
Tuesday 22 November 2022


 GIRL BOSS: A Netflix series that teaches and showes the reality of entrepreneurship. The journey, expectations, challenges and lots more. 

It's a series every "Girl" who's in business, or aspiring to be in business should watch.

Before you get to watch, here are some takeaway from the series;

1- Believe in yourself the most. Other people believing in you is a bonus.

2- Stand on your grand, and do not let anyone walk all over you.

3- You're going to have people who are against you when you're doing better than them.

4- Be happy for yourself. Cockiness is never the answer.

5- Do your research. This helps limiting mistakes.

6- Nothing last forever. Keep expanding to grow.

7- Confront your feelings, never dwell and pivot everytime when things don't work out.

8- Sometimes you have to go back to square one to make it makes sense.

9- Starting over doesn't mean failure.

10- Be honest with yourself.

Above all, don't give up. Girlboss never gave up despite the challenges.

Entrepreneurlife. And entrepreneurship isn't for the fainted minds. 

Do you agree?

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