
Wednesday 23 August 2023


 The Australian High Commission in Ghana is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program to support projects that contribute to inclusive, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra.

 Successful projects will align with the core Australian values of equality, empowerment, and inclusion, and promote a distinctive and positive image of Australia.

Grants for Projects to reduce Poverty and achieve Sustainable Development

Deadline: 10-Sep-23

The Australian High Commission in Ghana is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program to support projects that contribute to inclusive, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra. Successful projects will align with the core Australian values of equality, empowerment, and inclusion, and promote a distinctive and positive image of Australia.


Donors Supporting Climate Change Initiatives

Focus Areas

In 2023-24, the High Commission will fund projects in the following focus areas:Good governance, transparency, and accountabilityGender equality and women’s economic empowermentCountering violent extremismHuman rights promotion and inclusion

All projects must show due consideration to gender and disability inclusion in their design and implementation by ensuring women and people with disabilities are consulted and included in the development of proposals and the final design and implementation of projects.

Funding Information

DAP grants are between AU$20,000-A$50,000.

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Who can apply?

DAP is available to not-for-profit individuals, community groups, NGOs, and other entities engaged in development activities in countries that are eligible for official development assistance (ODA).

In 2023-24, applications are open to Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo. Funding is allocated on a competitive basis.

Applications may be submitted by individuals or businesses on behalf of an NGO or other implementing organization as part of a partnership. In this case, the applying organization must take responsibility for the management and acquittal of DAP funds. The implementing organization must be involved in preparing the application and be contactable to verify funds are being applied for on their behalf.

What are the Requirements?

Applicants must:Seek a grant between AU$20,000 and AU$50,000. Complete an application form through the Smarty Grants online grants management system. Include a clear, fully itemized, and fully cost project budget (excluding cost items of a recurring nature such as staff salaries and consumables). Outline how the project will be completed within 12 months. Demonstrate the project’s contribution to development outcomes for target groups.

Preference is given to projects that:Show tangible and practical development outcomes; Include at least equal representation of women in leadership positions, including during the identification, design, and implementation phases of the project; Are innovative and creative, particularly those using new technologies; Comply with local laws and have the demonstrated support of local authorities, including traditional leaders, district assemblies and local governments; Pay special attention to disability and gender issues and/or other disadvantaged groups; and sustainable; proposals need to demonstrate a commitment on the part of beneficiaries to implement the activities and maintain them beyond the conclusion of the project.


The following activities and items are generally not eligible for funding under the DAP:Australian or overseas study tours. Micro-credit schemes and commercial ventures.Routine, recurring, and/or running costs of the applying organization including staff salaries; office rental and utility costs; spare parts; office supplies; routine maintenance and repairs; purchase of major assets such as property or vehicles (including motorbikes); and payment of consultants, where this would constitute a major cost component of the project.Projects, including commemorative events, sporting tournaments, or cultural displays, that do not have a clear developmental outcome.Catering (i.e. food and drinks) and media coverage for promotional/launch events associated with DAP projects. Projects that include ineligible components can be considered only if the proposal clearly states how these ineligible components will be funded by sources other than DAP. In assessing applications, the High Commission will consider the experience and track record of the applicant organization, as well as the potential development impact of the project. The High Commission will scrutinize budget proposals and reserves the right to request budget adjustments where necessary.

For more information, visit The Australian High Commission in Ghana

Check out this grant👉

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