
Thursday 10 December 2020


Easy ways to get followers, and sales your product on Instagram.

Hello there! 

I'm Aisha Gana.... Upcoming fashion designer, I have so much passion for fashion. 

I'll love you to patronise my products soon. 

I'm passionate about helping purposeful people, precisely women that want to be successful in their businesses. 

This is a powerful coaching and mentoring for business owners for the rise... Lol, I am not a coach😅 though. I just see the need to share the strategies for getting more followers, get engagement and visibility on Instagram... ( including Facebook) 

I know many people, and business owner find it difficult to get followers, posts likes, engagement and all others. 

Read this carefully, it will really help you expand your sales, and visibility. 

-use of hashtags. 

You're already familiar with the word hashtag, if really you'd be on social media. Well, hashtag is the use of hash (#) symbol and phrase with given space. 

If you have no money to pay for ads, than hashtag Strategy is for you. 

Using of hashtag help your content to get visibility and engagements. It attract people to your brand. It simply the way to track your customers. 


I'd talked about content, check it out here on my previous post. 

   Your content matters a lot. It tell exactly the problem you're solving, building a relationship and trust with your audience. 

Share reviews, and testimonies, it makes other want to buy too. 


Find out your competitors who are selling similar products like yours, check out their followers,  check out the customer that purchase or show interest in their products, go to their profile, like their photos and comment. 

     Engage with your customers, share story and challenges. 

Keep in touch with them. By getting their emails to send them newsletter regularly. 

-offer gift. 

Just may if a customer buy  buys a dress from you, you  offer matching earrings or accessories as a gift. 

Secondly, pick a Instagram influencer you'd come across. Maybe most of her followers are women, and you're selling dresses. Sent her a gift of dress, she can take photos while  she have the dress on, tell her to post the photo and tag you. 


You follow, you are followed back. 

-comment &like

Comment on people's post, engage on conversation so other people might see and pick interest in you. 


Make use of location, so people from that location reaches out to you. 

Do not only keep this to yourself. Share with others too


Designed by Jide Ogunsanya.