
Monday 28 August 2023


Applications Open For $100,000 Unicef Grant For Health Tech.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on global health, nutrition and mental health indicators for children. It has also amplified the persistent inequities in access to quality healthcare, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

As we emerge from the pandemic, it’s crucial to enhance the skills and capacity of frontline health workers, especially in fragile contexts and vulnerable populations to strengthen health (including immunization), nutrition and mental health.

$100,000 UNICEF Grants for Health Tech

UNICEF Venture Fund is looking to invest US$100K in equity-free funding for early stage, for-profit technology start-ups that can improve the lives of children. The Open Source frontier technology solutions should have the potential to create radical change in children’s health, nutrition, and mental health and answer one of these questions:

Equity and Access: How can technology improve equitable access to healthcare services for children and their families?

Data-Driven Decisions: What role can data analytics play in enhancing healthcare delivery and policy-making?

Frontline Health Workers: How can technology upskill frontline health workers, especially in low-resource settings?

Best if the company is leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, drones, blockchain, or extended reality and registered in a UNICEF’s programme country.

Deadline is 20 October 2023


More Funding Opportunities, copy and paste My blog on your home screen.

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APPLICATION OPEN FOR USAID YOUTH WELL-BEING COMPETITION (Youth technology  contest) $50,000 prize.

Children and youth are exposed to a wide range of dangers—mental health stressors, digital harm, exploitation, abuse, violence, gender-based violence, and climate change. Suicide is the second leading cause of death globally for 15–19-year-olds.

 Online bullying and other forms of digital harm are also prevalent, with 23 percent reporting that they’ve experienced online bullying in the past 30 days

In a survey of youth from ten countries, 84 percent of respondents reported feeling at least moderately worried about climate change, and nearly half said their worries negatively affect their daily life and functioning. 

According to a United Nations report, “psychologists say children are anxious and increases in cases of depression and anxiety have been recorded in several countries.” All too often, both communicating the problems young people are experiencing and developing solutions to address those problems are not driven by young people themselves.

$50,000 USAID Youth Well-Being Prize

The Youth Well-Being Prize Competition is looking for young change makers with innovative ideas for protecting young people’s well-being, keeping youth safe, and making a positive impact on the lives and communities of themselves and their peers.  USAID is seeking solutions created by young people, for young people.

These solutions should recognize the diverse identities of young people in the areas of mental health, digital harm, safeguarding, gender-based violence, and climate change.  Innovations should be created by youth with the target audience of the innovation being children and/or youth. Innovations should utilize digital tools in their creation, implementation, and/or use.

Illustrative examples include:

~A website sharing tips on how to improve mental health and well-being

~A social media campaign illustrating what you can do to reduce digital harm

~An online training or in-person training using digital tools and platforms on how to prevent and respond to child and youth violence

~An online game that increases knowledge of gender-based violence

~Online organizing such as an online petition, social media campaign, or Whatsapp group that connects youth in safely meeting and organizing community-based, national, or international efforts to plant trees.

Apply now!

Deadline is September 29, 2023

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Saturday 26 August 2023


 University of Milan DSU Scholarship 2023-24 in Italy (Funded)

It is good news for all national and international students to study at a well-reputed institute in Italy. A highly reputed and recognized institute in Italy, the University of Milan offers a funded DSU scholarship for all international students. It is a great opportunity for all bachelor's, master's, and PhD students.

The main aim of the University of Milan is to give excellent opportunities to hardworking and intellectual international students. Recipients can get their education without any financial burden. DSU scholarships cover the educational expenses of recipients. Students will get back their transportation expenses up to €100 within Europe and €500 outside of Europe. Candidates will get a chance to live in Italy and experience its culture.

Furthermore, the DSU scholarship is an excellent opportunity for all international students to study abroad without any financial burden. It helps students grow personally and academically. Students can connect with the world's most intellectual scholars through the University of Milan DSU scholarship.

To learn more about the University of Milan Scholarship in Italy, check out the details mentioned below;

Host County;


Host University;

University of Milan

Financial Coverage;

Partially Funded

Fields of study offered By the University of Milan;

There are various fields offered by the University of Milan under DSU scholarships, including the Department of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Law, the Faculty of Language and Intercultural Communication, the Department of Humanities, the Engineering Department, Computer, Pharmacy, the Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences, and the Department of Political, Economic, and Social Sciences.

Eligibility Criteria for the University of Milan DSU scholarship;

National and international students can apply for the University of Milan DSU scholarship in the above-mentioned fields of study.

A special aptitude test is done for the undergraduate and master's programs.

An international student is eligible for the University of Milan DSU scholarship if she is not availing of any other scholarship or research fellowship.

Applicants should not be enrolled in a part-time program or an already completed program.

No IELTS is required.

Benefits of the University of Milan Scholarship;

The DSU scholarship provides a range of benefits to students, ensuring a well-rounded and supportive experience during their studies. Here are the key highlights of the scholarship program:

The university offers accommodation support to the recipients of DSU scholarships.

Students get a complimentary meal at the university dining hall.

Moreover, recipients get a monthly allowance of €600 for up to 10 months during their degree program.

Students can refund their travel expenses up to €100 for within Europe and €500 for outside Europe.

With the help of this scholarship, students can focus on their studies rather than on financial tension.

Students get a chance to live and study in Italy with the help of a University of Milan DSU scholarship.

Students get a chance to learn about cultural differences and develop their social culture.

How to apply for the University of Milan DSU scholarship?

Fill out the online application form to apply for the DSU Scholarship.

Select your desired field of study.

Before starting the application process, must check out the eligibility criteria.

Fill out the application form carefully with accurate data.

Mention your interest in the application form.


The last date to apply for the DSU scholarship at the University of Milan is 30 September 2023.


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The African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies and the International Service for Human Rights are organizing a training to equip human rights defenders with the knowledge and skills to integrate the African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (“the ACHPR”) into their existing work at the national level in a strategic manner and provides an opportunity for participants to prepare for and engage in lobbying and advocacy activities at the ACHPR with the aim to effect change back home at the national level.

Are you a civil society actor, a representative from an African civil society organization or an international organization from East, North, Central, or North Africa? Then this training is for you.

Then this training is for you.


The objectives of the course fall into the following three broad categories:

A) Supporting human rights defenders:

● Develop human rights defenders’ advocacy skills and expertise;

● Enhance the ability of human rights defenders to engage strategically with the ACHPR and other international human rights mechanisms, as well as to develop diplomatic and civil society networks;

● Improve the quality of NGO participation in the ACHPR, with a view to exert a greater influence on human rights foreign policy;

● Share tools and knowledge, which human rights defenders can use to ensure their voice is central in international human rights decision-making; ● Develop advocacy strategies for specific issues, and to ensure follow-up and action on the ACHPR’s resolutions;

● Increase human rights defenders’ understanding of the short, mid and longer-term opportunities provided by African human rights mechanisms;

● Explore and compare the benefits of engagement with these mechanisms, and examine how advocates can use them to bolster their work at the national level;

● Develop strategies and lobbying techniques to increase the potential of human rights defenders’ national and regional advocacy work.

B) Influencing the substantive outcomes of regional human rights mechanisms in a positive manner, including ACHPR resolutions and the work of ACHPR thematic and country specific human rights experts (such as the Special Rapporteur).

C) Creating a peer group of human rights defenders working on a diverse range of issues, identifying best practice in advocating for human rights change, and exchanging lessons and experiences in conducting regional/international advocacy.

Course Content and Methodology

The course will be conducted in English and would comprise general lectures and discussion, debates, case studies, etc on the following broad themes:

- an introduction to the African Human Rights System and Mechanisms;

- status of Human Rights and Democracy in Africa;

-the United Nations Human Rights System;

- networking, Advocacy and Lobbying Strategies, human rights monitoring and reporting; .

Date & Venue

13th-15th October 2023 – (Venue TBC)

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the course, participants would be:

● Acquire knowledge and skills on the relevant regional and international human rights instruments and processes to enhance their engagemen;

● Learn more about the work of the ACHPR and how to engage strategically with its mechanisms;;

● Strengthen their practical knowledge in advocacy and lobbying strategy with human rights mechanisms through case studies

● Collectively discuss human rights trends in Africa;

● Meet and learn from defenders from all around Africa working on a range of human rights issues


English and French are the languages of the Training with available simultaneous interpretation facilities


Civil Society Actor ,Representatives from African Civil Society Organisations, International NGOs from Africa


Only selected applicants will be contacted. The Organisers will meet the participation cost associated, flight, accommodation and conference package for the 3 days. . All applications should be submitted online. Deadline: 8 September, 2023.

