
Monday 20 February 2023


the first ever Nas Community Fund! is a community platform for Creators to build private communities. 

In just 5 short months, we’ve gone from invite-only Beta to public launch.

And we’ve already celebrated big wins in our 20,000+ strong community: 

-Nikist Hackers Club crossing 10,000 members!

-MoneySecrets earning $500 on WhatsApp!

-NFG making over $1,800 from an event!

-BarangayVA growing over 15,000 members!

…Plus even more amazing small wins that happen every day.

Building a community on social media is hard. Managing communities is hard. Monetizing your community is hard. 

That’s why we built 

Now we’ve got the best tools, free to use! But what about financial support?

That’s why we launched the Nas Community Fund.

And we’re putting the money directly in your hands! Use it however you want to make your vision come to life: 

Create educational courses, hire moderators to manage members, put down deposits for events, pay for guest speakers, host a workshop – the possibilities are endless!

The best community pitch gets $10,000 cash! And 8 communities will get $5,000 each.

We will choose 9 communities that show:

  • a strong vision,
  • a clear execution plan,
  • and will use the money to bring people together.

It takes 5 minutes to apply. Get your application in

Apply now

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Saturday 18 February 2023


 How to love a man

                    Written by the Counsellor.

Too often, the emotional reality of men goes either unseen, or is disregarded. This can create a barrier to men becoming fully self-actualized, or to having the kinds of high quality relationships that they deserve.

In my experience, one of the main issues when it comes to men in relationships is that their feelings or emotional needs aren't often acknowledged or addressed. 

It can be hard for many guys to put a voice to how they feel. As a result, sometimes their partners don't fully understand them.

It's a common misperception that men don't crave feelings of closeness, connection, and emotional intimacy just as much as women do. As a counsellor, and couples therapist, I can't tell you the many poignant conversations I've had with lonely men who want nothing more than to feel connected to and loved by the most important woman in their life. When they get the love and affection they crave, they're like plants being watered. 

There are differences in the way that men and women feel connected and cared for, often having to do with their “Love Languages.” While there are no hard and fast rules that are true for all men, often times men experience love through physical affection, quality time together, and words of affirmation, whereas women are more likely to experience feelings of love through acts of service, words of affirmation, as well as gifts. Another difference is that men often have a higher need for novelty and excitement than women do. 

In plain language: Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when their partners hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality, often to a greater degree than women do. Whereas women often need to feel emotionally connected as a prelude to sexuality, men often need to feel sexually connected before they can connect emotionally. Additionally, some men feel stronger feelings of attachment and connection when there is novelty and adventure in a relationship.


Many men also long to feel respected, and supported in the things that are most important to them. For some men, having partners who support them in pursuing their hobbies or interests outside of the relationship is a very meaningful way of feeling loved. It may sound paradoxical, to love someone by setting them free, but many men feel an enormous amount of satisfaction in relationships where they are not just accepted, but prized, for who and what they are.

One mistake I often see women make is assuming that men should feel connected and romanced in the same way that they do: through conversation, time together, gift giving, etc. (Leading women to feel frustrated or rejected when they try to show love in the way they think their partner “should” experience it, and it's not received well). This can lead to conflict, or even worse, partners withdrawing in their attempts to show love.

One mistake I often see couples make, is that they expect each other to deal with stress in similar ways — and often judge each other ruthlessly when they don't. 

For example, when men experience stress or challenging life situations they are more likely than women to internalize stress. They sometimes withdraw, distract themselves, or get busy doing other things rather than talking about how they're feeling. (Or even feeling what they're feeling, honestly). Women are more likely to externalize stress, meaning that they feel all the feels, and they talk about it. They want to reach out for connection in difficult times.

You can see where this is headed: When both partners are stressed out, if one of them copes by withdrawing and the other copes by talking…. both of them will feel like they're not getting what they need from the other. Women feel shut down, invalidated or rejected by their partners in the moments when they need them the most. At the same time, men often feel harassed to talk about things they don't want to (or even know how to) talk about, and then criticized when they don't “do it right.”

Never forget that while the golden rule we're taught is, “Treat others as we'd like to be treated,” when it comes to having a great relationship the golden rule takes precedence, which is - Treat others the way that THEY want to be treated.

Often, more than anything, your man wants to know that you like him, you respect him, and that you find him sexually attractive. When in doubt, start there.

