and ginger!

Cut and apply the fresh gel to scalp directly.

How To Use
1: Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to 2 cups of water.
2: Rinse your hair with this mixture after shampooing your hair.
Another option is massage your scalp with a mixture of two parts white vinegar, one part olive oil and three parts water. After 10 minutes, rinse it off and shampoo your hair using a mild shampoo.

How To Use:
1. Heat some extra virgin olive oil until it is slightly warm.
2. Massage it onto your scalp and then cover with shower cap.
3. Leave it on for at least 45 minutes or overnight and then shampoo and condition your hair.
4. Repeat this remedy a few times a week.

How To Use:
1: Massage 2 tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water.
2: Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it.
Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears.

12. Use a deep conditioner that has honey

13. Add rosemary essential oil to your hair product
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[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: 4. Coconut Milk Hair Treatment
Coconut milk is such an excellent source of protein, use it to massage the hair roots.
Then, wear a shower cap. Leave the coconut milk on overnight and you can wash it off the next day.

5. Banana Avocado Hair Pack
This protein treatment is an excellent deep conditioner.
Mash an avocado and add two tablespoons of mayonnaise, then whip.

6. Avocado and Mayonnaise Hair Pack
This is a wonderful protein treatment that can help to deep condition your hair.
Mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise with a mashed avocado and whip.

7. Mayonnaise and Egg Hair Pack
 Eggs and mayonnaise are both loaded with protein. Mix the whites of an egg with two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
Blend well and use this hair mask to keep bad hair days away.

8. Avocado and Egg Hair Mask
Combine one egg with half a mashed ripe avocado with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to your hair and wait for 30 minutes.
Wash off and shampoo as normal. This hair pack is great for hydrating your hair and preventing further damage.

9. Avocado and Coconut Oil Hair Pack
 Mash one ripe avocado and add in two teaspoons of pure coconut oil.
Add in 10 drops of rosemary essential oil and blend all the ingredients.
Apply to your hair and allow it to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse off for soft, shiny strands
[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: PROTEIN TREATMENTS

Human hair is mostly made of protein (primarily keratin). This protein makes our hair strong and able to grow longer. If your hair is lacking in protein (which it needs, because it’s made of it), you could experience breakage, damage, split ends and hair loss. Replenishing this protein is important, but only if it needs it. Protein strengthens hair, but it does not moisturize it. Adding too much protein or adding protein when not needed will make hair too strong, brittle, and therefore cause breakage. So if you’re trying to moisturize your dry hair, and you do a protein treatment, you could actually be damaging it.

Choose your protein treatment wisely based on your perceived level of hair damage and your hair type (coarse or fine, dry or oily). Overusing protein conditioners or treatments could result in stiff hair and leave buildup or residue on hair.

1. Egg Mask :
Egg is the best source of protein for your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and protein which is extremely moisturizing. The white is full of bacteria eating enzymes which cleanses your hair and scalp.
• Use a full egg for normal to dry hair.
• For oily hair and scalp, use only the white part.
Egg alone or mixed with more protein rich ingredients can be applied to the hair.
This treatment can be used every two weeks or monthly. Take one egg or two depending on the length and thickness of your hair. Beat until smooth and apply it your hair and scalp. Make sure all your hair is properly covered with egg. Cover with a shower cap and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and shampoo.
 If you find the smell of egg unpleasant, add a few drops of lemon juice.

2. Egg Yolk and Honey Hair Pack
This is a great protein pack for dry hair.
Mix one egg yolk with two spoons of honey with one spoon of almond oil.