Visit ACDHRS to apply. 

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Thursday 24 August 2023


 Boston University Trustee Scholarship 2024 in USA (Fully Funded)

 Applications are currently open to apply for the Boston University Trustee Scholarship 2024. 

This fully funded scholarship presents an excellent chance for students who are optimistic and talented. This scholarship, which is based on merit is open to international students from all around the globe. This is a great opportunity for students who want to continue their undergraduate education in the United States of America.

This fully funded scholarship for international students will cover all the expenses for undergraduate studies and will be awarded to the top 20 students who excel in academics. This fully funded scholarship provides a great opportunity for students to study in the USA without financial burden. The USA is a dream destination for students because of its high-quality education and diverse multicultural environment.

Top-ranked students who portray intellect, creativity, and well-roundedness can get this scholarship. Based on performance, this scholarship is renewable for 4 years. Students will get an opportunity to visit the USA, explore its culture, and study under exceptional teachers. If you are a student who is looking for an opportunity to study abroad, this is worth considering. Try to avail this opportunity and enjoy the benefits.


December 01, 2023

Financial Coverage:

Fully Funded

Host Country:


Eligibility Criteria:

If you are interested in this fully funded scholarship in the USA and want to apply for it, must check the eligibility criteria before applying.

To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must have a strong academic background.

Candidates should be all-rounders to be able to get this scholarship.

There are no CSS Profile or FAFSA requirements to apply for this scholarship.

Candidates should have SAT scores of more than 1500 and ACT scores of more than 33 to apply for this scholarship.

 Applicants should submit a scholarship essay along with their application.

This scholarship essay should contain a maximum of 600 words.The essay should be on one of the topics mentioned below:

1. Once Nobel laureate and BU professor ‘Elie Wiesel’ said: “There is divine beauty in learning… To learn means to accept that life did not begin at my birth. People have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps. The books I have read were composed of generations of mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, teachers and disciples. I am the total of their experiences, their quests.” Have you ever come across a book, a film, a podcast or a life- experience that ever made you feel connected to your personal history or identity? And what is the significant lesson did you learn from this?

2. Have you ever found yourself in a time or situation when you stepped out of your comfort zone or marginalized/ felt demeaned in a situation? How did you handle/respond to that moment, and what did you take away from the experience for moving ahead?


This scholarship will cover the full tuition fee for undergraduate students.

Every year scholarships will be extended for those students who will continue to meet the criteria because it is a renewable scholarship.

This scholarship will also provide additional undergraduate expenses to international students.

This scholarship provides an opportunity for students to become a part of Boston University.

Students will get a great opportunity to get exposure to international education standards.

It is an excellent chance for international students to study in the United States of America for free.

Students will get the opportunity to explore American culture.

Apply here

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Wednesday 23 August 2023


 Miss Africa Digital has launched the 2023 Seed-Fund Award Impact Program for women in STEM.

Miss. Africa Seed-Fund Award Impact Program

Miss.Africa Digital has launched the 2023 Seed-Fund Award Impact Program for women in STEM.


Donors Supporting Climate Change Initiatives

What do they offer?

DCA Academy Booth Camp Accelerator6 weeks of tailored support and training for scaling to enable them to successfully launch or expand their initiatives to increase their digital opportunities in tech-related inventions, training, and leadership roles. 

Comprehensive Networking, Unlimited access to the FemPower Digital Portal comprising of former winners and alumni as well as other girls and women community members. They will facilitate meetups and symposiums, capacity Building, support, and advisory and market linkages of their members and participants to network and exchange ideas. 

Mentorship and coachingAccess to Expert Coaching and Mentorship from DCA Digital Academy experts to produce tangible enhancement in terms of career development and talent mobility.

Funding Information

Grant amount up to $5,000Includes a 6-week Growth Accelerator

Who they are looking for

Current resident of an African country in Continental Africa. Individuals (at least 18 years of age), or a representative of a non-governmental organization (NGO) or social enterprise based in Africa. Demonstrated experience conducting activities supporting women and girls in computer science or STEM fields. Commitment to developing and contributing to a virtual community for supporting women and girls initiatives.

Project Eligibility

Preference will be given to projects that target under- served populations and locations, take a collaborative approach, have a high potential for growth and present an innovative use of technology.

Projects eligible for grant funding include, but are not limited:

Computer science workshops and training for women and girlsEarly incubation of female tech entrepreneursProgramming and app development training programsHackathons and coding boot camps for girls.

Deadline: September 15, 2023

For more information on how to Apply, Miss Africa Digital 

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 The Australian High Commission in Ghana is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program to support projects that contribute to inclusive, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra.

 Successful projects will align with the core Australian values of equality, empowerment, and inclusion, and promote a distinctive and positive image of Australia.

Grants for Projects to reduce Poverty and achieve Sustainable Development

Deadline: 10-Sep-23

The Australian High Commission in Ghana is seeking applications for the Direct Aid Program to support projects that contribute to inclusive, sustainable development and poverty reduction.

The Direct Aid Program is a flexible, small grants program run directly by the Australian High Commission, Accra. Successful projects will align with the core Australian values of equality, empowerment, and inclusion, and promote a distinctive and positive image of Australia.


Donors Supporting Climate Change Initiatives

Focus Areas

In 2023-24, the High Commission will fund projects in the following focus areas:Good governance, transparency, and accountabilityGender equality and women’s economic empowermentCountering violent extremismHuman rights promotion and inclusion

All projects must show due consideration to gender and disability inclusion in their design and implementation by ensuring women and people with disabilities are consulted and included in the development of proposals and the final design and implementation of projects.

Funding Information

DAP grants are between AU$20,000-A$50,000.

You might also be interested in: TONNY ROBBINS FOUNDATION GRANT

Who can apply?

DAP is available to not-for-profit individuals, community groups, NGOs, and other entities engaged in development activities in countries that are eligible for official development assistance (ODA).

In 2023-24, applications are open to Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo. Funding is allocated on a competitive basis.

Applications may be submitted by individuals or businesses on behalf of an NGO or other implementing organization as part of a partnership. In this case, the applying organization must take responsibility for the management and acquittal of DAP funds. The implementing organization must be involved in preparing the application and be contactable to verify funds are being applied for on their behalf.

What are the Requirements?

Applicants must:Seek a grant between AU$20,000 and AU$50,000. Complete an application form through the Smarty Grants online grants management system. Include a clear, fully itemized, and fully cost project budget (excluding cost items of a recurring nature such as staff salaries and consumables). Outline how the project will be completed within 12 months. Demonstrate the project’s contribution to development outcomes for target groups.

Preference is given to projects that:Show tangible and practical development outcomes; Include at least equal representation of women in leadership positions, including during the identification, design, and implementation phases of the project; Are innovative and creative, particularly those using new technologies; Comply with local laws and have the demonstrated support of local authorities, including traditional leaders, district assemblies and local governments; Pay special attention to disability and gender issues and/or other disadvantaged groups; and sustainable; proposals need to demonstrate a commitment on the part of beneficiaries to implement the activities and maintain them beyond the conclusion of the project.


The following activities and items are generally not eligible for funding under the DAP:Australian or overseas study tours. Micro-credit schemes and commercial ventures.Routine, recurring, and/or running costs of the applying organization including staff salaries; office rental and utility costs; spare parts; office supplies; routine maintenance and repairs; purchase of major assets such as property or vehicles (including motorbikes); and payment of consultants, where this would constitute a major cost component of the project.Projects, including commemorative events, sporting tournaments, or cultural displays, that do not have a clear developmental outcome.Catering (i.e. food and drinks) and media coverage for promotional/launch events associated with DAP projects. Projects that include ineligible components can be considered only if the proposal clearly states how these ineligible components will be funded by sources other than DAP. In assessing applications, the High Commission will consider the experience and track record of the applicant organization, as well as the potential development impact of the project. The High Commission will scrutinize budget proposals and reserves the right to request budget adjustments where necessary.

For more information, visit The Australian High Commission in Ghana

Check out this grant👉

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Monday 21 August 2023



The Healthy Food Policy Advocacy Fund, part of the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI), is currently accepting new applications through Monday, September 4th, 2023.

About the Healthy Food Policy Advocacy Fund

The Healthy Food Policy Advocacy Fund provides critical support to help advance promising legislative or regulatory efforts on healthy food policy. The purpose of the Advocacy Fund is to support the adoption of evidence-informed healthy food policies by investing in timebound and strategic campaigns, and in doing so, grow both the food policy evidence base and a global network of advocates. Advocacy Fund grants are intended to support urgent, short-term campaigns in response to needs and opportunities related to healthy food policies.