Never Assume What “Love” Means to Others

However, all men are different. Some men feel the deepest connection through sexuality. For others, the height of emotional connection is through conversation, time together, or acts of service. All romance starts and ends with paying attention to the other person's feelings, and showing them that you love them in ways that are tailor made to be meaningful to them. Aren't sure how your man feels most loved? Ask him! 

But never forget that men crave romance and connection just as much as women do, even if they experience it differently. Take the time to figure out what's most meaningful to your most important person.

If this sounds like a lot of work, consider that a wonderful side benefit of romancing your man is that when you do, you're much more likely to have romantic energy coming back to you, too. It's effortless to love when we feel loved, isn't it?

Be the change you wish to see in your relationship! 

Don't forget that we love comments.

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Thursday 16 February 2023


Make him miss you badly.

 There's this exciting feeling when you are missed by your hubby, boyfriend or even someone you're crushing on. So therefore, if you want to experience the feeling, you'll have to make HIM miss you.

Here are some ways to make HIM miss you badly.

1- Travel out. If you live in the same city with him, travel out of the city often. Tell him you are traveling out if you want.

While you are away, make yourself unavailable both on phone and on social media, to keep him wondering what is happening, which he would probably call.

2- Don't call or text first (while you are away) allow him to call first. You can intentionally ignore his call if you want to (just to keep him wondering, and eagerly waiting to hear from you). You can also pick if you want, but make sure you keep the conversation short, and be the first to hang up.

3- Before you should do the above, make sure you're in his heart first. 

Be in his life by;

  • Adding value to his life

  • Be his encourager, and motivator

  • Share new and elevating ideas with him

  • Often tease and joke with him 

  • Compliment him

  • Gifts him often

  • Send funny messages that would make you to be going through your chats often

  • Be kind and empathetic

  • Send him romantic texts. (It can be a sexual tension text)

  • Do not beg 

4- if you are already in his heart, then make him miss you often by doing No.1

And like I mentioned, do not always make yourself available. You can come on social media once in a while and make a post, or post a beautiful photo of you. 

Ignore his comment, and rather respond or engage with a random guy who comments, just to make HIM feel jealous, and insecure.

Be willing to walk away.

Be mysterious

Be weird

When you realize he truly and genuinely missed you, come back to the city, arrange a date and ask him out.

Smell nice, look good and fabulous. 

Find a way into his heart again.

Try this, and it will definitely work out. Except if he doesn't truly love you.

We love comments. Please drop a comment.

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Monday 13 February 2023


 Have you ever wondered if you can get Free Certificate from Google and then share it on Social Media?

 Apply for the Google Free Online Courses With Certificates 2023. Discover a range of Free online courses by Google and jumpstart your career if you are lacking in any field. Recently Google added many Free online courses with certificates Free. You need to look and get enroll in those Free online courses.

The Google Digital Garage is the Place from where you can enroll in Google Free courses. There are approximately 155 courses are available currently which include Certification as well by Google. The Courses are available in multiple fields. You can enroll at any time from anywhere. You are missing one of the biggest things in your career if you haven’t enrolled currently. It’s time to Explore Google Free Online Courses With Certificates 2023.

Take Free online courses and grow your business. Whether you’re a beginner, a pro, or starting your online career with Google. Google offers free online courses to help you make the most of the web.

Learn at your own pace on your computer, smartphone, or tablet from anywhere, anytime, and then come back to collect your Free Google Certificate with your name printed on it.

Why You Should Do Google Online Course?

You know that everyone is looking to work online, and start working online from home. The Online working income is doubled, triple the time more than your current salary or income.

These Google Online courses will help you to learn about Digital Marketing, Technical things, and What to do to grow your business on Google and make it to the Top of Google.

Can You get a Job at Google?

Upon completion of the Google IT Courses, and Google Python Certificates, you will gain access to an exclusive job platform where you can easily apply to opportunities from employers with open IT jobs in Google.

Google Digital Garage?

The Google Digital Garage is the place where all the Google Online courses are available for everyone. It comes with Free Certificates as well as Paid certificates.

Also, you can select the time and duration of the Courses as well as the course Providers. The Names and the list of the Google Online Courses with Free Certificates are given below.

Types of Google Free Online Courses 2023

Artificial intelligence

Coding & development



Google Digital Marketing Course

Digital wellbeing

Career development


Why Get Google Free Certification?