3. Avocado-Coconut Milk Hair Mask
Coconut milk is a rich source of protein.
Simply mash a ripe avocado and add in 5 tablespoons of coconut milk.
Add two teaspoons of olive oil to this mix and apply this on the hair and scalp.
Allow it to sit for 30 minutes.
This protein pack is wonderful for hair growth as it is effective in preventing dandruff and hair breakage.
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[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: DEEP CONDITIONERS
Deep Conditioners which are often used once a week at most are usually thicker in consistency and require you to leave them on for a longer period of time, for like 10-30 minutes. The best deep conditioners consist of ingredients that can penetrate the shaft of the hair and nourish your cuticle on a deeper level. Most consist of some sort of penetrating oil (coconut oil, olive oil, or avocado oil).
Deep conditioner has a longer lasting effect compared to a regular rinse out conditioner because it is usually highly viscous. Adding heat to your deep conditioning process/treatment also helps with the absorption rate of moisture into the shaft of your hair.
Using a deep conditioner on a regular basis can help add life to your hair's elasticity, moisture level, color and above all, your hair's health will improve because of the emolients and other moisturizing ingredients in the conditioner.
Another good thing about using a deep conditioner is that it gets the chance to be as effective as possible by being left in the hair longer and hopefully allowing heat to help it
penetrate better. Deep conditioning using heat will definitely help with the health of your hair.
 You should strive to deep condition whenever you wash your hair, especially if you use soap or shampoo because they strip the hair of it's accumulated moisture. Deep conditioning helps to restore the lost moisture.
Those with 4c hairtype should not skip deep conditioning at all as you need all the moisture you can get.
- Heat a wet face flannel/towel in the microwave. If you don't have one, dip it briefly in hot water.
- Take it out and squeeze excess water gently
- Put a shower cap over your hair and place the heated face flannel on top of the shower cap.
- Seal in the heat from the face flannel by placing another shower cap on top.
- Put a towel around your neck to avoid getting burnt by water drops from the face flannel.
This is called improvised heat. The face flannel will stay hot for about 10 mins. Wrap your head with a bath towel in addition to using the steamy face flannel and shower caps.
- After 30 minutes, your hair should be well deep conditioned.
If you do this often, breakage will reduce and speedy growth is sure!
Common Rules: Mix all ingredients together, sieve if using fruits, apply on freshly washed hair (shamwash or cowash) and cover for 1 hour with nylon/plastic bag, then rinse out.
1-2 bananas (maybe 3, if your hair is really, really long and thick)
1-2 tbsp Coconut milk, just enough to thin out the bananas
1 tbsp Honey
Ensure to sieve.

1/2 of an Avocado
1 Banana
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
3 Tablespoons Mayo
Blend n sieve before application.

1/2 Cup Aloe vera juice
1 tbsp Coconut oil.
[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: RECIPE 4
1/4 Cup Coconut milk
2 tbsp Honey

2 Over ripe Banana
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Cheap Conditioner
Blend n sieve before application

2 tbsp Honey
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2 tbsp Palm kernel oil (or any other oil of ur choice)
1 Egg yolk

1/4 Cup Aloe Vera Gel
1/4 Cup Coconut Oil

1 banana
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons coconut milk
Blend n sieve before application

1/2 Cup conditioner (E.g VO5 conditioner)
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp clear aloe vera gel/juice
1 tbsp coconut oil
[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: LEAVE-IN- CONDITIONERS

Leave-in conditioners plays an important role in keeping the hair intact after treatments as well as on daily basis. Enriching your hair after a deep conditioner treatment with leave-in conditioner is a considerably factor, however it is important you go for a good leave-in conditioner that is more of water/ liquid based and to this regards, you will need to make do with a sealer oil (like castor oil,olive oil) or cream (like sheabutter) to help seal in the moist and further protects your hair from drying out.
Leave-in conditioners is a daily affair especially the spritz and no regimen or hair care is complete without it.
Leave-in conditioners as the name implies is never to be rinsed or wash out after application.
[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: DIY LEAVE- IN CONDITIONERS
-6-10 okro(or as desired)
-an oil of your choice
-desired quantity of water
-sieve or a sieve cloth.
-Empty bottle
1. Cut the okro in small pieces.
2. Pour water in a saucepan and put the okra in. Let it boil at medium heat.
3. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes while stirring occasionally.
4. Add more water if required and let it cook at low heat for another 5 minutes.
5. Let it cool off
6. Use a strainer cloth to separate the okra seeds from the slime.
7. Finally, add desired amount of oil to slimy substitute and pour it in a bottle & your okro leave-in conditioner is ready to use.

This leave-in conditioner stays well for about two weeks.
Regular use will make your hair healthy and creates great curl definition.
In short, okra is a good solution to dry hair, It is rich in vitamins & minerals.
*It nourishes hair;
*Gives a perfect curl definition;
*Makes hair soft and easy to comb;
*Costs little money;
*Has a neutral smell;
*Creates ‘great slip’.
In addition;
[12/22, 12:28 PM] Baby: RECIPE 2
Mix Shea butter with essential oil, water, tea (e.g black tea), glycerin, aloe vera gel and or honey.
Mix all together in a bottle and use as a leave in conditioner.