Areas include

~ Taxes on sweetened beverages and/or ultra-processed food

~ Front-of-package warning labeling (FOPL)

~ Restrictions on the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages

~ Healthy food environments and food procurement and service policies in the public sector, including schools

The Advocacy Fund may also be used to block harmful policies that are not informed by the best available evidence and/or free of conflict of interest and that would set negative precedents and undermine effective food policies.

Since the Advocacy Fund launched in 2020, there have been important programmatic and policy achievements, such as

~ Expanding the Food Policy Program’s geographic scope and population impact;

~ Supporting the approval of evidence-informed food policies in 5 countries;

~A comprehensive healthy food policy law covering FOPL, marketing, and the school food environment in Argentina; and

~ FOPL in Uruguay and sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) tax policies in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Ghana.

The Advocacy Fund provides strategic and technical support to grant recipients as they execute their advocacy campaigns. Learn more about the GHAI approach here.

The Advocacy Fund is managed by GHAI and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Who Can Apply

The Advocacy Fund provides grants to legally registered not-for-profit entities based in low- and middle-income countries. Advocacy Fund grants are available for fast-breaking policy opportunities and/or campaigns to improve healthy food policy. Applicants should meet the following criteria:

Applicant must be working on a specific policy objective that is concrete and ideally achievable within approximately 12-18 months.

Policy objectives may be national or subnational and could have broader regional or global influence.

Applicants must demonstrate that the grant will help address an opportunity and that there are clear benefits or reasons for the need to secure funding.

Applicants should preferably focus on a specific policy campaign rather than working across multiple policy priorities.

Applicants with experience in carrying out advocacy campaigns for policy change are a plus.

Key Considerations to Guide Your Application

GHAI recognizes the benefits of working in a coalition or collaborative manner and therefore encourages joint applications from organizations with a common policy goal. At times, GHAI has been able to fund the work of coalitions of 2-4 organizations via 1 or more funded grantees in the same country/region.

GHAI also encourages novel/innovative approaches to address food policy priorities. If there is a novel/innovative element to your proposal, please be sure to describe this in your application.

When assessing concept notes, GHAI will consider the following criteria:

Quality of the proposal

Geography and population size

Timebound political opportunity

Strength of organization(s) (i.e., advocacy and institutional capacity)

Innovation of approach and/or policy

Number of organizations supporting the campaign (coalition work is highly encouraged, when relevant).

Who Cannot Apply

The Advocacy Fund will not accept:

Applicants based in high-income countries.

Applicants based in any of the Food Policy Program’s Focus countries (Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, and South Africa).

Applicants that currently receive or have received funding within the last three years from any manufacturer or wholesaler of ultra-processed foods or sugar-sweetened beverages or from any entity that represents the interests of this industry.

Applicants focused on research or policy evaluation.

Finally, applicants should note that grant funds cannot be used to support or oppose candidates for elected office.

Note: Organizations from Ethiopia, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand (priority countries of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Cardiovascular Health (CVH) Program) can apply and will be evaluated by GHAI through the formal review process and referred to the CVH Program for their consideration on potential funding.

How to Apply

All applicants should fill out the concept note form on the online platform located HERE. Please ensure all fields are complete and submit no later than September 4, 2023, 5 pm EST.

Please find a Word version of the Concept Note HERE so that you can draft your responses before submitting them to the online platform.

For general questions regarding the Advocacy Fund, including the application process, please contact

Review Process

All concept notes are assessed and scored by a committee of external reviewers who are food policy advocates and researchers. Decisions on submissions, as well as invitations for a full proposal will be issued between November and December 2023.

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Thursday 17 August 2023


The Tony Robbins Foundation is offering grants to empower individuals and organizations to make a significant difference in the quality of life of people often forgotten.

The Tony Robbins Foundation is dedicated to creating positive changes in the lives of youth, seniors, the hungry, homeless and the imprisoned population, all who need a boost envisioning a happier and deeply satisfying way of life. 
The passionate staff, generous donors and caring group of international volunteers provide the vision, inspiration, and resources needed to empower these important members of the society.

Dedicated to meeting challenges within the global community, creating solutions and taking action, The Tony Robbins Foundation provides monetary donations to various organizations around the world.

Eligibility Criteria
Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or an international organization with government-recognized nonprofit status with proof of status.

Be an active nonprofit for at least one fiscal year with tax documentation.
Have a mission statement that aligns with The Tony Robbins Foundation’s mission

To be considered for a grant from The Tony Robbins Foundation, an organization must first submit an online Letter of Intent. This is the first step in the grant process and only approved organizations will be invited to submit a full grant.
Grants are awarded on an ongoing, rolling basis.
Ineligibility Criteria
They do not offer funding for:Individuals seeking funds for personal, business or other use.  Start-up costs for nonprofits, businesses, groups or individuals.Organizations with a mission outside of the areas of focus.
For more information, visit Tony Robbins foundation

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Tuesday 15 August 2023


 Grants available for Education and Youth Empowerment in North Western Nigeria

Grants available for Education and Youth Empowerment in North Western Nigeria

The European Commission (EC) is seeking applications to provide and develop vocational training and critical social skills for youth, including training for green jobs.

The focus of this call for Proposals will be on increasing access, to quality and inclusive education opportunities for adolescent and youth especially through non-formal pathways. It would focus especially in engaging alternative education pathways for out of school children including in vocational education and training in critical social lives skills and training for green jobs with a view to improving better learning outcomes, and, targeting especially female youth for skills acquisition to facilitate their entry into the labour market. Leveraging partnerships with enhanced public and private sector engagement for life skills training by including elements to raise awareness about climate change issues and effective action will be pursued.


The Education and Youth Empowerment in North-Western Nigeria is a basic and vocational education programme aimed at supporting the Nigerian government in ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and skills development, especially for girls in rural, underserved and nomadic communities in the North-West. This project will work with the government at the national level and support three northern states; Sokoto, Kano and Jigawa.

The global objective of this call for proposals is to emancipate the poorest, underserved and most marginalised population groups including women and girls in the North-West of Nigeria (Sokoto, Kano and Jigawa).


The priorities of this call for proposals are:to develop actions aimed at increasing alternative/accelerated education programmes, as well as transition possibilities to non-formal education or formal education for 500 000 young people in 60 schools/learning centres (20 in each state; Kano, Jigawa and Sokoto);to develop actions enhancing non-formal education, training and skills for at least 60 000 young people (60% girls and 40% boys) with an aim to provide the target group employment- and livelihood opportunities, green jobs included;to provide at least 150 safe spaces for girls and young women, where learning of critical social life skills (ie. financial literacy, livelihood skills) to transition into adulthood is enhanced and preparing for green jobs is supported;to develop action enhancing and integrating peace education and prevention of violent extremism into education for boys and girls;to launch at least 20 behavioural change campaigns, with a focus on girls’ empowerment, and to develop 12 pilots applying innovative media approaches.

Funding Information

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 10 000 000. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.

Any grant requested under this call for proposals must not exceed the below maximum amount.

Maximum amount: EUR 10 000 000.


The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 36 months.


Actions must take place in Federal Republic of Nigeira in the states of Sokoto, Jigawa and Kano.

Eligibility Criteria

Lead applicant(s)In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:

~be a legal person or an entity without legal personality or a natural person andbe non-profit-making andbe a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation, public sector operator, local authority, international (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 156 of the EU Financial Regulation and be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and 

have a minimum of 2 years documented experience implementing projects in particular priority areas of the call for proposals and

are not entities or persons found in specific exclusion situationsmust operate at the state or government level in Nigeria with considerable experience working at the grassroots. Failing this, must have a co-applicant operating at the state or local government level with considerable experience working at the grassroots.

Co-applicant(s)Co-applicants participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.

 Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself. 

Co-applicants must sign the mandate form.If awarded the grant contract, the co-applicant(s) (if any) will become beneficiary(ies) in the action (together with the coordinator)In addition, please note that contracts cannot be awarded to or signed with applicants included in the lists of EU restrictive measures.

Affiliated entitiesThe lead applicant and its co-applicant(s) may act with affiliated entity(ies). Only the following entities may be considered as affiliated entities to the lead applicant and/or to co-applicant(s):Only entities having a structural link with the applicants (i.e. the lead applicant or a co-applicant), in particular a legal or capital link.This structural link encompasses mainly two notions: control of the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements, and related reports of certain types of undertakings:Entities affiliated to an applicant may hence be:Entities directly or indirectly controlled by the applicant (daughter companies or first-tier subsidiaries). They may also be entities controlled by an entity controlled by the applicant (granddaughter companies or second-tier subsidiaries) and the same applies to further tiers of control; Entities directly or indirectly controlling the applicant (parent companies). Likewise, they may be entities controlling an entity controlling the applicant; Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (sister companies). Membership, i.e. the applicant is legally defined as a e.g. network, federation, or association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate or the applicant participates in the same entity (e.g. network, federation, association,) as the proposed affiliated entities.

