
Monday 16 May 2022


 These tips you're about to read will lead you to a result achieved. You only need to stick to the routine.

 Have you been wanting soft and brighter skin? 

Are you scared of using strong chemical products on your skin?

Have you been wanting not only beautiful skin but a beautiful CURVY body as well?

Then you're at the right read! 

Read and apply all the tips, months later, please do not forget to come back here and thank me for Sharing this with you.

Tips you'll be reading here are very effective, healthy, and less expensive. So you have zero worries.

This is a dream of every girl; to have a beautiful SKIN and a beautiful BODY STRUCTURE.

Tip 1

~ Drink plenty of water !!!

~ Eats fruits always.

~ Take Vitamin E capsules, cod liver oil, and vitamin C

~ Grind Banana, Milk, &  white Oat to make a smoothie.

The above-mentioned should be taken in every day. 

Tip1 helps in nourishing and moisturizing your skin. It helps heal and rejuvenate both the internal and external parts of your body. 

Tip 2

For your body and face scrub you will need the following;

1- 3 tbsp of lemon juice

2- 2 tbsp of coconut oil

3- 1 and a half tbsp of coffee (grinded)

4- half tbsp of baking soda

5-  1 tbsp of Aloe vera gel.

6- sea salt (optional)

Mix all in a clean container, and your scrub is ready. Apply on the affected areas, or rather every part of your skin to scrub. Use the scrub 3-4 times a week.

Make sure Tip4 is your moisturizing oil.

Tip 3

Things needed;

1- African black soap.

2- Turmeric powder.

3- Honey

4- Olive oil

5- chamomile oil.

Cut the African black soap into pieces and soap it with warm water. Leave for 3-4 hours to get soften.

After it has become soft, add 3 tbsp of turmeric powder, add honey (to your desired amount), and add 3-4 drops of olive oil, and chamomile oil. Mix thoroughly until hardens and your soap is ready. It's very natural and gives you a natural look and feeling. To get a fast result bath twice using the soap.

The benefits of the soap is; that it help heal and get rid of all kinds of skin diseases, and it clears black spot, scars, cellulite, and stretch marks. 

Tip 4

Get a good Johnson's baby oil, and vitamin E from the pharmacy. Pierce through the gelatin of vitamin E, extract the oil and add to Johnson's baby oil. This should be your skin oil all the time.

Tip 5.

Do yoga/workout.

Yes! For you to arrive at a CURVY body, you have to do the workout. 

If you stick to the above-mentioned tips, you are guaranteed a beautiful SKIN and CURVY body.

Thanks for reading. We love comments, please drop one.


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