Water must be part of it.
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1. Mix few drops of trea tree oil and lemon juice together apply to your scalp and rinse after 30 mins....repeat regularly until itching stops.
2. Mix like 10-20 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil together, massage this mixture onto your scalp directly.
Regular use of this remedy will surely heal a dry, itchy scalp.

• Baking soda
• Water
• Mix together to form a paste
• Apply to scalp leave for 15-30 minutes
• Rinse with water
 Keep applying until itching stops
[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: ALOE VERA
• Aloe vera gel
• Coconut oil

• Warm the coconut oil slightly and add to aloe vera gel
• Rinse after a while and continue till itching stops.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice
• Apply the freshly squeezed lemon juice thoroughly onto the scalp
• Leave it on for about 5-7 mins
• Shampoo or wash hair.
1. Mix few drops of trea tree oil and lemon juice together apply to your scalp and rinse after 30 mins....repeat regularly until itching stops.
2. Mix like 10-20 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tbsp of vegetable oil together, massage this mixture onto your scalp directly.
Regular use of this remedy will surely heal a dry, itchy scalp.

• Baking soda
• Water
• Mix together to form a paste
• Apply to scalp leave for 15-30 minutes
• Rinse with water
 Keep applying until itching stops
[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: ALOE VERA
• Aloe vera gel
• Coconut oil

• Warm the coconut oil slightly and add to aloe vera gel
• Rinse after a while and continue till itching stops.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice
• Apply the freshly squeezed lemon juice thoroughly onto the scalp
• Leave it on for about 5-7 mins
• Shampoo or wash hair.
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Clarifying of scalp.

DIY Clarifying Of Scalp
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
• 2 cups of water
• 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar (ACV)
Combine the water and ACV into a bowl or cup. Slowly pour over hair, scrubbing scalp and hair to remove buildup.
To smooth the cuticles and restore PH balance, you can also use this rinse as your final step after washing, conditioning and detangling.
A good ACV rinse can remove product buildup, restore the pH balance of the scalp and hair, promote blood circulation in the scalp which can stimulate new hair growth and give the hair a soft, healthy sheen.

2. Baking Soda Rinse
• 2 cups warm water
• ½ cup baking soda
• Allow to dissolve
• Apply to scalp and hair.
• Massage.
Can be used after regular shampooing or in place of it. The mixture should not be gritty, it should be smooth and easy to apply.
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Do it yourself SHAMPOO

[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: DIY SHAMPOO
To avoid buying a sulfate free shampoo and in keeping natural hair on a budget, here are some recipes:
Recipe 1
• Raw black soap
• Castor oil, Almond oil and tea tree oil or peppermint oil
• Vegetable glycerin
• Boil water
• Cut the black soap into bits or very tiny pieces
• Place the tiny pieces of soap into a bowl
• Pour the boiled water into the bowl of soap
• Stir well
• Add the oils, castor and almond (you can use oils of your choice)
• Add vegetable glycerin
• Add few drops of tea tree oil or peppermint oil because they are essential oils.
• Cover with a nylon and leave for two days.
• Open and stir
• Pour into a bottle
Your DIY shampoo is ready!
[12/22, 12:27 PM] Baby: Recipe 2
• Raw black soap
• Aloe vera gel
• 2 tbs ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Recipe 3
• Raw black soap
• 1 tbs baking soda

Recipe 4
• Raw black soap
• Honey
• Olive/Coconut oil
You can use Dudu Osun soap instead of raw black soap as shampoo, it is part of keeping natural hair on a budget.
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Scalp treatment1

[12/22, 12:26 PM] ‪+234 816 861 2873‬: 1. Honey & Olive Oil
The honey mask is one of my favorite pre-poos to use because it’s super moisturizing and the ingredients make it super convenient to use.
The humectant properties of honey strengthen the hair strands helping to regulate and retain moisture in the hair follicles.
Olive oil is a natural hair softener which also aids in strengthening the hair.
The combination of the two can combat even the dryest curls!

What you need:
• 2-3 tbsp olive oil (depending on your hair length and fullness)
• 2 tsp raw honey
• Heat source and small pan or pot
• Shower cap

• Just warm up about 2-3 tbsp of olive oil (depending on your hair length/thickness) then add 1-2 tsp of raw honey.
• Mix them up then apply on your scalp and hair.
• Cover with a shower cap then wash off after 30 minutes.