It will improve your CV if you will add google certification and you can share it on Linkedin as well. You can easily upload it everywhere.

After completing a Course and getting certified by google, you can apply for Job positions at Google. Google is open to anyone from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.

This is what a Google Certificate looks like:

Google Digital Marketing Course

The Google Free Digital Marketing course is the most popular course by Google taken by millions of people from around the world. The Digital Marketing course by Google comes with Free Certificate as well. The Features of the Courses are:

Self-paced learning

Video tutorials

Unlimited access

Recognized certificate

Same like this Google has more than 160 courses and you can enroll in many courses as you can.

How to Enroll in a Google Free Online Courses 2023

It is very easy to enroll yourself in a Google Online course. Simply go to

and start your online courses with Google. Additionally, you can also select the difficulty level such as Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.

More Google Free Online Courses with Certificates 2023

These courses also come with Free Certificates from Google:

Google Analytics for Beginners

Advanced Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Power Users

Fundamentals of digital marketing

Get started with the Google Maps Platform

Google Cloud Computing Foundations

Google Cloud Computing Foundations

Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

Google Cloud Computing Foundations: Networking and Security in Google Cloud

Machine Learning Crash Course

Basics of Machine Learning

Data Science with Python

Python Basics for Data Analysis

Data Science Foundations

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 Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund 

 Deadline Date: 28 February 2023

Donor Name: The Mohamed bin Zayed

Grant Size: $25,000

For More Information 👇🏿

You may also want to check this out

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Sunday 12 February 2023


 Tricks and gimmicks supermarkets uses to make people buy more than they planned to...

Supermarket is a large shop which sells most types of food and good needed in the home.

Supermarket strategy have been successfully tricking people to spend more than they planned. When you go to a supermarket to buy milk, you end up coming out with the plastic bag filled up with other things, which you likely don't need at that moment.

Supermarkets actually understand that we have conscious mind and a partial/unconscious mind to influence. Once you set your foot in the supermarket, you've already entered the ring, because the psychologist designed the layout of supermarkets to trick you to buy more.

There are various ways the supermarket uses to sell not to our rational and logical conscious mind, but to our spontaneous and automatic partial/unconscious mind has been influenced.

The arrangements of goods in supermarkets is a systematic way to attract and trick customers to buy more or, even things they don't need.

Come to think of it. 
How do most supermarkets seem to have thesame layout?

It's because behavioural psychologists came up with the design. It manipulates how we shop and increase spending.

Final purchase.

Chocolates, candy, treat or even toys are lined up here, or beside the counter payment. Prices here are usually low, to encourage customer to make a final purchases without thinking much. 
While waiting on the queue, or while the counter is bringing out goods purchased from the trolley, he/she or their child might accidentally look towards the candies or the toys.

Items are placed randomly

Sometimes the items that is supposed to be in theseame section is placed somewhere else.
   This is to make a customer wander around the store. While the customer wander around, he/she might likely to be attracted by something different from what they're looking for.

Children items are at the bottom

Kids items are arrange at the bottom, so they can easily see them, and ask their parents to buy for them.

No clock

You won't see a clock in supermarkets.
This is a strategy to keep the customer longer, and wandering around, without having the concept of time. 

Also, most of them have no windows too!

Shop -in-the-shop

Half of the aisle in the supermarket was designed to look unique. The drug department for example will be designed to look like a pharmacy.And this kind of sections are given lighting, shelves and even different floor to look exclusive and expensive. When it looks exclusive and expensive, customers will feel the price worth it.

Trolleys are getting bigger + kids trolley

A customer will not need a trolley if he/she is going to buy just a few things.
Those who use the trolleys, there seems to be a psychological effect that they can't leave it empty. Plus with kids, it won't be empty for sure!

Having a bakery.

Supermarkets have a section where chops are baked. While baking, the aroma/smell entice the customers, or even stimulate hunger. The customers have no choice but to buy.

Loss marketing strategy

Some supermarkets use this strategy to attract and make customers stick to them.
They select a product, promote it at cost price with no profit. When people come across their promotion, they will wow the price and run to the supermarket to buy things from them, which seems less expensive and cheaper then other places. This is a strategy used by supermarkets to lure people to their store.

Giving free samples

Most people like free stuff. But nothing is really free.

They do it to:
•Make  you stay longer
•Make you more loyar
•introduce you to new products that are hard to sell or expensive.

Playing slow music

Supermarkets play slower music that makes you more relaxed and walk slowly.

