
Sunday 29 May 2022


 Have you been struggling to lose weight lately?

If yes, then you are definitely at the right place to learn how to achieve that.

It's would be a dream come true if you apply what you would be reading here to daily basis routine.

To be completely honest, it's a wish or dream of everyone, women especially to to have the most beautiful appearance. They wants to have CURVY shapes which is making most them to buy and consumes wrong products which at the end doesn't yell positive results, instead it end up harming them.

Some people after trying several products and without seeing results end up going for surgery to get rid of the fat.

Dear you,

If you have been struggling to get rid of the excessive fat in your body and it's not giving you the result you want, it's really because you are doing get wrongly. Yes! You are not getting how to burn out the fat.

Now read what a Nutritionist said.

The most important mean that help you lose your weight and burn fat is eating foods that gives you sense of saturation for long time that help reduce daily calories without feeling hungry.

These are foods that contain grills(with fiber), protein, fats, and lots of vegetables. These mixture is called the glycemic index (G.I)

Plan your meal with glycemic index. If you can consult a Nutritionist to assist you with that, watch and be mindful of  things you do consumes.

~ Start eating salad or fruit first, then eat the main course.

~ Drink a cup of water before eating (it helps fill the stomach, so it gives a hint of saturation)

~ Reduce your consumption of roasted meats, and boiled potatoes.

Minimise sweets. Sweets that has to do with roasted flour. In other word, junk foods.

Planning and being watchful of your meals, is the first step to achieving the goals of having a beautiful BODY shape.


Make it a habit to exercise every morning. It improve and help to burn fats fastly. It's strengthen your muscles and joints. It's makes you fit.

Thirdly, take fat loss tea and combo. You do not need to go about looking for slim teas. You can DO IT YOURSELF using some herbs.

Slimming juice.

Cut 5pieces of lime into small pieces, and cucumber as well. Blend and sieve. Drink this slimming tea so often.
If you do not want to blend, then you can infuse in water after cutting them into pieces.

Slimming juice

1- Cucumber
2- Apple
3- Ginger

Blend all and sieve. Make a juice. 

Drink a cup of slimming juice and herbs before breakfast and before lunch.
Infused lemon

Boiled mint leaves, ginger and cloves.

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Sunday 22 May 2022


 Do you want to get more followers, more engagements, and become a influential person people adore and respect?

Do you want to earn money just by simply being on social media? Or

Do you want to turn your followers to money?

Or do you want to be famous and known on social media?

Do you?

I'd met people who have been struggling to make themselves lovable to the extent that when they make a post, they want people to take action and engage with their post.

I'd also seen people complaining about not getting followers, likes and comments.

Do not worry about that, i will teach you how to, cos that's the reason why you are here. 

Like I always have been saying that Social media is money. Yes! It's a financial savior. only if you know how to go about it.

Before I dive in, I will like to ask a question first. WHY are you on social media?

What is your WHY?

Knowing your WHY will make you digest and comprehend this Content easily.

 There are people who are on social media just for fun, there are people who are on social media to get famous and popularity, there are people who are on social media to impact and inspire others, there are also people who are on social media to make money... The list goes on.

I may not talk about all of the above mentioned, but will likely talk about two. So if your WHY align with the two I am talk about, you are lucky I will say.

We all know, if not the whole, then 90% if the world populations are on social media platforms. This gives you an opportunity to interact with people easily, to seek knowledge, to become different, to make yourself lovable and so much more. The number of people you interact with determines the result of your WHY.

If your WHY is to;

1. Make money

2. Get famous and become a celebrity, then practice all you're about to read below to grow your followers first.

Followers = Money

Followers = Becoming a celebrity.

(1) NICHE 

Discover your niche. Something you're good at, and passionate about.


Once you have discover your niche, the next thing is to find and join 10-15 groups especially on Facebook. The group purposes has to resonate with your niche, otherwise you won't be able to get what you want.