2. Aloe Vera Scalp Treatment
For this DIY pre- poo all you need is an aloe vera leaf, slice and scoop out the gel into a bowl. You can take your slices and apply them directly to your scalp or blend before applying. The aloe vera plant contains proteolytic enzymes that help repair dead skin cells on the scalp, promote hair growth and prevents dandruff.
You can use it with oils.

3. Peppermint Oil Pre-Poo
A simple mixture of peppermint oil and coconut oil. Coconut oil is an amazing pre-poo treatment! It protects the hair follicle by penetrating under the cuticle when the hair swells during the “wetting” process, resulting in less contracting and reducing the chances of damage.
4. Oil mix
You can also mix carrot oil, onion oil, olive oil and palm kernel oil together as prepoo.
[12/22, 12:27 PM] ‪+234 816 861 2873‬: 5. Onion, Garlic ,Ginger juice and palmoil
 Direction for use :
• Extract the juice of onion, garlic and ginger by blending with a very little water, and strain out or sieve the juice.
• Warm palm oil and add to the juice. (Optional)
• Add a egg yolk to the juice and whisk together (Optional)
• Massage to scalp and edges after detangling and putting your hair in sections.
• Cover hair for 30mins or more with a shower cap.
Your hair will be super soft after this!

Onion, garlic and or ginger juice works effectively for hair growth, dandruff, regrowing of edges etc.

How to do a pre-poo:

• Gather your ingredients for your pre-poo
• Section your dry hair into 4 or more sections
• De-tangle each section with a wide tooth comb
• Spread your choice of pre-poo over each section
• Cover hair with a shower cap and leave it for 15-30 mins before washing.
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What is a pre-poo?

A pre-poo is when you apply a conditioning treatment to the hair prior to shampooing or washing so as to add moisture to the follicles.
Pre-pooing is basically a guard that we use to block any damage that may occur during the washing process.

How does the pre-poo affect your hair?

Yes, it's true that everything that you put on your hair before a shampoo will be washed away. It may be hard to see the point of doing this step in the first place. Let's remember that the process of washing the hair can be very stressful on the hair, especially if you are still using a sulfate shampoo. In fact, there tends to be a ton of manipulation during the washing, deep conditioning and styling routine. Doing a pre-poo conditions the cuticle and gets it prepared for the manipulation to follow.

Which products are best for a pre-poo?

What you use as a pre-poo is solely up to you (your choice)
Generally oils and humectants such as honey and conditioners are all great options for pre-poos.

DIY Pre-Poos

If you would rather mix your own pre-poo instead of buy, there are a ton of recipes out there to get you started. Eventually you will get a feel for what your hair likes and doesn't like, but here are some easy recipes that work for every hair type.
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[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: COCONUT OIL
This does not only softens hair but it will also condition the scalp.
• Matured coconuts
• Wooden stick
• Cheese cloth or Sieve

1.Grate matured coconuts after taking it out from its shell
(atleast 6 or more nuts can get you enough cold pressed coconut oil)
2. Add hot water to the grated coconuts,use a wooden stick to stir and sieve using a cheese cloth or net sieve to get coconut milk(your coconut milk should't be too watery)
3. Cover the sieved coconut milk and allow it to sit for 24hrs, thereafter refrigerate for another 24hrs
4. You will notice the top of ur coconut milk is in a kind of solid state,use a spoon and scoop the top in an air tight container and keep in a cool place.
Your cold pressed coconut oil is ready.

1. Grate matured coconuts already taken out from its shell(matured coconut is advised as that will get more oils)
2. Add warm or normal water,stir using ur hand or a wooden stick and sieve using a cheesecloth or a net sieve to get coconut milk
3. Pour coconut milk into a sauce pan or pot and set over a low heat
4. Stir the coconut milk while it heats up, continue to do this until the milk/liquid dries up,Then u take the pot off the heat
5. You will be left with oil and some brown coconut chaff
6. Sieve again the oil in order to seperate the oil from the chaff,Transfer sieved oil into an air tight container.
Your hot pressed coconut oil is ready for use.
[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: ONION OIL
Onions have proven to be a great remedy in keeping natural hair on a budget.
They are cheap to get but are of so many benefits to hair in that:
They add volume to hair
Help to grow hair tremendously
Fights dandruff because of its rich antibacterial properties
To regrow edges, prevent hair shedding, breakage and so many other benefits.

