
Sunday 29 May 2022


 Have you been struggling to lose weight lately?

If yes, then you are definitely at the right place to learn how to achieve that.

It's would be a dream come true if you apply what you would be reading here to daily basis routine.

To be completely honest, it's a wish or dream of everyone, women especially to to have the most beautiful appearance. They wants to have CURVY shapes which is making most them to buy and consumes wrong products which at the end doesn't yell positive results, instead it end up harming them.

Some people after trying several products and without seeing results end up going for surgery to get rid of the fat.

Dear you,

If you have been struggling to get rid of the excessive fat in your body and it's not giving you the result you want, it's really because you are doing get wrongly. Yes! You are not getting how to burn out the fat.

Now read what a Nutritionist said.

The most important mean that help you lose your weight and burn fat is eating foods that gives you sense of saturation for long time that help reduce daily calories without feeling hungry.

These are foods that contain grills(with fiber), protein, fats, and lots of vegetables. These mixture is called the glycemic index (G.I)

Plan your meal with glycemic index. If you can consult a Nutritionist to assist you with that, watch and be mindful of  things you do consumes.

~ Start eating salad or fruit first, then eat the main course.

~ Drink a cup of water before eating (it helps fill the stomach, so it gives a hint of saturation)

~ Reduce your consumption of roasted meats, and boiled potatoes.

Minimise sweets. Sweets that has to do with roasted flour. In other word, junk foods.

Planning and being watchful of your meals, is the first step to achieving the goals of having a beautiful BODY shape.


Make it a habit to exercise every morning. It improve and help to burn fats fastly. It's strengthen your muscles and joints. It's makes you fit.

Thirdly, take fat loss tea and combo. You do not need to go about looking for slim teas. You can DO IT YOURSELF using some herbs.

Slimming juice.

Cut 5pieces of lime into small pieces, and cucumber as well. Blend and sieve. Drink this slimming tea so often.
If you do not want to blend, then you can infuse in water after cutting them into pieces.

Slimming juice

1- Cucumber
2- Apple
3- Ginger

Blend all and sieve. Make a juice. 

Drink a cup of slimming juice and herbs before breakfast and before lunch.
Infused lemon

Boiled mint leaves, ginger and cloves.

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