Why you should join groups that resonate with your niche is becaaboutonce a post is been made, you can respond to it intelligently because you'd already had knowledge of what has been posted. It's something you are passionate about.

Be active in those groups once you've joined. When a post is being made by a group member, engage and respond wisely. Your response will attract people to like and respnd to your comment. It's advisable to always do research on a particular problem, look for a solution post it on the group. Post educative, valuable contents on the groups. 

Like other people's replies, reply to their replies, and enlighten them. When you post intelligently, people tend to rush and click on your profile, view and wondered who you are. Once they came across something or information that attractively drew their attention, they sends you a friend's request or follows you. And that's why you should set your profile to be attractive.



Set your bio. Your bio should be able to state who you are and what you do.


Your profile photo should be clear and bold. It makes people to trust you, and not to just assumed that they're following or interacting with a wrong person.


Set your background image, which should either be info-graphic carrying all information about you or what you do. Or, a photo of you with some information at the side.

  If your profile photo is beautifully set, it becomes magnet that magnetise any passerby to end up sending or following you.

So, as your friends and followers grows, make sure interact with them wisely, dish out what they'd expected to eat from your table entertain them, help them solve their problems.

Reciprocal commentary leads to conversation, and nice impacting conversation may lead to building a good relationship. Responding to comments gives you followers, not only under contents or posts but also on other people's post as well.

  Do not be selective or choosy of who and who you should like or reply to their comments. You are not doing your self any good if you do that. Instead, respond to all the commentators brilliantly.

Be jovial and humble with interaction. And you'll be adorable.


Be consistent and active, for your followers are always for a new content from you. The more you post, the higher exposure you get.


Carry everyone along. A call to action content gives you more engagements. More likes and shares. It's a content that has to do with asking questions, or letting them say their opinions.

People will gradually follow you. You'll become the celebrity you'd always wanted to be.

Once you've gotten the followers, create a page, create a YouTube channel, tiktok, and a Instagram handle. Share the handles address with them, and request them to follow you.

A PAGE. Your page can be use as advertisement platform. People should pay you by simply putting up, or showcasing their goods and services on your page. When a video is uploaded on your stories and it got certain views, Facebook will start paying you.

YouTube, Instagram, and tiktok also pay when you'd gotten to a certain engagements, views and followers.

So what are you waiting for?

Turn your followers to MONEY!

There are people and companies that will be watching you for what you do, once they like it, they will obviously hired you.

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Monday 16 May 2022


 These tips you're about to read will lead you to a result achieved. You only need to stick to the routine.

 Have you been wanting soft and brighter skin? 

Are you scared of using strong chemical products on your skin?

Have you been wanting not only beautiful skin but a beautiful CURVY body as well?

Then you're at the right read! 

Read and apply all the tips, months later, please do not forget to come back here and thank me for Sharing this with you.

Tips you'll be reading here are very effective, healthy, and less expensive. So you have zero worries.

This is a dream of every girl; to have a beautiful SKIN and a beautiful BODY STRUCTURE.

Tip 1

~ Drink plenty of water !!!

~ Eats fruits always.

~ Take Vitamin E capsules, cod liver oil, and vitamin C

~ Grind Banana, Milk, &  white Oat to make a smoothie.

The above-mentioned should be taken in every day. 

Tip1 helps in nourishing and moisturizing your skin. It helps heal and rejuvenate both the internal and external parts of your body. 

Tip 2

For your body and face scrub you will need the following;

1- 3 tbsp of lemon juice

2- 2 tbsp of coconut oil

3- 1 and a half tbsp of coffee (grinded)

4- half tbsp of baking soda

5-  1 tbsp of Aloe vera gel.

6- sea salt (optional)

Mix all in a clean container, and your scrub is ready. Apply on the affected areas, or rather every part of your skin to scrub. Use the scrub 3-4 times a week.

Make sure Tip4 is your moisturizing oil.

Tip 3

Things needed;

1- African black soap.

2- Turmeric powder.

3- Honey

4- Olive oil

5- chamomile oil.