Then, you get to see more things, explore more and putore things into your shopping basket.

What do you think about the supermarket tricks and strategies? Are they applicable to other businesses as well? If you think "Yes," how? If "No," why?

We love comments, drop your views. 

Don't forget to share with other business owners as well.
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Saturday 11 February 2023

YOUTUBE CHANNEL IDEAS FOR BEGINNERS (YouTube videos and tools needed for beginners)

 YouTube video ideas and tools to begin with, in 2023. 

You most have heard that creators on YouTube do earns alot of money by simply uploading videos right?

Yes. That's right.

YouTube has always been a lucrative way to earn cool money. That's why money earn from YouTube is referred as a passive income. 

Everyone can be a youtber if they want, including you reading this. But, their hold backs ha always been "I don't know what to record" or "I am run out of idea because it seems there are thousands of people doing what I intended to do"

If that's what is holding you back, then it time to start!

It's time to fetch from the pool of YouTube.

Here are some ideas I got for you, especially for the ladies. They're very very simple. Go through them, and pick the one that you satisfy with.

1. Cook with me
2. Room tour
3. Shoe collection
4. Get ready with me
5. Cratfs/DIY
6. Come with me
7. Girl talk
8. Hair tutorial
9. Make-up tutorial
10. What's in my bag
11. Clean with me
12. My shoe collection
13. Story time
14. Get to know me
15. Q&A
16. House tour
17. Prank
18. What's on my phone
19. Morning and night routine
20. Product reviews
21. What I order vs What I got
22. Weird food combinations
23. Rate my handwriting
24. How to deal with
25. Shop with me
26. Come with me to market/school or any other place
27. Meet my_
28. Unpopular opinions
29. Feminine hygiene
30. Public interviews

Resources needed are;
1. Good smartphone or a camera
2. Ring light
3. Microphone
4. iMovie
5. Adobe premiere
6. Capcut
7. Adobe spark
8. Canva
9. Pixabay
10. Video
11. Pexel
12. Unplash
13. CD bay
14. Semrush

After you've gotten all of the above mentioned, the next thing you should do is script, practice and record your video.

Get your video edited, optimize and then you get it promoted. Ask your siblings and friends to subscribe, and share with their friends as well.

Once you reach one thousand subscribers, and four thousand hours watch, you likely may get access to getting it monetized. (Eligible)

It's important to create good videos, and being consistent throughout.  The more engagements a video receive, the more value it is to YouTube, increasing the chances it will rank higher within the search results.

Note: check YouTube policies first before you get Started.

Start with what you have.

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 Get Germany Jobs Visa Sponsorship 2023.

 Do you want a Job Opportunity with a German Work Visa?  Germany offers many Job Opportunities for Young and Talented, hardworking candidates who want Jobs in German with full career Opportunities. In Germany, a minimum of 45 to 46 Million Foreigners are doing jobs. The German community is now facing a shortage of labor and wants to give work Permits in Germany to international students from every corner of the world. So now, the country hires talented people, including non-European countries, for jobs.

The highly demanded jobs in Germany include doctors, teaching, IT,  teaching, digital marketing, account manager, agriculture, engineers, software experts, sales support, etc. If you have a job seeker visa Germany, you are not allowed to take your family with you. But if you find a job and then find a visa to work in Germany,  you can bring your close family with you on German work permit. Germany work visa processing time is 1 To 4 Months.

If you belong to such countries as Australia, Canada, the USA, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, or South Korea and want a job in Germany, you will need to apply for a work permit directly from Ausländerbehörde. They offer jobs according to your education, experience, and skills. You will need 90 USD or 75 EUR to apply for the Fully Funded Sponsored Jobs. An individual from any country needs to complete the employment permit or visa application form and this form is known as “Antrag auf Erlaubnis einer Beschäftigung”.

The deadline to apply for work is not the same for different jobs in Germany. Different companies offer jobs and have different deadlines to apply. You will need to check the eligibility criteria first and then apply before the last date mentioned on the official sites. You can apply all year. To find a job and then apply for a work visa is available for each national individual. 

Details About Germany Jobs Visa Sponsorship 2023

The details about the Best Jobs in Germany For Foreigners are as follows below:

Country: Germany

Jobs Type: Different fields

Work Visa application fee: 75 EURO

Host company: Top different companies

Eligible Country: International Candidates

Eligibility criteria: anyone can apply

Deadline: Not the same for all jobs (you will need to check the websites where you apply)

Eligibility Criteria For Germany Jobs Opportunities For Freshers 

People from any international country can apply for jobs in Germany and work through Visa sponsorship.