Ingredients Needed For DIY Onion Oil Are:
Curry leaves
Coconut oil

• Chop onions into bits and put into a blender
• Add very little water and blend.
• Heat your coconut oil in a pot.
• Add curry leaves
• Add your blended onion
• Leave to boil for 30-40 minutes
• Remove pot or saucepan from heat, stir and let it to simmer for 7-8hrs.
• Sieve out your oil
• Store in a bottle, Your onion oil is ready!
 You can even put a curry leaf or 2 leaves inside your onion oil and apply to your hair.
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Avocado oils!and how to do it yoursel

[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: AVOCADO OIL
You know that avocado is good for your health because of all the wonderful nutrients it contains. It turns out that those nutrients can also do wonders for your natural hair. Packed with vitamins A, Dand E, as well as B vitamins and protein. Avocado oil is commonly used as a carrier oil for essential oils.
Vitamin E is a good ingredient because it strengthens the hair follicles and repairs damage caused by harsh chemical treatments.
Vitamin B provides nourishment to your hair follicles and prevents a flaky scalp.
This healthy oil is known as a superfood because of these essential ingredients.

Benefits Of Using Avocado Oil For Your Natural Hair Are:
1. Avocado oil can effectively detangle your hair. Avocado oil acts as a lubricant that keeps your hair from getting tangled.
2. Avocado oil can penetrate scalp and correct the condition that is causing the dandruff and dry scalp .
3. Avocado oil is a light weight hair oil. It penetrates through the hair and scalp without leaving your hair greasy or stiff. After you apply avocado oil to your hair, you will notice that it is soft, silky and shiny.
4. Avocado oil effectively moisturizes your hair.
The benefits of using avocado oil are endless. The best way to determine how avocado oil will benefit you is to do it yourself!
You can use it alone or look for hair care products that contain it.
[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: How To Make Avocado Oil:
If you want to extract oil from the avocado itself, you will need a large amount of avocados.
Start with like twelve avocados.
1. Slice the avocados around the pit in half. Then separate the halves and get out the pit (remove the seed).Use a spoon to take out the fruit of the avocados and put them into a blender or a food processor.
2. Use the blender to make a puree (smooth paste) out of those avocados! It has to be like a paste, with no chunks. You can also mash the avocados with your hands if you don’t have a blender.
3. When you have your thick paste, spread the avocado on a baking tray or stainless tray. The layer has to be even or well spread but don’t make it too thick or thin.
4. Take the tray and put it in the sun to dry. It may take up to two days. If you don’t want to wait, then put the tray in the oven and set the temperature to more than 50°C.
Note: It may take up to 5 hours to dry the avocado in the oven. You also have to check it every hour and make sure that it is drying, not baking. If the avocado is turning black, it is time to take it out.
[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: Method 2
How to extract oil from avocado through
You will need twelve avocados again. Peel them the same way as we did in the previous option.Use the blender or your food processor to make the avocado puree.
1. When you’ve done all the mentioned steps, it is time to start some cooking. Take your blended puree(smooth paste) and put it into a pot. Put the pot on a stove and turn the heat on “medium”.
2. Don’t forget to stir the avocados. You should do this every five minutes.
The avocado will start to boil. You will notice that there will be oils on the top of the mixture. Don’t worry and don’t try to get the oils right away.
3. Cook and stir the mixture until it’s dark green or brown. You will also notice that the water has evaporated.
4. The next steps are the same as in the previous
option - take a clean, thin cloth and put the avocado mix into the cloth. Make it like a sack, put a bowl under it and squeeze the oils into the bowl. Then pour them into a bottle and eventually clarify the oil.
[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: 5. Take the avocado out of the oven. Use a spatula (wooden spoon) to get the avocado out of the tray and put it into a thin cotton cloth.
6. Take the cloth and pitch the corners together making a sack. Squeeze the avocado oil into a bowl.
7. Pour the avocado into a bottle. Let it sit for a few days and then clarify it to ensure no particles inside.
[12/22, 12:26 PM] Baby: The result is an enriching oil with a greenish yellow colour. You shouldn't have any bits of avocado pulp if using the correct thin cloth or cheese cloth. Strain again if you do.
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ALOE VERA Oils! And how to do it

