
Thursday 4 August 2022


How to meet your target audience/customers/consumers on social media.
Sales and marketing tips.

A lady asked about a particular strategy I'm using to market and sale my products. 
She said "despite that you are not consistent, I observe you always make fine sales"

Yes. She was right about my inconsistency. I know I lack that, but each time I make a product available, it always reach out to my target audience immediately.
I said to her "I actually can't say this is the particular strategy that I am getting right. But I believe my products are the ones speaking loud for me. They're the ones selling themselves.

I added that, there strategy you can use, and when used rightly, will fetch you sales. So she listen!

(1). As a business owner, or someone who is doing the production by herself, you should be able to know what PROBLEM your product is solving. I mean, what problem are you solving for people that may likely want to buy your product. If you're able to know this, then you'll definitely target the right customers/consumers.
Take for instance, you are making/producing Hair products that is meant to prevent hair fall. Then your consumers should be or are women/girls who are suffering from hair breakage.

How do you get them to know  that you have a SOLUTION for their problem?
It's simple. 
Create a great CONTENT on your page or blog site. Your content should be as if you're speaking to them directly what your product is capable of doing (solving). Speak to them in a way that if they don't buy your product, they'll feel they didn't do good to themselves, or even blame themselves for not buying.
Your content should be attention magnet, it should be craft with right #keywords, and #SEO. For instance, since you're producing and selling hair cream that prevent hair fall, there should be words like "HOW TO PREVENT..." "HOW TO STOP..." "HOW TO TREAT HAIR BREAKAGE" then you go on with explanation that would make them believe this is actually the right product for them...
Content with the right keywords are very very powerful, and has the potential of reaching out to people you do not even expect.

Have you ever noticed that there are products you'll search on Google, and some of the results that may pops up are products from Facebook? It's simple because the poster has used keywords people will likely search for, on Google. 
There is a power in using rights keywords and hashtags, if you don't know how to get the right SEO.

(2). Give a quality product. 
After you are able to convince them that your product is their problem solver, and they buy from you, if it works, it means they're going to keep coming back. If it doesn't. You've chase them away.
If it works, they refers, and keep talking about it.
If it doesn't, when your brand pops up, they'll say "oh this! They're liers, their products are fake" 
Pls avoid this👆🏼if you CAN. Satisfy their expectations.

(3). Trust.
Why should someone who have no idea who you are, where you live buy from you?
How do you build a trust between you and your buyer?
(I will want to hear this from you)

(4). Build your brand and the world will see it. Your brand is your identity, and when built, you have a higher chance of being discovered and recognised. 
For this to happen, you'll have to stay CONSISTENT. Consistency means you will show up every day, promote, post, focus and keep moving everyday until you stand out.
If consistency was a person, I will say it's Rukayya Aliyu. Dammit! I love and admire her consistency. 

(5). Make yourself accessible and easier for people to find, and connect with you. If you make it difficult for your buyers to connect with you,  you're simply telling them to move to another seller and buy from them.

(6). Your competitors!
As a business owner, appreciate your competitors. You know why?
Because they'll bring the BEST in you. If your competitors are doing greater than you, don't hate or envy them. Instead, be smart and outsmart them. Follow and watch them closely. Find out their weakness, strength, how they interact with their customers, how they do things. Learn and apply on what you've already know. 
Why I said earlier that your competitors brings out the Best in you, is because their success ginger you that you'll want to do more. 

(6). Interact and share (valuable) knowledge with your audience for more engagements. Everyday, whole of your timeline should not be about advertising your products. Educate and share insight once in awhile with your audience.
~ when you share something educative and meaningful that your audience will likely appreciate, they will LIKE, COMMENT, and even SHARE. When the post gets the above mentioned, then Facebook Algorithm learns that your audience and other people similar to your audience want to see more of what you are posting, this in turn will increase your organic exposure. 
Now, as someone who is into hair care products, once in a while share/post educative post about Hair. Share tips and ways to keep a healthy hair.

~ if you're into clothing, speak about styling, colour blocking, styles for every occasion, clothes that fits a particular body, accessories that goes with every clothe and lot more.

~ if you're into anything food, share healthy food plans/planning. Talk about foods, and their functions in the body. 
But then, you'll have to educate yourself first, before you can be educate your audience, so you don't feed them wrongly or with false information.

(7) Be kind to your customers. Without them, your business is nothing.

Love what you do, and stay committed to it. 
These are just the tips of the iceberg. Drop a heart , if you think the above strategies make sense.

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