
Tuesday 4 April 2023


 She was a "perfect wife"...except for one neglect.

...a perfect wife

She was LOVELY... Always took care to look smart and fresh.

AFFECTIONATE: she was warm hearted and tender.

...CHEERFUL. She never nagged, or moped, or wept.

EFFICIENT: Her house was always neat, clean, well-run, smelled good.

...ECONOMICAL. She knew how to make a budget behave.

She was SUPPORTIVE... Always by his side. Share ideas.

In fact, she was everything a man will desire and need, except for one thing, FEMININE HYGIENE.


You read that right. 
She was everything a man will desire, but was careless about feminine hygiene which is important for anyone who has a vagina.

Her husband would gladly have traded most of her virtues to correct this one fault, but he never did...

Hey lady,

Embrace feminine hygiene as young as possible. Get use to it now, don't wait until you are married.

You might not be lucky having a partner like the "perfect lady" mentioned above. Even if your partner would tolerate, you should feel uncomfortable when unpleasant Odour comes out from your private parts.

Let talk about personal and menstrual hygiene.

It's important you wash well... From your mouth to your hair, and from your hair to your private parts. 

It's also important to treat and give yourself a special care after menstruations. You don't need fancy products for menstrual hygiene, you can resort to DIY home made remedy.

Here are some tips:

  1. Shave your pubic hair
  2. Wash thoroughly your inner thigh and folds (for, some of the Odour comes from those places)
  3. Pay attention, and take care of your under wears. (You should consider wearing cotton undies. Wash them with hot water and dettols, or dry them directly to the sun, or iron them)
  4. Use warm water always, after peeing to wash your private parts.
  5. Use yoni steaming herbs. But if you can't afford, go for the DIY home remedy.
This is what you should do Immediately after your menses.
● Boil hot water 100° 
● Get scent leaves(plenty)
● Get a handful of Salt
● Pour the Salt and scent leaves into the hot water in a small bucket,
● Undress and sit on the Vapour(steam)
● Open your legs that the Vapour can go in deep
● Do it for like 5 minutes.

2)Drink your already prepared clove juice for three days(soak cloves in a clean bottle of water for 3 days)
This DIY home remedy doesn't only prevents  VA*GINA ODOUR, but EARLY FIBROID, Toilet Infections, Menstrual Cramps.

Yoni steam herbs

Yoni steam herbs is a combination of herbs such as  lavender, roseflower and more. 

How to steam.

Boil 3 cups of water together with yoni herbs. Allow it to cool alittle and while waiting, wrap a towel around your waist  and kneel over the boil water as if you're sitting on a toilet. Steam up till 45minutes.


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  1. Magnificent and wonderful independent Queen ever


Designed by Jide Ogunsanya.