[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: ALOE VERA OIL
Aloe vera plant is very beneficial to skin and hair.
I know it may be difficult for some of you to get those fresh Aloe Vera leaves straight from the plant, but trust me, just make a little effort to get or just buy a plant and put it into your balcony. This is the right time to plant aloe vera in your compound because it will be so useful for many operations in your natural hair journey.
For your Aloe vera oil these are the ingredients you will need:
1. Aloe Vera leaves.
2. Coconut oil or any carrier oil of your choice like castor oil, olive or almond oil.
3) Vitamin E oil as preservative

1. Get matured aloe vera leaves (quantity depends on how much oil you need)
2. Wash and dice your aloe vera leaves,Transfer in an air tight bottle, pour olive oil and add 4-5 tablespoons of vitamin E for preservation
3. Cover the bottle and keep in cool place to sit for 3-4weeks
4. Thereafter,sieve out the oil to separate the diced aloe vera leaves.Transfer oil into a clean air tight container and store in a cool place.
Your aloe vera oil is ready!
You can choose to add few drops of lavender oil.
1. Take fresh Aloe Vera leaves wash them to remove any dirt.
2. Slice out the corners to remove the thorns. With a sharp knife, from top slice out the leaf into two.
3. Now take a bowl and extract the gel out of the leaf with a spoon and put it into a bowl.
4. Pour the coconut oil into a sauce pan or pot and place on a low heat. Let it simmer and occasionally keep on stirring the mixture well. With time you can hardly see any gel left and the oil turns into brown.
5. Take the pot or sauce pan off the heat, allow to cool, sieve your aloe oil into an air tight bottle. Your aloe vera oil is ready!
You can also add 3-4 capsules of Vitamin E oil as it acts as a natural preservative. This is optional because you can still store and use this oil for like one month.

Miraculous benefits of Aloe Vera hair oil
Aloe vera is more than a hair oil but a powerful hair tonic. Aloe Vera contains many nutritious values and various vitamins like C, A, B1, B2etc.
• Reduces hair fall
• Increases hair growth perfect cure for dry and itchy scalp
• Makes hair thick and helps to regrow hair
• Hair feels so smooth, soft and silky after every wash after doing a hot oil massage with this oil.
I suggest to use this hair oil twice weekly and do a nice hot oil massage (pre-poo) and just leave it on for 5-6 hrs or overnight and wasoff with shampoo and condition as usual.
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Do it and methods of doing carrot oil which is very enriching to the hair.

[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: DIY (Do It Yourself) Hair Enriching Oils.
Do you know that carrots are good for health, but do you know that they are also good for hair growth?
Yes! The importance of the carrot to the natural hair cannot be over emphasized or over looked.
You can eat a carrot a day, or drink carrot juice to see instant results in hair growth and texture. Regularly using carrot externally and internally, will surely give you strong and healthy hair.
Benefits of Carrots
• Carrots are known to add thickness to hair and make hair grow faster.
They are filled with nutrients and vitamins like Vitamin A, K, C, B6, B1, B3, B2, fibre, potassium, phosphorous and many others which are good for health, skin and hair.
• Using of carrots for your hair stimulates hair growth.
• Carrots make hair shiny and give hair silky-smooth texture.
• Carrots improve blood circulation, strengthen hair and prevent breakage of hair and hair fall or shedding.
• Carrots protect hair from external damages like pollution, weather etc.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: CARROT OIL
You just need the following to achieve a super long and strong thick natural hair with carrot;
a) Carrots
b) Either Olive oil, coconut oil or castor oil
c) Hand grater
d) Bowl
e) Bottle
f) Pot
g) Sieve
1. Wash ur carrots, peel the first layer off to get the orange clean part.
2. Grate carrots with hand grater.
2. Cover carrots with coconut oil, olive oil or any other oil of your choice in a pot.
3. Cook carrots in the oil on a very low heat until they are tender and the oil has turned orange.
4. Pour mixture through a sieve and sieve over and over till u have little or no particles in it.
5. Store in a bottle or jar.
Your carrot oil is ready!
What you need:
• Unwashed carrots
• Extra virgin olive oil or liquid coconut oil
• Grater
• A clean glass jar
• A clean bowl
1. Peel carrots. Do not wash them. If they’re wet, dry them thoroughly or leave them to completely dry without a drop of water before proceeding further.
2. Next, grate your peeled carrots into a bowl. Transfer them into a clean glass jar.
3. Fill up the jar with your oil of choice (extra virgin olive oil, liquid coconut oil, etc). Make sure the jar is filled to the top of the jar with oil and cover jar tightly. This prevents any air in the jar that will make the oil rancid. Now store your jar in a warm area and leave it there for about 2 weeks. Shake the jar everyday to allow the nutrients of the carrots to infuse into the oil.
4. After 2 weeks, strain the oil using a fine plastic mesh strainer or sieve into another clean jar. Use a funnel to avoid spillage.
5. And your homemade carrot oil is ready for use! Label it ‘homemade carrot oil’ and mark the date. Store it in a cool dry place like the refrigerator to lengthen its shelf life.