You will get a good salary with other benefits as well.

Nationality can be achieved after 5 years in Germany.

List of Most Demanding Jobs in Germany

Sector Average monthly  salary

Information technology 3,830 EUR

Banking 4,140 EUR

Telecommunications 3,360 EUR

Human resources 3,600 EUR

Engineering 3,220 EUR

Marketing, advertising, PR 4,270 EUR

Construction, real estate 2,240 EUR

Every individual can apply for the most demanding jobs in Germany with a work Visa. Here is a list of the most demanding jobs in Germany. You will apply to use the following links

1# BASF Jobs

2# Siemens Jobs

3# Audi Jobs

4# Puma jobs{search}/loc_a940ba508f954b7d9f65ca4a424b43a4/{sort}/{retailer}/8

5# Zalando jobs

6# Symrise Jobs

7# TaxFix jobs

8# PERMEDEX Consulting GmBH Jobs

9# BOEING Jobs

10# SAP Germany Jobs

11# Flix Jobs

How Can You Apply? 

You will need to apply according to the link to the job. The deadline for each job offered by the German company is different. there are plenty of Best Jobs in Germany Without a Degree as well. In fact Best Jobs in Germany For English speakers are also available. Now Germany’s largest online portal to apply for jobs is BA’s Stellensuche. So you will need to check jobs and fill out an online application and submit it. After that, the German company is able to check your application and directly contact you.

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Friday 10 February 2023


Grants/funding opportunities for organizations and businesses.


 Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders Africa Program for women-led tech startups

Application Deadline: February 20th, 2023.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders is designed to bring the best of Google’s expertise, products, people and technology to women-led tech startups up to Series A stage, based in Africa or building Africa-centered solutions with technology.

The Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders Program aims to help women startup founders address challenges that are unique to their experience, including fundraising, hiring and building products. The program structure is the same with access to the best of Google, content and mentorship tailored to the unique needs of women founders, and opportunities to network with our global women founders community.


Women-founded technology startups up to Series A-stage are eligible for the program. 

The Accelerator is sector-agnostic and welcomes startups leveraging machine learning (or plan to in future) from any vertical.


Equity-free support: Three months of equity-free support

Mentoring: Mentoring from 20+ Google teams

Training: Training on design, marketing, and leadership

Strategic support: Support on company and product strategy

Product credits: Google product credits for your tech stack

Early access: Early access to new Google products and tools

Access to experts: Access to Google's network of industry experts

Technical project partnership: Partnership on advanced technology project

Google for Startups Accelerator: Women Founders Class will run from March 2023 to May 2023. Women founder can apply here before 20th Feb.


Amazon App Store Small Business Accelerator - 

The Small Business Accelerator Program allows developers that earn less than 1 million USD in total annual revenue in the previous calendar year to access additional benefits up to or equivalent to 20% of Appstore revenue. If eligible, you’ll receive a 10% increased royalty payment and AWS credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue. 

Apply using the link below;



The EIC has been renamed to  Business Innovation Accelerator (BIA) with the aim of providing high-quality entrepreneurship training and empowerment to young Nigerians across the six geopolitical zones of the country. Unemployment has reached unacceptable levels for the Nigerian economy to remain safe. Over the years youth unemployment has been rising and this has led to rising insecurity, social vices, slow economic growth, inflation and other attendant hardships.

The BOI-LBS Business Innovation Accelerator is therefore intended to boost job creation, significantly improve SME business success and reduce loan default rates due to business failure. The Centre will also provide an ecosystem to support and enhance the technical, managerial, financial, and leadership skills of entrepreneurs across Nigeria. 

The BOI-LBS Business Innovation Accelerator has been set up to develop impact-driven entrepreneurs who use for-profit business models to solve problems and transform society positively. The programme aims to produce a new breed of innovative and problem-solving entrepreneurs who will transform society and revamp the national economy through job-creation and the commercialization of their solutions globally.

Apply using the link below;


RESPOND Accelerator 

- The RESPOND Accelerator is a 5-month startup accelerator program that systematically advances how entrepreneurs lead, grow and scale sustainable businesses. While the team is based in Munich, most of the accelerator operates online and they work with startups from across the globe.  Apply using the link below;

For more opportunities like these, save and visit always.