Cut the African black soap into pieces and soap it with warm water. Leave for 3-4 hours to get soften.

After it has become soft, add 3 tbsp of turmeric powder, add honey (to your desired amount), and add 3-4 drops of olive oil, and chamomile oil. Mix thoroughly until hardens and your soap is ready. It's very natural and gives you a natural look and feeling. To get a fast result bath twice using the soap.

The benefits of the soap is; that it help heal and get rid of all kinds of skin diseases, and it clears black spot, scars, cellulite, and stretch marks. 

Tip 4

Get a good Johnson's baby oil, and vitamin E from the pharmacy. Pierce through the gelatin of vitamin E, extract the oil and add to Johnson's baby oil. This should be your skin oil all the time.

Tip 5.

Do yoga/workout.

Yes! For you to arrive at a CURVY body, you have to do the workout. 

If you stick to the above-mentioned tips, you are guaranteed a beautiful SKIN and CURVY body.

Thanks for reading. We love comments, please drop one.


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Tuesday 10 May 2022


 Do this, and your pimples will get better, nor matter how stubborn they are.

Before and after the use of paste.

If you have been disturbed by stubborn pimples for a long time, and you are also tired of using variety of face cream just to get rid of them, despite that all of them, the pimples have refused to go away, then I will advice you use this simple tips to chase them away.

It will cost you less, and has no side effects. Instead, it gives your skin some nourishment.

A stubborn pimples should be chase away from your face by simply applying a NEEM and TURMERIC paste.

Yes! It's simple, easy and cheap right?

All you need is;

1- 1tbspn of (dried) neem powder,

2- 1tbspn of turmeric powder

Mix the two and add a drop of warmth water, mix to paste. Apply to the affected areas, and leave for some minutes.

Another method is:

1- one full tblspn of NEEM powder,

2- half tbspn of honey,

3- half tbspn of turmeric.

Mix to paste, and apply on the affected areas.

Do this four times in a week, and see how amazing the result will be.

NB. While on this routine, please avoid picking of your face. Do not apply any strong and harmful substance on your face.

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Thursday 5 May 2022


 The secret to a healthy skin lies truly on getting the right products.

Getting the right products to use constantly, will obviously yield to a desire result. Plus, taking enough water to keep the skin moisturised and healthy.

For those who desire a little brighter skin or rather a HALFCAST skin should check on my previous post by clicking on this 

So, this is the right products combo you can use to maintain your skin as a black woman. This combo has not effect. It's healthy, and only makes your skin to glow and look flawless. It give a baby skin touch, soft and silky, try it out.

Great combo to keep the skin flawless.
~ Milk plus (whitening milk shower gel)
~ Nevia (extra white lotion. This is included to clear the dark spots, thereby making your skin to look uniformly)
~ Vaseline rice water.
~ Safi (rose hip oil).
The rest not mentioned are scrub which can not be easily gotten, especially here in Nigeria. So the best option for this is to make your own scrub at home using herbs and essential oils.

Home made scrub.

1. 1cup of sugar (brown or white)
2. 4-5 tablespoons of coconut oil.
3. 3-4drops of peppermint oil.
4. 2-3drops of vitamin E oil.
5. Turmeric powder (optional)
Mix all in a clean bowl. Make a paste of it, scrub your skin so often. This combo help to fade away scars, thereby making the skin to be uniform.

In the absence of the above combo, or if you can get hold of it easily, then I will Advice you use the below combo, which is also very effective.

Get a clean bowl or a clean empty container. 
- turn into it a A extract Papaya (whitening lotion)
- Add 2-3 tablespoons of rose water.
- Add 2-3 drops of Almond oil.
- Add 2-3 drops of licorice root oil.
- Add turmeric powder at your desire.
- Add a few drops of rose hip oil.
Mix them all and make it your constantly use lotion. This combo is so good that it unifies the face, belly, leg and absolutely everything in between.

We love to see your questions.

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Designed by Jide Ogunsanya.