Uses Of Carrot Oils.
• For your spritz. That is, it can be mixed with water in your spray bottle for moisturizing your hair.
• For shea mix (mixture of sheabutter with oils)
• Oil mix (mixture of oils)
• For sealing moisture.
• As prepoo and hot oil treatment.
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Keep and regrow the edges of ur hair.👧👩

[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: Treatments for regrowing your edges.
• Rubbing the thinning areas with oil or oil mixture treatments can help in re-growing hair in those areas. These treatments will reduce the damage on your edges by repairing the follicles and encourage hair growth.
For example, rubbing your scalp with vitamin E is a great way to stimulate growth.
 •The SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque is great. You can warm it up a little bit and massage it into your scalp.
• Castor oil (especially Jamaican Black Castor Oil), JBCO is the unrefined version of Castor Oil. This means the full health benefits and nutrients were not lost during processing. A daily or weekly (depending on the severity) deep edges massage will greatly improve circulation and stimulation of the hair follicle.
Other oils you can add to castor oil or use as a replacement are olive, coconut, jojoba and sweet almond oil.
• Peppermint Oil & Jojoba Oil
Similarly to Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil is an antibacterial known for removing impurities causing growth obstructions. Its cooling effect also relaxes the follicle, promoting healthy hair growth. Since Jojoba (carrier oil) is the oil closest to that of our own natural oils, it is the best choice for a carrier oil.
A soothing carrier oil is needed with peppermint oil because of how potent it can be.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: • Another great natural and effective mixture is Basil Oil( Scent leaves oil/Efirin in yoruba) and Jojoba. Consistent and weekly pre-poo (before cleansing) with this mixture will improve hairline with major results.
• Aloevera oil or gel is also okay for growing edges.
 • Try a light protein treatment mixed with moisturizer and massage it into your scalp to
stimulate the growth
• Onion and ginger are also very good in regrowing edges.
• Sleeping on a satin pillowcase
Start sleeping on a satin pillowcase instead of a cotton one because the cotton pillowcase will absorb the natural oils and moisture right out of your hair. The friction between your hair and cotton pillowcase can lead to breakage. Your edges need those oils and moisture when they are thinning, so pamper them with the right nighttime treatments.
• At the very least a daily multi-vitamin will aid in hair growth. Also nutritious diets are required.
• Scalp massage
Scalp massage stimulate the skin and encourage the blood vessels to increase blood flow and boost circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. This increased circulation brings more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and may aid in hair growth. Which oils to use is less important than the actual act of massaging and this can be done without oil, as the purpose is to encourage circulation.
When you massage, it is important to only use the pads of your fingers; don't rake over this sensitive area with fingernails. Move around in a gentle, circular pattern for a few minutes each day. Don't press down firmly on your hairline.
How often do you massage your edges? You need to do this once every 2 days for 2 months nonstop.
• Remember I said earlier that tight buns and ponytails are bad for edges! Well, you don't have to give up entirely on styles just to regrow your edges.
There are so many natural hairstyles for thin edges that you can choose from. Twist and braid outs do not require that your hair is pulled tightly. Also, loose high puffs using a shoe string or an old stretched out headband are alternative updos without stressing the edges.
• Hydrate
Hydrating your edges is a major key in regrowth and maintaining health. Spritzing your edges with water or aloe vera juice and adding oil afterward is a great way to make sure your edges remain most hydrated and doesn’t become brittle.
When our hair is dry, it becomes brittle and more prone to breakage.
Moisturizing, as usual, will be the key to maintaining healthy edges and promoting growth.