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 What is Linktree?

Linktree is a company that provides a platform for users to share links to their content. It was started in 2016 by Anthony Zecolio and Nick Humphreys, who were both working in the marketing industry at the time. The company has since grown to have over 3 million users and generates revenue through a freemium model, where users can pay for premium features. In this blog post, we will take a look at the company value of Linktree, how it started, how they make money, traffic stats, and some of their most popular users.

Linktree is a social media management tool that allows users to connect their various social media platforms in one place. Linktree was founded in 2016 by Alex Zherdev and Nick Humphries, who saw the need for a tool that would allow users to manage their social media presence more efficiently. The company has since grown exponentially, and now boasts over 1 million users.

Linktree makes money through a freemium model, offering a basic version of their service for free and charging for premium features. They also offer enterprise plans for businesses that need more robust tools. Traffic stats show that Linktree is particularly popular with users in the United States, Australia, and Brazil. Some of the most popular users of Linktree include Gary Vaynerchuk, Casey Neistat, and Neil Patel.

How did Linktree start?

Linktree was started in 2016 by Alex Zaccaria and Nick Humphreys, two childhood friends who were looking for a way to simplify the process of sharing links online. The idea for Linktree came to them while they were working on a side project together. They realized that there was no easy way to share multiple links at once, so they created Linktree as a solution.

Since then, Linktree has grown quickly, attracting attention from both users and investors. In 2018, Linktree raised $4 million in seed funding from some of the world’s leading VC firms. This gave the company the resources it needed to continue growing and evolving its product.

Today, Linktree is used by millions of people around the world, including many major brands and influencers. The company has continued to grow rapidly, and it now has a team of over 30 people based in Melbourne, Australia.

How does Linktree make money?

Linktree is a platform that allows users to create a single link to all of their social media and other online content. The company makes money by charging users a monthly fee for the use of the platform. Linktree has a free and premium subscription model, with the latter providing more features and support.

Linktree offers three different premium plans and receives revenue from subscription fees. Users have the option of subscribing to three different subscriptions in addition to its free plan.

Starter ($5 per month or $48 per year)

Pro ($9 per month or $90 annually)

Premium ($24 monthly or $234 per year)

The $5/month paid subscription service offered by Linktree allows users to customize features like video links, social media and Amazon symbols, and a wider range of colors and effects for each link.

Due to the numerous connectors and data dashboards they provide, the higher tiers, particularly Pro and Premium, are geared toward enterprises.

Users can access all the capabilities they require in Linktree’s free version when they first sign up.

The corporation can afford to have millions of nonpaying users since the marginal cost of onboarding a new user is almost negligible.

These “free” users effectively serve as Linktree’s marketing ambassadors by using and promoting the service.

The vast majority of Linktree’s users are on the free plan, which doesn’t generate any revenue for the company. However, those on the premium plan pay $6 per month, which helps to offset the costs of running the platform and keeps it afloat. In addition to this, Linktree also generates revenue through partnerships with brands and companies who want to promote their products or services through the platform.

Linktree is currently one of the most popular link management platforms available, with a growing user base that continues to show strong engagement levels. The average user spends around 2 minutes on the site each day, clicking through to an average of 5 different links. This high level of engagement has led to some impressive traffic numbers, with Linktree seeing over 10 million unique visitors each month.

What are Linktree’s traffic stats?

As of October 2022, Linktree has over 22m active users and 1.5 million monthly active users and is growing rapidly. The company has been profitable since 2017 and has a strong financial backing.

Linktree’s traffic is primarily driven by word-of-mouth and organic search. The company has very little paid marketing or advertising budget. Currently Linktree has 295.6M website visits per month.

Linktree is currently ranked 4th in Advertisitng and Marketing in SemRush’s statistics.

The vast majority of Linktree’s users are based in the United States, followed by Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand.


Top Keywords:

Linktree 574.3K

linktree login 75.9K

link tree 54.2K

What is Linktree used for?

Linktree essentially offers a landing page where a person or company can link to a variety of websites or social media profiles.

Users can promote all of their accounts or websites in one place using Linktree. Importantly, users can then enter the page’s link on other social media platforms.

On Twitter and Instagram, users are only allowed to use one URL, which is one of the unpleasant features of social media. Here, Linktree comes into play.