For more information on how to apply, visit European Commission (EC)

You might also want to check Funding and Business resources around the globe


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YOUR FASHION DREAMS. (step by step guide to starting a fashion line with confidence )

Empowering Your Fashion Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting a Fashion Line, Becoming a Stylist, and Influencing with Confidence

Embarking on a journey to start a fashion line, and become a fashion stylist, and influencer might seem daunting, especially if you're lacking in confidence and capital. However, with the right mindset, strategy, and determination, you can transform your dreams into a thriving reality. This guide will provide you with step-by-step advice to navigate the challenges and make your mark in the fashion industry.

Section 1: Cultivating Confidence and Mindset

1.1 Embrace Your Unique Voice:

Understand that your uniqueness is your strength. Embrace your style and perspective as an influencer and designer.

1.2 Self-Belief and Positive Affirmations:

Develop a habit of positive self-talk and affirmations to boost your self-confidence and overcome self-doubt.

1.3 Knowledge is Power:

Continuously educate yourself about fashion trends, styles, and industry insights. Knowledge will empower you to feel more confident in your decisions.

1.4 Networking and Mentorship:

Connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and role models in the industry who can offer guidance and encouragement.

Section 2: Starting Your Fashion Line

2.1 Define Your Niche and Brand Identity:

Identify your target audience, unique selling points, and the core values that will set your fashion line apart.

2.2 Research and Planning:

Conduct thorough market research to understand your competitors, target market, and current fashion trends. Create a detailed business plan outlining your goals and strategies.

2.3 Start Small and Smart:

Begin with a limited collection or a single product to minimize initial capital requirements. As your brand grows, you can expand your offerings.

2.4 Sustainable Sourcing and Production:

Explore ethical and sustainable sourcing options to align with modern consumer values and contribute to a positive impact on the environment.

Section 3: Becoming a Fashion Stylist

3.1 Enhance Your Styling Skills:

Enroll in styling courses or workshops to improve your understanding of different aesthetics, body types, and clothing combinations.

3.2 Portfolio Development:

Curate a portfolio showcasing your styling expertise. Collaborate with local photographers and models to create a diverse range of looks.

3.3 Social Media Presence:

Utilize platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok to share your styling tips, outfit inspirations, and fashion insights with a wider audience.

3.4 Collaboration and Networking:

Partner with photographers, makeup artists, and models to organize photoshoots that highlight your styling skills. Attend fashion events and meetups to expand your network.

Section 4: Influencing with Impact

4.1 Authentic Content Creation:

Share genuine and relatable content that resonates with your audience. Your authenticity will build trust and loyalty among your followers.

4.2 Consistent Branding:

Maintain a consistent visual and verbal identity across your social media platforms and any other content you create.

4.3 Engage and Interact:

Respond to comments, mesand sages, and engage in conversations with your followers. Building a sense of community will strengthen your influencer status.

4.4 Collaborations and Partnerships:

Collaborate with brands and fellow influencers to expand your reach and credibility. Select partnerships that align with your values and enhance your brand.

Remember, every successful journey begins with a single step. Embrace the challenges, learn from your experiences, and stay committed to your passion. By nurturing your confidence, developing a solid strategy, and leveraging your creativity, you can undoubtedly achieve your dreams of starting a fashion line, becoming a fashion stylist, and making a positive impact as an influencer. Your determination will be your greatest asset on this rewarding path.

You might also want to check out how to start a fashion line with zero capital: Start your fashion line here

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Sunday 13 August 2023


 Work From Home, Work From Anywhere Around The World, And Earn.

Are you a stay-at-home mum who is used to doing nothing while staying at home?

Or, you are a graduate that has been going around looking for a job tirelessly but to avail?

Or, you have been looking at side hustles that will help supplement your income?

Alright! Look no further, for we've brought you seven good websites that can pay you while you stay at home and work with them.

7 Websites that pay.
1. - Work from where you want as a transcriptionist. Your job is to listen as a Chinese student reads aloud. You must be able to type and identify their errors and assess their reading skills. Pay $10/hour.

2. - Sign up for a free account and get access to a list of different types of virtual assistant jobs. Simply log in and claim available tasks and complete them. Pay range from $8-12.

3. - Get paid to score tests from anywhere you want. You must commit to at least 20 hours of work per week. Pay ranges from $11-15/test.

4. - This is an academic website where you can provide homework support to students. Work from anywhere you want, but it requires applicants to have a college degree or to be currently enrolled in a university.  Pays $4/hours.

5. - Get paid to retrieve medical records. You can work from Monday to Friday depending on your chosen time. Pay starts at $ 9/hour.

6. - Be a Dealsaver wherever you want by listening to a recorded phone conversation to check for lost deals.
You must be committed to reaching the daily or weekly quotas. Pays $12/hour

7. - works as a virtual assistant for you can work anytime from Monday to Friday, and must commit to at least five hours a week. Pay is undisclosed.

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Saturday 12 August 2023


The How To Create Stripe Account In Nigeria That Enables You To Recieve Payment With Ease.

Creating and Opening a Stripe Account in Nigeria

Stripe has revolutionized online payment processing, offering a seamless experience for businesses to accept payments from customers worldwide. Opening a Stripe account in Nigeria involves several steps that ensure a secure and compliant payment gateway.

 You can follow these instructions to successfully create and open a Stripe account:

Step 1: Preliminary Checks
Before you start the process, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:

You have a registered Nigerian business with a valid tax identification number.
You possess a functioning email address and contact details.
You have a Nigerian bank account for receiving payouts.

Step 2: Visit Stripe Website
Go to the official Stripe website ( using a web browser on your computer or mobile device.

Step 3: Sign Up
Click on the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button to initiate the account creation process.

Step 4: Provide Your Email
Enter your email address and create a strong password for your Stripe account. Make sure to keep this information secure.

Step 5: Business Information
Fill out your business details accurately:

Business name: Provide your registered business name.
Business type: Choose the appropriate category that matches your business.
Business web website available, include your business website URL.

Step 6: Address and Contact Information
Input your business address, phone number, and other relevant contact details.

Step 7: Bank Account Details
Enter the bank account details of your Nigerian bank account where you want to receive payouts. This information includes:

Account holder name
Account number
Bank name
Bank address

Step 8: Verify Identity
Stripe may require you to verify your identity and ownership of the business. This involves providing official documents, such as:

Government-issued identification (e.g., passport or driver's license)
Tax identification number
Proof of business registration
Step 9: Accept Stripe Terms
Carefully review Stripe's terms of service and policies. Once you're satisfied, click on the "Accept" or "Agree" button to proceed.

Step 10: Activation and Verification
Stripe will review your application. This process may take a few hours to several days. During this time, Stripe's team will assess your business's legitimacy and compliance.

Step 11: Integration
Upon approval, you'll gain access to the Stripe dashboard. Here, you can integrate Stripe's payment gateway into your website or app. Stripe provides comprehensive documentation to guide you through this process.

Step 12: Test Transactions
Before going live, it's recommended to perform test transactions to ensure that your Stripe integration is working seamlessly. You can use Stripe's test card numbers for this purpose.

Step 13: Go Live
Once you're confident in your integration and have successfully completed test transactions, you can switch your Stripe account to live mode. Now, your customers can make real payments using their credit or debit cards.

In conclusion, opening a Stripe account in Nigeria involves a systematic process of providing accurate business information, verifying identity, and integrating the payment gateway. Stripe's user-friendly interface and documentation make the process relatively straightforward, allowing businesses in Nigeria to efficiently accept online payments and expand their global reach.
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Wednesday 9 August 2023


 Glowing Skin Tips

It's a dream of every lady to get a good-looking and glowing skin

Achieving glowing skin involves a combination of skincare, healthy lifestyle choices, and proper self-care. Women can follow a comprehensive routine that focuses on cleansing, moisturizing, protecting, and nourishing the skin.

To begin, a woman should establish a consistent skincare routine tailored to her skin type and concerns. Cleansing is vital, using a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin's natural moisture. Exfoliating 1-2 times a week can help remove dead skin cells, promoting cell turnover for a fresh complexion.

Hydration is key for glowing skin. Using a suitable moisturizer helps maintain the skin's moisture barrier, preventing dryness and dullness. Applying sunscreen daily shields the skin from harmful UV rays, preventing premature aging and pigmentation.