Regrowing your edges needs time and consistency. If you continue to avoid styles that put too much strain or stress on your hairlines, reduce manipulation and nourish your edges they will grow back but it takes consistency. It may take a while before you notice improvement, but it is well worth the wait.
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DO U WANT TO KEEP HAIR NATURAL?? Here are some steps to follow.

[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: Keeping Your Natural Hair On A Budget.
Natural hair can look a little discouraging because of different kinds of expensive natural hair care products out there.
Yes! Natural hair is an expensive venture if you don't know your way!
You don't need to have so much unnecessary products all over your shelf, and you don't neccessarily have to buy all hair care products you see or hear about.
Don't be a product junkie! The basic things that will ensure you enjoy your natural hair journey and have awesome results is understanding your hair porosity, type and density.
When you know your hair better, you will be able to build your hair care regime, know what works for you and then put it on a budget!
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: But first, what is your budget? Trust me, it is very easy to get carried away with products, it is even the easiest thing!
You need to put your natural hair on a budget. To plan a budget the following tips will help you go about it:
1. You need to allocate a particular amount for products and ensure you follow it.
2. Next, study your hair. Know the kind of products that are applicable and what are not beneficial to your hair.
Find out what works for your hair and stick to it. Product junkism might not allow your hair thrive.
3. Make enquiries before buying any product. Ensure you have satisfiable reviews on such product before you buy it. Often times, some of these products are just hype, nothing else.
4. Finally, you really do not need to go an extra length saving money to get expensive products if you have the basics of doing it yourself.
You can do most of these hair care products yourself! DIY hair recipes are sometimes much more reliable and effective.
You can totally manage your natural hair on your budget. Don’t let anyone convince or tell you otherwise.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: The basic operations usually carried out in the natural hair journey are:
• Pre poo
• Shampooing
• Deep Conditioning
• Protein treatment
• Clarifying of scalp
• Cowashing
• After wash rinse
• Moisturizing
• Styling.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: For bad or thin edges, take note of the following:
• Avoid tight hairstyles
Hair edges may eventually get thinner or bald when wearing tight hairstyles frequently, which pulls the edges. The ponytail hairstyles that are also in braids may put stress on hair edges. When wearing braids avoid wearing a ponytail with the braids, because it will pull the hair edges and the edges will eventually get thinner.
• Stay away from gels that contain alcohol
There are gels for natural hair that don't contain alcohol and have no negative effect on edges. For example, Eco Styler Gel
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: • Keep face cleanser and toner from touching your edges.
Most face cleansers contain alcohol, care should be taken when applying on face so that it doesn't touch your edges. The effect of face cleanser and toners that have  alcohol is that it drys out your hairline. Once your hairline drys out it will become weak and eventually break off.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: • Avoid the use of brush on your edges.
• Wearing tight satin caps with non- satin borders
If your satin bonnet or cap is too tight or is not satin around the edge you are doing more harm than good. Just sleep using satin pillowcase, bonnets or caps that are too tight around your edges are not a good idea.
• Using glues, adhesives, or wig caps
The use of glues, adhesives, and wig caps won't allow your scalp to breathe, and yes it needs air! Some women are even experiencing allergic reactions to the glues and adhesives, which do not always appear immediately. If you are trying to regrow your edges, I suggest you stay away from them.
[12/22, 12:25 PM] Baby: Treatments for regrowing your edges.
• Rubbing the thinning areas with oil or oil mixture treatments can help in re-growing hair in those areas. These treatments will reduce the damage on your edges by repairing the follicles and encourage hair growth.
For example, rubbing your scalp with vitamin E is a great way to stimulate growth.
 •The SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque is great. You can warm it up a little bit and massage it into your scalp.
• Castor oil (especially Jamaican Black Castor Oil), JBCO is the unrefined version of Castor Oil. This means the full health benefits and nutrients were not lost during processing. A daily or weekly (depending on the severity) deep edges massage will greatly improve circulation and stimulation of the hair follicle.
Other oils you can add to castor oil or use as a replacement are olive, coconut, jojoba and sweet almond oil.
• Peppermint Oil & Jojoba Oil
Similarly to Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Peppermint Essential Oil is an antibacterial known for removing impurities causing growth obstructions. Its cooling effect also relaxes the follicle, promoting healthy hair growth. Since Jojoba (carrier oil) is the oil closest to that of our own natural oils, it is the best choice for a carrier oil.
A soothing carrier oil is needed with peppermint oil because of how potent it can be.
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