Businesses have the option of basing their entire marketing plan on Linktree. The clicks’ data and analytics are first-rate, and third-party connectors provide them with useful information.

Why does Linktree serve as a more effective marketing tool than my website?

With Linktree, you can easily switch out all of the links in your bio without having to make a decision about what your followers should see first. Without making it more difficult for your followers to locate everything else—and without forcing them to abandon their preferred social network—Linktree highlights, hypes, and directs them to what’s most important in one link. On the fly updates are simpler and just need to be done once.

Pros of Linktree

Landing pages. You can use Linktree to create a page that looks exactly how you want it to without worrying about how it will appear on your social networking platforms or website.

Analytics from Linktree.  You can see how much traffic each link receives, where your visitors are coming from, and the platform they are using. This dashboard is comparable to Google Analytics’. Unfortunately, premium plans are the only ones that offer this feature.

Endless links. You can add as many links as you want to your Linktree because there are no restrictions on how many links you can add.

Simple to use. There is no coding necessary, and the interface is straightforward.

Affordable. In addition to the Linktree free plan, they also offer paid options with monthly starting prices as low as $6.

Cons of Linktree

Linktree’s free version has limitations. If you want to use advance features such as analytics, you’ll have to pay at least $6 per month.

Linktree acts as a go-between. When you use Linktree to link to your content, you’re essentially using a middleman. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s worth noting.

You have faith in Linktree. You may be in trouble if Linktree goes out of business or changes its platform. This is something to keep in mind if your company relies heavily on Linktree.

How should You utilize Linktree to boost your online visibility?

An initial list of places your Linktree belongs if you’re a creator or influencer is provided below:

Your bio on each social media site you use:

Your YouTube channel

Your Twitch account

Your profile on Cameo

within your blog

in the signature of emails

On the product packaging and marketing materials

Can creators and influencers earn money on Linktree?

You can, indeed! Linktree provides tools and possibilities for artists and influencers to monetize their content in various ways. The two main sources of income for artists, according to their Creator Report, are physical product sales and affiliate marketing. For this reason, Linktree supports affiliate linking programs for all link kinds (including music links) and incorporates Spring and Shopify storefronts with Paypal or Square payment integration directly into your Linktree. There are other additional options available, such as tip jars, accepting paid requests, and more. You may relax knowing that your bio link is optimized for sales and income.


Who are the most popular Linktree users?

Most popular Linktree users are those who have a large social media following and use their platform to drive traffic to their website or online store. Linktree is a great way to increase your online visibility and reach more potential customers.

Some of the most popular Linktree users include fashion bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, and businesses that sell products or services online. If you have a large social media following, you can use Linktree to drive traffic to your website or online store and increase your online visibility.

Jamie Oliver   

Jamie Oliver, a hugely well-known TV chef and restaurateur, uses Linktree to direct his 7 million followers to his materials.

Patreon.  Podcasters, authors, illustrators, gamers, and musicians all use the site, and you can set up several membership tiers for various degrees of subscriber content.

Selena Gomez  

The platform is used by an American singer, actress, and producer who is also Justin Bieber’s contentious ex-girlfriend.

Katy Perry 

Katy Perry has a ton of links in her Linktree, from highlighting humanitarian causes and events to advertising her most recent songs and merchandise.

Adam Levine  

Some of Adam Levivine LinkTree links point to his most recent works and songs, while others advertise various partnerships.


Charli D’Amelio  She already gave back by using her success to assist other dancers, and now she is doing the same with Linktree for a brand-new program to promote the maker community.

Bella Poarch  Filipino-American singer and social media star who is well-known for her humorous lip-sync videos on TikTok is also on LinkTree and uses the service to share her social media links.

RuPaul Official  The links advertise both the most recent single and additional RuPaul-managed social media accounts. A link to the masterclass is also included, which may be a terrific way to build your list and promote both free and paid items.

LA Clippers

Even NBA’s LA Clippers have their own LinkTree account that advertises their game schedule and game tickets.

 The Rock  Linktree is used by American actor and former professional wrestler Dwayne Douglas Johnson, better known by his ring moniker The Rock, to advertise his films and product endorsements.

Linktree is a company that provides users with a platform to create and share links. The company was founded in 2016 and is based in Australia. Linktree makes money by selling premium plans to users who want access to additional features, such as link customization and analytics. The company has over 2 million registered users and receives over 10 million unique visitors per month.


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