
Thursday 13 December 2018


*Homemade Glow Serum*
SHARES with love ones😎 We all wish for a bright and glowing skin but not all of us are fortunate enough to have one! Glowing skin not only looks amazing but feels nice as well. Glowing skin makes you look younger than your age. Though there are several products available in the market to make your skin glow but most of them are expensive and might cause some side effect to the skin. Therefore, all we need is a natural glow serum, which contains all the natural ingredients without side effect risk. So let us discuss several types of glow serums which you can prepare at home with natural ingredients: OLIVE OIL GLOW SERUM Ingredients: Aloe vera leaf: 1 Olive oil: 1 tbsp Glycerine: 1/2 tbsp Rose water: 1 tbsp STEPS Add a tablespoon of olive oil to half a table spoon of glycerine and mix properly. Now, slit an aloe vera leaf into two halves and extract the aloe vera gel out of it. Add this gel to the mixture of glycerine and olive oil. Now, add 1 tablespoon of rose water to this mixture and give it a stir. Apply this mixture on your face and neck and massage in upward circular motion. You can also apply this on your hands and feet. Leave it the same way for overnight and the next morning wash your face with normal water and a mild skin cleanser. Use this serum every alternate day for 3 weeks to see the change in your skin. Aloe vera gel helps in nourishing the skin and adds the moisture to skin due to which all the dryness in the skin goes away. Thus, the skin glows. Olive oil and glycerine together work wonders for the skin to add glow, as they contain such minerals that help in increasing the glow of your skin. Rose water helps in keeping the skin moisturised. READ you will not use body fragrance after taking shower with this amazing homemade body scrubs for smooth, clear and fragrance skin HONEY AND TURMERIC GLOW SERUM Ingredients: Honey: 1/2 tbsp Turmeric: 1/2 tsp Lemon: 1/2 STEPS Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to half a tablespoon of honey and mix them together. Now, squeeze half a lemon in this mixture and again give it a stir. Apply this mixture on your face, neck, hands or feet and massage for good 15 minutes. Then, let it sit the same way for another 15 minutes. Now, rinse it off with normal water. Pat dry your skin with a towel. Apply this serum two times a week to get a clear and glowing skin. Turmeric is known for its skin brightening properties thus it adds glow to your skin. Honey moisturises the skin and treats the dry skin by removing the dead skin cells. Lemon juice is skin whitening properties and thus it whitens and brightens the skin. Therefore, this glow serum helps in making your skin glow. ROSE PETALS GLOW SERUM Ingredients: Rose petals: 5- 6 Milk: 3 tbsp Rosemary essential oil: 5 drops Aloe vera gel: 1 tbsp STEPS In a mixer, put 5- 6 rose petals and add 3 tablespoons of milk to it. Grind it till it turns into a fine paste. Transfer the paste to a bowl and add 5 drops of rosemary oil to it. Add a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and give this mixture a stir. Apply this mixture on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then, wash your face with a cold or normal water. Pat dry your skin with a towel and don’t apply anything afterwards. Apply this serum on your face 2 times a week to get a glowing skin. READ How to do pedicure at home Rose petals help in making your skin look supple and nourished. They add the required glow to your skin and makes you look fresh. Milk helps in nourishing the skin. Rosemary essential oil removes the fine lines and wrinkle, thus stimulates the process. Aloe vera gel moisturises the skin and makes sure the glow is locked- in in your skin. ALMOND OIL GLOW SERUM Ingredients: Almond oil: 1 tbsp Aloe vera gel: 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil: 1 tbsp Rose water: 1 tbsp STEPS Add a tablespoon of aloe vera gel to a tablespoon of almond oil and mix the two ingredients properly. Now, add a tablespoon of vitamin E oil to this mixture and give it a stir. Add a tablespoon of rose water as well. Mix all the ingredients properly. Apply this mixture to your face and massage in upward circular motion for 10- 15 minutes. Then, leave it the same way for another 15 minutes. Wash your face with normal water and a mild face cleanser. Apply this serum 2 times a week to make your skin glow. Almond oil nourishes and moisturises the skin and adds glow to your skin. Aloe vera gel moisturises the skin and removes the pigmentation and fine lines and thus makes your skin glow. Vitamin E oil provides essential nutrients to your skin and rose water stimulates the proces NATURAL TRICK TO ERASE ALL THE ACNE SCARS ON YOUR FACE We often neglect our hands and do not take care of them properly. Our skin over the hands is also more prone to drying since we do a lot of things with them and are washing them constantly which lead to them becoming dry. Here are some easy to prepare hand scrubs which can be used to exfoliate the hands and make them softer. DIY 1 How to: Take 1 cup of coffee grounds. Add 3 teaspoons of cold cream. Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Add 6-7 drops of natural vanilla extract. Mix well. Apply on wet hands. Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Do this remedy once a day. DIY 2 How to: Take 1 cup of coarse seal salt. Add 3 teaspoons of vitamin E oil. Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Add 6-7 drops of natural mint essential oil. Mix well. Apply on wet hands. Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Do this remedy once a day. DIY 3 How to: Take 1 cup of coffee grounds. Add 3 teaspoons of lemon juice. Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Add 6-7 drops of lemongrass essential oil. Mix well. Apply on wet hands. Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Do this remedy once a day. DIY 4 How to: Take 1 cup of sea salt. Add 3 teaspoons of olive oil. Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Add 6-7 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix well. Apply on wet hands. Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Do this remedy once a day. DIY 5 How to: Take 1 cup of gram flour. Add 3 teaspoons of curd. Add 3 tablespoons of almond powder. Add 6-7 drops of almond extract. Mix well. Apply on wet hands. Scrub the skin for 2-3 minutes. Rinse off with plain water. Do this remedy once a day. How these help: These Scrubs are beneficial for exfoliating the skin and getting rid of dead skin cells from the surface. These scrubs make use of gram flour, almond powder, and sea salt and coffee grounds as the base of the scrubs since they have a granular structure. Coffee grounds also help in removing any odor from the hands. Hence the coffee scrubs are great to use in the kitchen after cooking with string scented ingredients like inions or garlic. Sea salt is well known for getting rid of germs since it is saline and kills any bacteria on the hands. Gram flour scrub is ideal for people who have pigmented hands and are trying to get rid of a sun tan or get an even skin tone. Gram flour has skin lightening properties apart from being a good scrub naturally. These scrubs can be used on the hands once every day. If you want soft hands, is also important to keep moisturizing the hands regularly to prevent them from drying. It is also a great alternative to use these scrubs at night since these scrubs contain hydrating oils which will moisturize and soften the skin overnight.

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