
Sunday 12 February 2023


 Tricks and gimmicks supermarkets uses to make people buy more than they planned to...

Supermarket is a large shop which sells most types of food and good needed in the home.

Supermarket strategy have been successfully tricking people to spend more than they planned. When you go to a supermarket to buy milk, you end up coming out with the plastic bag filled up with other things, which you likely don't need at that moment.

Supermarkets actually understand that we have conscious mind and a partial/unconscious mind to influence. Once you set your foot in the supermarket, you've already entered the ring, because the psychologist designed the layout of supermarkets to trick you to buy more.

There are various ways the supermarket uses to sell not to our rational and logical conscious mind, but to our spontaneous and automatic partial/unconscious mind has been influenced.

The arrangements of goods in supermarkets is a systematic way to attract and trick customers to buy more or, even things they don't need.

Come to think of it. 
How do most supermarkets seem to have thesame layout?

It's because behavioural psychologists came up with the design. It manipulates how we shop and increase spending.

Final purchase.

Chocolates, candy, treat or even toys are lined up here, or beside the counter payment. Prices here are usually low, to encourage customer to make a final purchases without thinking much. 
While waiting on the queue, or while the counter is bringing out goods purchased from the trolley, he/she or their child might accidentally look towards the candies or the toys.

Items are placed randomly

Sometimes the items that is supposed to be in theseame section is placed somewhere else.
   This is to make a customer wander around the store. While the customer wander around, he/she might likely to be attracted by something different from what they're looking for.

Children items are at the bottom

Kids items are arrange at the bottom, so they can easily see them, and ask their parents to buy for them.

No clock

You won't see a clock in supermarkets.
This is a strategy to keep the customer longer, and wandering around, without having the concept of time. 

Also, most of them have no windows too!

Shop -in-the-shop

Half of the aisle in the supermarket was designed to look unique. The drug department for example will be designed to look like a pharmacy.And this kind of sections are given lighting, shelves and even different floor to look exclusive and expensive. When it looks exclusive and expensive, customers will feel the price worth it.

Trolleys are getting bigger + kids trolley

A customer will not need a trolley if he/she is going to buy just a few things.
Those who use the trolleys, there seems to be a psychological effect that they can't leave it empty. Plus with kids, it won't be empty for sure!

Having a bakery.

Supermarkets have a section where chops are baked. While baking, the aroma/smell entice the customers, or even stimulate hunger. The customers have no choice but to buy.

Loss marketing strategy

Some supermarkets use this strategy to attract and make customers stick to them.
They select a product, promote it at cost price with no profit. When people come across their promotion, they will wow the price and run to the supermarket to buy things from them, which seems less expensive and cheaper then other places. This is a strategy used by supermarkets to lure people to their store.

Giving free samples

Most people like free stuff. But nothing is really free.

They do it to:
•Make  you stay longer
•Make you more loyar
•introduce you to new products that are hard to sell or expensive.

Playing slow music

Supermarkets play slower music that makes you more relaxed and walk slowly.

Then, you get to see more things, explore more and putore things into your shopping basket.

What do you think about the supermarket tricks and strategies? Are they applicable to other businesses as well? If you think "Yes," how? If "No," why?

We love comments, drop your views. 

Don't forget to share with other business owners as well.


  1. This is one huge sales strategy you've exposed. Thanks for the insight, dear.

    1. Yes of course it is.

      It is a strategy a business owner can creatively apply to his/her business.


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