
Thursday 18 March 2021

GET A FABULOUS FEET: using Ganarious secret.

 Your feet are beautiful. 

Yes! You reading this.  Did you know that feet are also a sign of beauty? 

Oh yes! It's a sign of beauty. Your Face might be beautiful, and some persons will choose to admire your feet than to your face. 

Some people prefer to spend extremely on feet than other part of the body. 

Permit me to tell you a story first. Long time ago, I was in college then, Someone came visiting, when he knocked, I went to open the door and permitted he inn. Immediately I opened the door, his eyes went straight to my feet, and He starred even when I was welcoming him inn. That was not the first time we meet though, but that was the first time a strong relationship came in. He fall in love with me because of my feet, and he always compliments. Almost all of our discussions and conversations is 80% about my feet. He'd severally said  "my goal is to get rich and build a shoe company purposely to be making your feet wears. LOL

But suddenly, every thing changed. I got tired of taking proper care of my feet like I was doing, and then I stopped. And my feet changed along the way. 

Despite the change, some people  both females and males still admire my feet, because it fits in all most every type of shoes I wore. 

Back then, that was when I was taking care of my feet, almost everyone I met asked this question:

What are you using on your feet? 

How were you able to maintain your feet to be this beautiful? Lot more. 

So, I never kept it as a secret. I share with everyone, anytime. 

I'd told them that there are many feet routine I does. 

1- I had a foot scrub

2- foot butter

3- my special foot oil. 

4- foot wash. 

     Someone was curious and had asked are they all recommended to you and how safe are they? 

I smiled and said. I came up with it though, and the goal is been achieved. So she was amazed. 

I further told her how passionate I am about skin and hair care. That leads me to doing a lot of research. I also told her not be worried about the safety of my formation, and that it's all natural. 

So here we go... 


This is a combination of  soaked African black soap. With aloe gel, cucumber juice, turmeric, and essential oils. 


- soak chopped African black soap in a bowl, using distilled water.  Leave it cover for 24hours, by then it would have all melted. 

2-add few drops of Aloe vera and Cucumber juice. 

3- add 2teaspoon of turmeric powder 

4-add 10drops Almond oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil. 

   Mix thoroughly, and turn in a jar. Get a bigger bowl and add hot water. Not too cold and not too hot. Add half teaspoon of Epsom salt, and half teaspoon of baking soda. 

Now put your legs into the solution and live for 2-3 hours. Add some amount of your foot soap on a soft sponge and scrub your feet. 

2- foot butter. 

You need Shea butter 4tablespoon, 1/2 table spoon of lavender oil, vitamin E oil, and jojoba oil. Mix all and whipped until it turns creamy. 

AFTER  you are done washing your feet,  apply little amount of foot butter prepared by you. Massage well. 

Get a nylon and wear it on your feet, and then put on a warm thick comfy socks. 

I do this most a time when its relaxation time, like time for bed. I go to bed with it.

Do this almost everyday! 


You need sugar (either brown sugar, or anything type of a sugar you can get) 

Turmeric, coconut oil, vitamin E oil,  licorice powder. 

Honey is optionally. 

Now get a bowl and mix all together. Your scrub is ready. Scrub your feet 3-4 times in a week. 

After scrubbing, that's when you'll apply special oil on your feet. 

4- vitamin E oil, lavender oil, Almond oil and olive oil. Mix all together in a bottle. Add half of tablespoon in it and shake thoroughly. Apply on feet. 

Watch the results. 

Watch the Amazing look of your feet. 

Watch your feet becomes Fabulous and Beautiful. 


The attached photo is not a photo of my foot as some of you might thought, because I shared my story. Lol

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