
Saturday 26 September 2020

Coffee bright serum

 Coffee Serum that brighten dark circles and remove  wrinkles. 

Things needed:

~Coffee powder

~Almond oil

~vitamin E capsules

How to go About it:

Mix 1spoon of grind coffee, with  3 vitamin E capsule. 

Add 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Mix thoroughly, and close tight in a container. 

Leave for 3-4days, and coffee serum is ready for use. 

Apply on affected area, and massage in a circular motion.

This mixture helps in getting rid of skin wrinkles.

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Tuesday 22 September 2020


 Magic hair growth every woman should try. When it comes to hair growth, women will do whatever it takes to have their hair growing continually. 

You'll need:

Flax seeds, Aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Get Aloe vera gel, flax seed gel (or grinded flax seeds), mix together with coconut oil and apply the mixture on scalp and hair. Wash off after 30minutes.

There after, 

You'll need:

~1 tbspn Coconut oil

~half tbspn lavender oil

~half tbspn onion oil

~1tbspn olive oil

~half tbspn ginger oil. 

Mix all together and massage on scalp and hair.  This mixture helps in effective  relief from hair loss. 

Repeat Morning and night and watch how your hair grow faster. 

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Monday 21 September 2020


 Fenugreek has benefit of lowering blood sugar levels, boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers. 

Fenugreek also reduce cholesterol levels, lower Inflammation levels and help in appetite control. 
There many methods you can take and consume fenugreek. 
~You can take the seed with water. 
~you can grind the seeds into powder, and to for foods. 
~soak for 2-3days and drink. 
~boil and drink the water. 

Did you know fenugreek is also use as one of the major ingredient for breast enlargement? 
Try it out. 

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Saturday 19 September 2020


 After using harsh creams, or even in the process of using, the result it gives becomes uncomfortable. So often embarrassing. We feel ashamed of being in public because the cream has given us different colour. Especially, our knuckles being the darkest and toughest. 

It's time you stop the use of harsh creams, and give your self the perfect manicure, and D.I.Y hand treatment that will soft and light your hand naturally. 

Firstly, finger nails is also included. So it's also part of the care. 

You need:

1-Baking soda


  How to go about it:

Measure 1tablespoon  of baking soda In a clean bowl, add half of a lemon juice in it, mix well. 

And then soak your nails into the mixture for 5-10 minutes. Use old brush to scrub and clean and then wash off. 


1tablespoon Aloe vera gel

Vitamin E capsule. 

Aloe vera gel and vitamin E capsule should be mix together. Apply the mixture on hand and massage well. Preferably, morning and night.  Watch out how your hands glow. 

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Tuesday 15 September 2020


 Hope we are aware of the damages the sun causes to our skin? 

Now, let's learn how we can avoid that. 

First, Long term exposure to the sun ultraviolet's ray can damage your skin. So therefore, stay out of the sun from 10am to 4:00pm when the rays are at theIr strongest. Remember clouds don't block UV rays. 

Seek shade when you are out doors. Wear a hat, preferably with a 4inch brim all round to effectively cover your face, neck and ears. 

Wear long sleeves and long pant. Making sure they are made of tightly woven fabrics. 

Use sunscreen with sun protection factor (SPF). 

Remember that some Ultraviolet radiation will penetrate water and windows.

Avoid indoor sunlamps and tanning beds. 

Always protect your skin. 

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Tuesday 1 September 2020


 Self care moment! 🤗

Natural and effective moisturizer for dry skin and skin cracks. The ingredients are simple and it's results are fast. 

You will need:

*teaspoon Almond powder

*1teaspoon Melissa herb powder

*1Spoon of coconut oil

*1spoon of olive oil

*1spoon Argan oil. 

-Cup of water (preferably rose water). 

How to go About it. 

Put all the content in a bottle and put in a cool place. 

How to use:

You take a small amount and wipe your skin, in a massage way. 

Leave for 5 minutes  and wash. 

It keeps your skin moisturized, also useful for pigmentation. Enjoy the softness. 

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Designed by Jide Ogunsanya.