How to sell anything to anyone.
1- Don't sell logic, sell emotion and desires.
•Explain the risk of not buying.
•Describe what they'll get.
•Point out how you make them better.
•Explain how their decision can help others.
•Highlight the consequences of missing out .
•Emphasise ways you help reach goals.
How effective is emotional selling?
Emotional selling is extremely effective in terms of a revenue generation. In the retail industry, customers connect emotionally to a business spend up to twice as much have a 306% higher lifetime value compared to those who have not been sold emotionally.
They're also more likely to recommend brands they feel connected to -302% of emotionally connected customers make recommendations compared to just 7.6% non connected who do in turn, word of mouth referrals also translate into increase sales.
• Tell stories (what inspires you, what problems are you trying to solve?)
• Inspire fear (use personally relevant threats, for example; you could take advantage of the fear of missing out by offering limited time discounts...)
•Employ altruism (Altruism: giving back, provide a sense of belonging to your social conscious customers.
"For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is donated to help kids all over the world who can't afford shoes.
•Leverage greed (Great +FREE. You want your customers say " if I make a decision now, I will be rewarded)
•Encourage reciprocity (studies show nearly 90% of online consumers look at a product review prior to making a purchase. Put total review counts on display)
•Build trust:
#social proof
#Add your contact information
#Add trust seals and security certificates.
Step 1: Ask the right questions;
"What is the biggest problem you're looking to solve"
"Why is now the right time to solve it"
"How long have you been trying to solve this problem?"
"What are you doing now to ensure it doesn't happen again?"
" How would solving this problem benefit you personally "
"What happens if you keep doing what you are doing?"
If you were not experiencing this pain anymore, which project will you focus on?
Step 2: Handle the urgency objection.
If money was not a problem. Would you be willing to pay?
What's holding you back?
When would be a better time to buy?
What other priorities do you have right now?
What happens to your goals if you don't act now?
Is it the timing or is something else concerning you?
I know exactly how you feel. (Feel, felt...)
A salesperson has to be optimistic. They have to believe they can win against even the longest of odds. Salesperson have to believe that things will work out in their favour. This optimistic belief is what allows a salesperson to take action, and those actions are what are eventually leads to success.
Nothing beats a positive attitude. Optimistic sellers are easier to relate to and easier to work with. Buyers can pick up on their positive energy and more likely to feel good about your products when they feel good about the sellers attitude. Even if no sale happens, at the very least they'll have made a connection.
Have the right target audience. Look for people with potential interest in your products.
•Seven ways to determine your target audience;
~Analyze your customer base, and carryout client interviews.
~conduct market research and identify industry friends.
~Analyse competitors.
~Create personas
~Define who your target audience are.
~ continuously revise
~Use Google analytics.
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