Would you love to unleash your inner glow with Ashmad Organics?

Using serums and treatments containing ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and retinoids can address specific concerns such as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and uneven texture. Regular use can lead to a brighter and smoother complexion.

A balanced diet contributes to radiant skin. Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and leafy greens, combat free radicals that damage skin cells. Omega-3 fatty acids from sources like salmon support healthy skin by reducing inflammation.

Staying hydrated by drinking ample water maintains the skin's elasticity and plumpness. Herbal teas like green tea possess antioxidants that can benefit the skin as well.

Adequate sleep is crucial for skin rejuvenation. During deep sleep, the body repairs and regenerates cells, contributing to a refreshed complexion upon waking. Incorporating relaxation techniques, like meditation, can improve sleep quality.

Regular exercise boosts blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to skin cells. It also helps flush out toxins through sweat, promoting a clearer complexion. However, proper skincare before and after workouts is essential to prevent breakouts.

Managing stress is vital, as heightened stress levels can lead to skin issues. Practices like yoga, deep breathing, and spending time in nature help reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption prevents premature aging and maintains the skin's vibrancy. Smoking narrows blood vessels, reducing blood flow and depriving skin cells of oxygen and nutrients. Alcohol dehydrates the body, leading to dull skin.

Getting professional skincare advice from a dermatologist (Ashmad) can provide tailored recommendations and treatments for specific skin concerns. Regular visits to a skincare professional can address issues like acne, pigmentation, and aging effectively.

Using makeup in moderation and removing it before sleep prevents clogged pores and breakouts. Opt for makeup products labeled as non-comedogenic to avoid pore blockage.

Lastly, maintaining a positive self-image and practicing self-love is essential. Embracing one's natural beauty and having a confident mindset radiates positivity, enhancing the overall appearance.

In conclusion, achieving glowing skin requires a holistic approach involving a customized skincare routine, a balanced diet, proper hydration, sufficient sleep, stress management, and avoiding harmful habits. Consistency and patience are key, as achieving radiant skin is a gradual process that yields long-lasting results.

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Monday 7 August 2023


Global Opportunities: Resources for small business owners around the world. 

Hello business owners, below are over 150 links of resources, for those who are looking to structure their business.

Amazon App Store Small Business Accelerator - The Small Business Accelerator Program allows developers that earn less than 1 million USD in total annual revenue in the previous calendar year to access additional benefits up to or equivalent to 20% of Appstore revenue. If eligible, you’ll receive a 10% increased royalty payment and AWS credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue. -

Antler Global Startup Program - Antler is a global early-stage VC that runs multiple programs for business startups around the world. See the website for more info about the program and application dates. -

Awesome Foundation - Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees”.  Awarded monthly -

AWS Startup Loft Accelerator - AWS Startup Loft Accelerator equips your technical team with tech resources, guidance and a community of peers. From technical deep dives to round tables on day-to-day CTO challenges, including: recruiting, managing an engineering team, building a minimum viable product, and design principles for cloud architecture.  Provides $25,000 in AWS credits

Canva Pro For Nonprofits - If you are a nonprofit, you can register now to get Canva’s premium features for free. -

Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program - The Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program is a two-month, cost-covered training program that gives a small cohort of talented people from all over the world everything they need to launch a field-leading charity. $200,000 in seed funding is available. Apply by 9/30/2023 -

Emergent Ventures Grant/Fellowship Application (through Mercatus Center at George Mason University) - Emergent Ventures, a fellowship and grant program from the Mercatus Center, seeks to support entrepreneurs with highly scalable, “zero to one” ideas for meaningfully improving society. Projects will either be fellowships or grants: fellowships involve time in residence at the Mercatus Center in Northern Virginia; grants are one-time or slightly staggered payments to support a project.

Etsy Disaster Relief Fund - Sellers will be eligible for a grant if they experienced a federally declared natural disaster within the past year, have been an active seller on Etsy for at least one year, and their Etsy account is in good standing. Grants for $2,500 -

F6S List of Accelerators and Pitch Competitions - Provides a list of accelerators, contests and pitch competitions around the world.

Generative AI Skills Challenge Grant - A global grant for organizations training and upskilling teams on generative AI to drive social impact. $250,000 in kind funding. Apply by 8/15/2023 -

LinkedIn Ad Grant - Ad Grants program provides free LinkedIn ads to nonprofit organizations that are focused on the following areas: Racial and gender equity, Economic opportunity for professionals facing barriers and Environmental sustainability Apply by 8/9/23 -

MediaTech Pitch Day - Have you developed an MVP or have a fully-operational business that can transform the media industry in its broadest sense? If so, this chance is for you. Apply to the First Global MediaTech Pitch Day and you will have the opportunity to pitch your idea in front of investors, mediatech industry experts, and potential clients. Funding up to €1,000,000. Apply by 8/7/2023 -

Pollination Project - Grants to global non-profits. Annual budget for your group or organization must be less than $50,000. The total cost for the immediate project for which you are requesting funding must be less than $40,000 -

Savvy Fellowship - Savvy is a 12-week virtual Fellowship program for young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs. Applicants should be 40 or younger -

She Loves Tech Global Startup Challenge - All startups must be technology-based startups and for the avoidance of doubt, technology is defined as the use of science and innovation to invent useful things or to solve problems. This extends beyond digital, information or internet-based technology and covers everything from hardware to the creation of new products and solutions to existing problems. Apply by 9/21/2023 -

SheTrades Accelerator - SheTrades Accelerator Programme for women entrepreneurs and business support organizations in the Apparel, Accessories and Home Décor sectors is targeting women-led businesses (WLBs) and Business Support Organizations (BSO) in the Apparel, Accessories, and Home Decor sector from Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Senegal, and South Africa. -

Social Shifters Global Innovation - The Challenge is a thrilling opportunity for young trailblazers (aged 18-30) to unleash your creativity and drive. It’s all about exploring, nurturing, and bringing to life ideas that tackle the social or environmental issues that ignite a fire within you. Funding of $10,000. Apply by 8/20/2023 -

Techstars Accelerators - Techstars accelerators have one goal: to help entrepreneurs succeed. During each three-month program, they surround companies (companies should be based in North American time zones) with the best mentors and an unrivaled network of corporate partners, investors, and alumni.  Companies can receive $20K for 6% of company.  Various locations and due dates -

We Make Change - Global initiative that matches small businesses (mainly not for profits) with volunteers who are professional individuals or are from companies (including blue chip) that have an interest in supporting not for profits. Helps impact startups build a remote volunteer team for free volunteer help -

Western Union Foundation Fellowship with Watson Institute - The Western Union Foundation Fellowship is a venture and leadership accelerator program for entrepreneurs and community leaders from and working with highly marginalized, refugee, and forcibly displaced communities around the globe. This virtual and global program is designed to equip these next-generation entrepreneurs and leaders with the skills and experience to increase access to economic opportunity, build valuable networks and resources, and transform their communities. Funding up to $6000. Apply by 8/18/2023 -


Grindstone incubator - Must be based in South Africa - incubator will include training, corporate advisory, coaching, mentorsh,ip and funding. Specific interventions for each company include a structured gap analysis, understanding of the company value system, building a digital go-to-market strategy, financial modelling, intellectual property assessment, strategic and financial valuation as well as populating a data room -

HerMeNow Accelerator Program - The HerMeNow Accelerator will support 10 women-led social enterprises across the MENA+Africa region. Funding of $10,000.  Apply by 8/7/2023 -

Tony Elumelu Foundation - To apply, you only need to be a permanent resident of any of Africa’s 54 countries. Your startup must be at an ideation stage or not a business older than 5 years. Funding of $5,000 -

Womenpreneur Pitch-a-ton program - The Womenpreneur Pitch-a-ton program spans three months and includes an eight-week mini-MBA training program conducted in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC). During this period, participants will also have the opportunity to showcase their businesses in pitching sessions to a prestigious Pan-African jury. Apply by 8/11/2023 -


Optus Business Plus Mentorship Grant Program - Must be a company incorporated in Australia that is an existing Optus Business customer or be willing to be an Optus Business customer. Funding up to $5000 -


Aurora, Ontario - RiseUp and ScaleUp grants - The grants will provide $2,500 each to eligible small businesses operating in Aurora and can be used for any purpose in support of business development. Funding of $2,500. Apply by 8/18/2023 -

Black Innovation Launchpad - The Black Innovation Launchpad is a FREE virtual skills development platform focused on building the next generation of Black entrepreneurs.

