
Thursday 24 March 2022


 Homemade remedy for cough (cough syrup) and toothe ache one can simply do at home.

A patient coughing.

Nowadays, a lot of people gets sick often. Especially the flu with cough. This inspired me to share the most simplest and effective way of getting rid of the cough and disturbing toothache.

Dear you,

Try this (tips) at home, come back here, and drop a comment (testimony)


Things needed:

1. Onions

2. Honey.

This are common things we uses, and can find in every household of a living creature. Isn't it?

Now, this is how to make your cough syrup.

~ cut 1 Onion to two portion. Use one portion and break into layers.

~ fetch a full 2tablespoons of honey, or according to your liking. Mix together with the onions.

~ Close and leave for 2 hours.

The juice will sprinkled through the onion mix with honey. And, your cough syrup is ready.

Cough syrup in process

If you have a stubborn toothache that has refused to get healed, or rather coming back awhile after a while, then I'll advice you use this simple trick to murder it once and for all.


Things needed;

1. Salt

2. Garlic.

Salt and garlic cloves.


Grind the garlic, with salt and paste it on the sore teeth. 

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Wednesday 9 March 2022


 How to get FLAWLESS, GLOWING, BRIGHTER skin within a couple of weeks.

Every lady's goal is to achieve good-looking skin. Ladies don't mind spending a lot of money on their skin, as far as the result is going to be what they want.

Some, spend on the wrong product being used on their skin. While some are wise enough to see a dermatologist, or skin therapist for a recommendation.

In this post, I will be sharing with you simple tips you can use to make your skin look FLAWLESS. 

If you'd long wanted your skin to be like that of half-cast, then worry not. You're in the right place.

Glowing skin.

Applying scrub and lotion is often never enough to give you what you want, or give you healthy skin (as some products are very harmful to your skin). So if you wish to have flawless skin, then you need to do this.

~ Johnson's baby oil
~ Vitamin E capsule.

Fetch a little amount of Johnson baby oil into a clean empty container. Add a drop of vitamin E in it and mix. This should be your regular body oil. Apply on the skin twice a day.

Get a clean bowl. Add a tablespoon of brown sugar and a few drops of Johnson's baby oil. Exfoliate your skin with it.

Tip 2(a)
~half a tablespoon of Almond oil.
~ A few drops of jojoba oil.
~a drop of tea tree oil.

Mix them all in a clean empty container. Add natural dried rose petals and infuse them. Use the infused oil on your skin daily.

Scrub for the above tip.
~ turmeric powder
~ Almond oil
~ honey
~ brown sugar
~ coconut oil
~ lemon juice.

Fetch 2 spoons of brown sugar into a bowl. Add a full tablespoon of turmeric powder.
Add a few drops of Almond oil, coconut oil, lemon juice, and a small amount of honey, and mix all thoroughly. Scrub your skin 5 times a week.

While on this routine, I will advise you to take a good supplement cod liver oil, or Vitamin E capsules. 

Also, if you want to keep your skin clearer, healthier, prettier, and moisturized, then you need to increase and consume a lot of water and eat vegetables and fruits. 
Make your juice from fruits, and eat vegetables regularly to help keep your skin as you want.

At this time, let me share with you fruits that would help keep your skin healthy and pretty.

~Orange. ( consist of Vitamin C. It's Antioxidant)

~ Papaya ( has vitamins A, B, C, and magnesium) make a smoothie of it and consume it.

~ Apple. (Fiber, Vitamin A, C, and calcium)

~ Avocado. ( make a smoothie of it with yogurt. It can be used as a hair mask, and a skin mask.)

~ Cucumber
~ Banana
~ Pineapple
~ Watermelon
~ Kiwi
~ Strawberry.

If the above routine is been followed, then surely you get the skin you've always dreamed of. The above tips make your skin flawless, and spotless and help eliminate dark spots on your skin.
Intake of water makes it more softer and moisturized. These are all natural ways to keep your skin glowing and whiter, without using harmful products.
Hope you find value.
We'd love to see your comments.

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