Boost Your Business Technology Grant - Boost Your Business Technology grant offers support to Canadian-owned small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) who want to adopt new digital technologies. Funding up to $15,000 -

Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders - This program is open to black-led technology startups within the U.S. and Canada. The accelerator program is best suited for Seed to Series A revenue generating tech startups that are headquartered in the United States and Canada. Selected companies should have a minimum of 5+ employees and the founder and appropriate team members must be available to join all program elements of their cohort. Apply by 8/2/2023 -

Summer Causality Brand Grant Canada - Grant offers both full (pro bono) and matching (partial, funding requirement of 50%) services grants to help nonprofits and good causes access branding, graphic design, creative services and web site design and development services at no or low cost. The grants are open to non profit organizations, government agencies, and educational clients in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Apply by 8/11/2023 -


Visa’s She’s Next Grant Program – India - Visa invites small businesses owned and/or led by women in India to apply for the program, of which Visa will select and support three local women entrepreneurs with a grant of $10,000 each. Apply by 8/27/2023 -


Rising Leaders of Mexico Fellowship with Watson Institute - The ‘Rising Leaders of Mexico’ Fellowship is a program designed to equip next-gen entrepreneurs from Mexico with the skills, resources, and experience to scale the impactful ventures they are building. Fellows will join the Western Union Foundation Fellowship program alongside 45 other entrepreneurs to learn advanced skills in entrepreneurship and leadership, can earn seed funding, gain experience, and build a global network. (Note: This program is in English)  Apply by 8/18/2023 -

Summer Causality Brand Grant Canada - Grant offers both full (pro bono) and matching (partial, funding requirement of 50%) services grants to help nonprofits and good causes access branding, graphic design, creative services and web site design and development services at no or low cost. The grants are open to non profit organizations, government agencies, and educational clients in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Apply by 8/11/2023 -


Innovate UK KTN - Resource for sourcing grant programs available in the UK across all sectors. Funding opportunities section allows visitors to the website to filter grants by sector or type of funding required. -


Amazon's Black Business Accelerator - Dedicated to helping build sustainable equity and growth for Black entrepreneurs by enabling their success as sellers. Grow your business with access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support. -

Antares REACH Grant Program US - Hello Alice and the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), the Antares REACH Grant Program will provide $20,000 grants to small businesses, with an emphasis on businesses preparing for their next stage of growth; operated by historically underrepresented entrepreneurs; and providing important community services. Funding of $20,000.  Apply by 8/4/2023 -

Brookfield Properties Partner to Empower - Looking for business owners of color who are interested in opening a store within the Brookfield Properties U.S. mall portfolio, want to sign a license agreement — ideally for a minimum of two years and are available to attend the Retail Workshop, a virtual, expert-led course on all things business and brick-and-mortar retail. Apply by 8/11/23 -

Fearless Strivers Grant - Open to black women who are legal U.S. residents (including DC), 18+ and the principal owner of a U.S.-based small business. Grants for $20,000.  Apply by 8/31/2023 -

Freed Fellowship - Every month, one $500 grant is awarded to an underrepresented founder in the US to invest in their existing business. No strings attached. No equity required. Grant recipients are also eligible to receive an additional end-of-year grant of $2,500.

Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders - This program is open to black-led technology startups within the U.S. and Canada. The accelerator program is best suited for Seed to Series A revenue generating tech startups that are headquartered in the United States and Canada. Selected companies should have a minimum of 5+ employees and the founder and appropriate team members must be available to join all program elements of their cohort. Apply by 8/2/2023 -

HerRise Micro-Grant ($10 fee to apply) - Each month a $500 micro-grant will be awarded to a for-profit small business owned by women of color. Past recipients used their growth grants for computers, equipment, marketing materials, software purchase, website creation and more. -

Juntos Crecemos Hispanic Digital & Delivery Program (PepsiCo) - PepsiCo is inviting Latina entrepreneurs who work in food service to apply for eight weeks of personalized expert consultation, including best practices across operations, technology, marketing and digital presence.

Keep it Local Business Fund - Must be majority (51%) owned and/or operated by a person of color with less than $1MM in revenue and less than 25 employees. Grants for $5,000. Apply by 9/4/23 -

Literacy Opportunity Fund - The Literacy Opportunity Fund is offering grants up to $6,000 to nonprofit organizations general operating expenses who provide literacy services and programs to youth in the community. Funding up to $6000. Apply by 10/1/2023 -

Manufacturing Hardware Accelerator at Rev: Ithaca Startup Works - The manufacturing hardware accelerator is designed for startups based anywhere in the U.S. that have already developed a fully functional prototype and identified its customer market. Hardware and physical product startups with innovations geared towards businesses or consumers that include electronics, plastics, enclosures, mechanisms, and or machines are encouraged to apply. Apply by 9/25/2023 -

McBride Sisters SHE CAN Fund in Food and Wine - SHE CAN Fund invests in the professional advancement and career growth of high-potential, professional women, with a particular focus on women of color. Our mission is to close the gender and race gap in leadership positions in wine & spirits, hospitality, and finance industries by providing professional development -

Microsoft TechSpark Community Engagement Fellowship Grant - Community organizations focused on creating inclusive economic opportunities will have the opportunity to apply to receive a mix of funding and contextual technical assistance through in-person and virtual support. Awarded organizations will select a member of their team to represent their organization as a TechSpark Fellow. Applicant must be a US-based non-profit. Funding up to $50,000 -

MIT Solve: Truist Foundation Inspire Awards - This challenge is seeking nonprofit organizations with innovative, tech-enabled solutions that address challenges faced by small business owners. Funding for $10,000. Apply by 8/4/2023 -

Nasdaq Foundation: Quarterly Grant Program to Empower Diverse Entrepreneurs - Only open to non-profits. Grants will be given in this area to organizations and programs that impact women and under-represented communities in one or more of the following ways: Enhance financial engagement and Improve access to knowledge and tools. Funding up to $75,000.  Apply by 8/11/23 and 11/10/23 -

Novae Grants Database - Novae Grants database are intended for small businesses with 6-100 employees, though some are also intended for larger businesses and sole proprietor startups -

PublishHer Grant - Business Impact Grant (BIG) program for women of color whose businesses are making a difference in the lives of others and the world. Apply by August 31, 2023. Grants for $5,000 -

Pure Leaf "No" Grants - "No" grants (grants are $2000 and open to US residents - concept is that women have to say "yes" to so much - what would an additional $2K enable you to say "no" to?) Winners receive the $ and access to a support community and resources through SeekHer's Community Care Program. Funding of $2,000. Due dates are 8/31/23 and 10/31/23 -

Shape Your Future Small Business Awards - Tarte Cosmetics - The program will offer two tiers of funding for Black female-owned businesses with 6 awards of $25,000 and 15 awards of $10,000 each, tailored to the unique needs and sizes of the selected small businesses. Applications are supposed to open on 8/1/23 on their social media site -

She's Connected Grant - AT&T - Apply or nominate your favorite woman-owned small business to become a part of the She’s Connected by AT&T community and for a chance to win $20,000 for a women-owned small business, a free year of AT&T service and devices, along with the full support of the She’s Connected by AT&T platform. Apply by 8/31/2023 -

SPUR (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach) Pathways - Through an integrated and collaborative approach, Macy’s, Inc. and Momentus will provide access to a range of capital options from microloans to growth capital to equity investments. This represents a commitment to underrepresented businesses and aims to galvanize the retail industry to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs -

Start Path Small Business (Mastercard) - During the 4-month program, startups will have the opportunity to leverage Mastercard's network and subject matter expertise to uncover product partnerships, scale their companies and power solutions that drive safe, secure and simple experiences. Companies should be in one of following industries: Customer Service, Banking, Security, E-commerce, Artificial Intelligence, Payment Processing, Digital Lending, FinTech -

Start Small Think Big is a nonprofit that helps small businesses with high potential and limited access to the resources needed to create thriving businesses. They partner with small business owners, providing personalized business support and building connections with local communities.  If you are interested in being considered as a “client” for free services, you can fill out this form (for English) or (for Spanish)  They also offer free webinars (in Eng and Span).  See this link for their upcoming events:

Startup Collective by Aveeno - The Startup Collective by Aveeno is an initiative designed to empower Black female-identifying entrepreneurs with a product, brand, or technology that meets the skin or hair care needs of Black consumers. They will be enabled to achieve business growth by providing them with access to grants, education, and resources. Funding up to $100,000. Apply by 8/13/2023 -

Summer Causality Brand Grant Canada - Grant offers both full (pro bono) and matching (partial, funding requirement of 50%) services grants to help nonprofits and good causes access branding, graphic design, creative services and web site design and development services at no or low cost. The grants are open to non profit organizations, government agencies, and educational clients in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Apply by 8/11/2023 -

TL Effect Mentorship Program - The TL Effect is an in-house mentorship program geared towards women-of-color entrepreneurs looking to take their consumer-focused early-stage start-up to the next level. One recipient will receive a $20,000 grant -

TRANSFORM Business Grant - The TRANSFORM Business Grant is designed to support individuals in systemically oppressed groups who demonstrate financial need. This includes, but is not limited to, BIPOC individuals, individuals who have a disability, formerly incarcerated individuals, and queer, trans, and nonbinary folks. Grants for $1,000.  Apply by 8/20/2023 -

Truist NonProfit Grant - The Truist Foundation supports nonprofits with grants that target leadership development, economic mobility, thriving communities and educational equity. Quarterly deadlines -

Vela Educaion Fund Grants - ELA supports thousands of independent operators who facilitate learning outside the traditional bounds of ‘school.’ Must be US based and serve K-12 learners or programs outside of traditional public, private, or charter schools. Funding up to $10,000. Apply by 8/11/23, 10/6/23 -

Venmo Small Business Grant - Applicants must have a Venmo business profile with a business description as well as profile and background photos on their accounts. Must have less than 10 employees and less than $50,000 in revenue. Grants for $10,000. Apply by 8/7/2023 -

Veterans Business Outreach Center - The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program offers resources to veterans who are interested in starting or growing a small business. There are 22 locations (soon expanding to 35) and they offer workshops, training, counseling, and mentorship opportunities. -

Warrior Rising Grant - Warrior Rising strives to accept and assist veterans at any point in the process of starting their own business, whether it is only a concept or if they have actual operations. Funding of $20,000 -

Wish Local Empowerment Program - You must be a Black-owned business with a brick-and-mortar shop within the United States and less than 20 employees. If selected for the program, you must join Wish Local (which is free). Grants for up to $2000 -

Women and Minority Business Owner Down Payment Grant (Bank of America) -  Non-repayable grant is for up to $25,000 on SBA owner occupied commercial estate loans for business locations within select opportunity zones (Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles) Program may expand based on pilot. -




  • Bakersfield Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Technical Assistance and Grant - The City of Bakersfield Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Technical Assistance and Grant Program is a visionary initiative aimed at providing crucial support to local minority-based businesses in need. Funding up to $40,000 -
  • Carson, CA Small Business and Commercial Improvement Grants - Small Business Grant Program will provide grants of $5,000 to $25,000 for businesses impacted by the pandemic, while the Commercial Facade Improvement Program will offer a dollar-for-dollar matching grant to encourage businesses to make aesthetic improvements to their storefronts. Businesses must be located in Carson and have 50 employees or fewer.  Funding up to $25,000 -
  • Concord, CA Small Business Grants - The reimbursement grant is intended to help businesses recover typical operating costs such as rent/lease payments, utilities, payroll, inventory, facility repairs, upgrades, and other expenses. Funding of $5,000.  Apply by 8/11/23 -
  • Long Beach Visual Improvement Grant Program - This City of Long Beach Visual Improvement Program (VIP) Grant will provide direct financial relief to local small businesses and nonprofits impacted by crime and vandalism on or after 10/1/2022. Eligible businesses can receive $1,500 to cover repairs to their storefront caused by vandalism. -
  • San Francisco Vandalism Relief Grant - Business must have a storefront that was damaged after July 1, 2020 and business must have less than $8M in revenue. Funding of $2,000



  • Danbury Small Business Grants - To be eligible for assistance under this program, applicants must be a currently operating for-profit Danbury based business that is physically located and registered within the City of Danbury and employs ten or fewer full-time employees. The business must also have an annual gross revenue prior to the COVID-19 pandemic of less than $1,500,000. Funding of $5,000. Apply by 8/31/2023 -
  • Meriden Business Investment and Growth Program - Priority funding will be for projects located in the Meriden Transit Oriented District, being located in a census tract, to permit additional employment and business opportunities for minority and socially disadvantaged entrepreneurs. Funding up to $300,000. Apply by 12/31/2024 -
  • New Haven Small Business Grant - Must be for profit business located in New Haven County, CT -
  • Torrington/WBDC Small Business Grant Program - Business must be located in Torrington, Connecticut and have a zoning permit from the City of Torrington. Funding up to $10,000 -
  • West Hartford, CT Small Business and Nonprofit Grants - Business or non-profit must be physically based in West Hartford, CT with less than 50 employees.  Funding up to $10,000 -
  • Women's Business Development Council Grant - The grants are available for women-owned small businesses in Connecticut with clearly defined projects that will have a measurable impact on the business, its growth, and profitability. The funding ranges between $2,500 and $10,000 and applicants must provide a minimum 25% match of the grant. Funding up to $10,000. Applications open 8/14/23 -


  • Site Readiness Fund - The Site Readiness Fund provides grants, loans or other economic assistance to qualified businesses or local governments based in Delaware that invest in constructing, renovating, or improving commercial, industrial sites that are readily available to businesses -


  • digitalundivided's BREAKTHROUGH Program - Miami - Must identify as a Black or Latina woman and have an established business in the Mami area that has been registered for at least 1 year with over $50K in revenue. Funding for $5,000.  Apply by 8/27/2023 -
  • Mom and Pop Small Business Grant (Miami/Dade) - Mom and Pop Small Business Grant Program offers funding opportunities for small owned and operated businesses to purchase equipment, supplies, advertising/marketing, inventory, building liability insurance, security systems and to make minor renovations. Applications are filed by District and all have different due dates. See website for details -
  • Orange County Small Business BOOST - The Orange County Small Business BOOST program provides grants to eligible small businesses, home-based businesses and gig workers that were impacted by COVID-19. Small businesses, home-based businesses, and gig workers located in Orange County, Florida, (including municipalities) that can demonstrate a 25% decline in revenue or more during the COVID-19 pandemic may apply for the non-repayable awards. Funding up to $10,000 -
  • Orlando Business Funding Availability - Website with links to several funding options fo businesses based in Orlando, FL -
  • Sarasota Opportunities For All Small Business Grants - Minority-owned small businesses (51% or more ownership) providing services or products in the Sarasota/Manatee region are invited to apply. Funding for up to $10,000. Apply by 9/18/2023 -



  • Cook County Small Business Grant - Businesses located in Cook County with fewer than 20 full-time employees that were in business prior to 2020 are eligible to apply. Funding up to $20,000.  Apply by 8/18/2023 -
  • Danville, IL Small Business Grant - Businesses must be restaurants which prepare and sell food either for on-premise or off-premise consumption or have been deemed by the State of Illinois as a “non-essential” business which was required to “cease all activities except for minimum basic operations”. Must have a commercial business location within the City of Danville (home-based businesses are ineligible).  Grants for $10,000
  • Gurnee, IL Small Business Grant - The village of Gurnee, Illinois launched a small business grant program last month. Grants can be used to improve business facilities and each business must provide at least half of the capital (match) for each project. Grants up to $10,000 -


  • Bloomington Small Business Grants - Bloomington Urban Enterprise Association (BUEA) has three grant programs to support small business owners in the Enterprise Zone - Small Business Safety & Security Grant, Business Building Improvement Grant and Accessibility Modification Grant – Funding up to $5000 – Apply by 9/1/23 -
  • Franklin Chamber Foundation Small Business Grant - Small businesses of 10 or fewer full-time employees located in Franklin, IN are encouraged to submit applications for the grants which may be used for initiatives such as expanding a physical space, online presence or marketing initiatives. Examples of capacity building are: user-friendly online shopping platforms, enhanced point of sale systems, updated websites, increased physical spaces and innovative marketing strategies.  Funding for $2,500. Apply by 7/31/2023 -


  • Topeka & Shawnee County Small Business Incentive Program - The for-profit business must be located in the City of Topeka or Shawnee County and less than 100 employees – Next deadlines are 8/11/23 and 11/30/23 -


  • Kentucky STEP Grant - The STEP grant provides reimbursement to eligible small businesses for allowable international export development activities. Funding up to $10,000 -




  • Cambridge, MA Small Business E-Commerce Grant - Priority will be given to Cambridge-based businesses with fewer than 25 employees, businesses with no or little online presence, and businesses that have seen a severe decrease in sales from pre-pandemic levels.  Funding up to $4000. Apply by 8/21/2024 -
  • Sussex County Small Business Grant Program - Business must have been legally established in Sussex County since Jan. 1, 2019 and have annual revenue less than $4 million and 50 or fewer full-time employees. Funding up to $15,000 -


  • Lansing Small Business Support Grants - The program will provide vital funding assistance, in the form of reimbursement grants up to $50,000, to support small businesses looking to be a part of Downtown Lansing’s transformation as the community works towards recovery following the COVID pandemic. Funding also available for nonprofits-
  • Michigan Veteran Entrepreneur-Lab (MVE-Lab) - Michigan Veteran Entrepreneur-Lab (MVE-Lab) is a free 3-month entrepreneurship accelerator for veterans and/or military spouses. It is designed to provide hands-on startup education for those seeking to add $20,000 or more annual income to their household through small business activity. Apply by 9/4/2023
  • Pure Potential Business Grants - Business must be for-profit and located within Livonia. Must have fewer than 100 employees. Funding up to $15,000 -
  • Small Business Growth Activator - Washtenaw County - Your business must have been open and operating in Washtenaw County as of March 16, 2020 and have fewer than 5 employees. Eligible businesses may receive additional website, bookkeeping, and marketing support valued up to $2,500. Grants of $5,000 -
  • Wayne County Small Business Hub - Resources for small businesses in Wayne County -



New Hampshire

  • Coos Economic Development Corporation Grant - For small businesses in Coos County: Berlin, Colebrook, Gorham, Lancaster, and Whitefield. Grant awardees will receive up to $5,000 towards storefront rent for 3-months, insurance, utilities, signage, and other reasonable expenses. -
  • Manchester Small Business Grant and Program Assistance - Support small businesses based in Manchester, NH with fixed business costs, including rent, utilities, and payroll, accrued during the pandemic, costs associated with transitioning to e-commerce business platforms, outdoor space upgrades, and other technical assistance needs.  Grants up to $10,000 -

New Jersey

  • Small Business Improvement Grant - All creditworthy, small, minority-owned or women-owned businesses in New Jersey may apply for assistance under the Small Business Improvement Grant. Businesses may be reimbursed for capital improvements, or purchase and/or installation of new furniture, fixtures, and equipment. Grants up to $50,000 -

New Mexico

New York

  • Buffalo - M&T Bank Minority and Women Emerging Entrepreneurs program - The CEL is accepting applications for the 2024 MWEE program. To be eligible, an entrepreneur must be a woman or member of a recognized minority group and own a business in the Buffalo Niagara region. Applications due in August -
  • Canton CARES Small Business Grants - Grants to microenterprises and small businesses with less than 25 employees in the Village of Canton that have been impacted by the pandemic. As such, the primary goal of the program is to address improvements that support customer and staff safety and improve business resiliency related to future occurrences of the virus or other disasters; allowing businesses to prepare for, prevent, or respond to impacts of the pandemic.
  • Empire State Development Corp.’s COVID-19 Capital Costs Tax Credit Program - Individual businesses can apply for tax credits of up to $25,000, which may cover up to half of qualified, pandemic-related expenses. Qualifying expenses include supplies or upgrades related to health and safety, including disinfectants, new HVAC equipment, touchless kiosks, and outdoor-space expansions. -
  • Launch NY - Launch NY is a nonprofit venture development organization in Upstate New York that provides pro bono mentoring and access to risk capital for high-growth startups in the Upstate area  -
  • Oyster Bay Forward Grant Program - Grant Program is open to businesses that employ up to 50 full-time equivalent employees as well as sole proprietors. Open to for-profit and non-profits. Grants for $5,000 -
  • Pre-Seed and Seed Matching Fund Program - Program will offer early-stage businesses growth assistance from $50,000 up to $250,000 with matching from the private sector (there must be at least $1 of private sector investment for every $1 NY Ventures invests). In addition to financial support, Empire State Development offers the tools and key introductions needed to help companies reach the next level. Company must be registered to do business in New York -
  • Rockland County Grants - Grant opportunities for restaurants and small businesses located in Rockland County. Funding up to $25,000. Apply by 9/15/23 -

North Carolina

  • Beyond Open CLT grant - The Beyond Open grant program aims to help diverse small business owners in Charlotte-Mecklenburg build wealth by investing in capital assets such as equipment, technology, inventory, and real estate. Beyond Open grants in three categories of support from $5k - $250k+ and do not need to be repaid. Round 2 is opening on 8/1/23 and will close on 8/30/23.  Funding up to $25,000 -
  • Moore County Chamber of Commerce Small Business Grant - To be eligible for funding under the program, the business must employ less than 100 employees and have a storefront presence in the county. Nonprofits that meet these requirements may also apply if they operate a storefront small business, like a resale store or a café. Funding up to $5000. Apply by 8/31/2023 -
  • NC Idea Micro Grant - NC IDEA MICRO grants are specifically targeted at companies headquartered in and that conduct a majority of corporate operations in the State of North Carolina. All publicly facing materials, including website, social media, and other marketing materials and channels should identify the business as a North Carolina company. Selected companies must agree to maintain the majority of corporate operations in the State of North Carolina for at least the 12-month period following completion of the grant. NC IDEA MICRO grants are awarded to companies bringing an innovative product or business model to market, and on a path to become a multi-million dollar company, have 50+ employees or be investable in 5-7 years.  Funding of $10,000.  Apply by 8/28/23 -
  • NC Idea Seed Grant - NC IDEA SEED grants are specifically targeted at companies headquartered in and that conduct a majority of corporate operations in the State of North Carolina. All publicly facing materials, including website, social media, and other marketing materials and channels should identify the business as a North Carolina company. Selected companies must agree to maintain the majority of corporate operations in the State of North Carolina for at least the 12-month period following completion of the grant. NC IDEA SEED offers early stage companies the critical funding they need to scale faster. Our $50K grants are awarded to innovative startups with a proven concept — even if they are not yet profitable. Funding of $50,000. Apply by 8/28/23 -



  • Key4Women Pitch Competition - KeyBank’s Key4Women program, along with Microenterprise Services of Oregon and the Portland Thorns Football Club have announced a collaborative business pitch contest for women-owned businesses in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Funding up to $20,000.  Apply by 8/31/23 -


Rhode Island

South Carolina


  • Irving Small Business Grants - For small businesses in Irving, TX, the Recovery Grant is direct financial assistance in the form of a one-time grant up to $15,000. The Resiliency Grant provides professional business support in the form of training and technical assistance. Applicants can apply for both grants. -
  • San Antonio Facade Improvement Grants - The City of San Antonio Façade Improvement Grant Program offers grants to support aesthetic and functional upgrades for active small business spaces and associated building exteriors visible from the public right-of-way. Funding up to $50,000. Apply by 9/8/2023 -
  • San Antonio Outdoor Spaces Grants - The City of San Antonio Outdoor Spaces Grant Program offers grants to improve outdoor dining and drinking spaces for small, independent, and locally owned food and drinking establishments located inside the City of San Antonio’s city limits. Eligible applicants who meet the program requirements may receive up to $10,000 towards eligible project expenses. Funding up to $10,000. Apply by 9/1/2023 -
  • Texas Job Creators Quest Grant - The $100,000 fund will make investments to 25 diverse-led businesses in the North, Central, or South Texas regions. Founder must identify as one of the following: Latinx, Black, Asian, Women, LGBTQIA+, Military Veteran, or located in a Low to Moderate Income area. Grants of $4,000. Apply by 8/7/2023 -


Washington, D.C

  • BLACKBONE Project - BLACKBONE Project, an initiative to help D.C. based Black women founders grow and scale their business with capacity-building resources, access to capital and mentoring. -
  • Obviously DC Grant opportunities - Variety of grants available - Special Event Fee Relief Fund, Vitality Fund, Commercial Property Acquisition Fund , and DC Family Fun Destinations Grant.  See website for more info -

Washington (state)

  • Key4Women Pitch Competition - KeyBank’s Key4Women program, along with Microenterprise Services of Oregon and the Portland Thorns Football Club have announced a collaborative business pitch contest for women-owned businesses in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Funding up to $20,000.  Apply by 8/31/23 -
  • Seattle Storefront Repair Grant - Storefront Repair Fund grants will help cover costs to repair current property damage or reimburse business owners for costs paid out of pocket for past damages. Eligible property damages include broken windows, broken doors, broken locks and etching on windows. This grant will not cover loss of stolen goods or damages such as graffiti. Business must be within Seattle city limits. Funding up to $2,000 -
  • Spokane Assistance to Small Businesses Grant - Grant funding is for small businesses in Spokane that were impacted by the COVID pandemic and need help in post pandemic recovery. Grants of up to $45,000 will be awarded to small businesses that can show a decline in gross revenue or show increased expenses equal to or greater than the $45,000 grant amount. Additionally, businesses who started operations in 2020 or 2021 are eligible for grants of up to $15,000.  Apply by 8/31/2023 -


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