
Thursday 1 December 2022


 Apply for the University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023. The University of Helsinki is offering 23 Fully Funded Master Scholarships. 

The Scholarship is open to all international applicants from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland. And this is one of the Top Universities in Finland. The Helsinki Scholarship 2023 will cover all the expenses. Please note that there is only one intake per academic year. So, you can apply online before the application deadline. Under this Program, you can select Finland Government Scholarship in the online application form. The duration of the Scholarship is 2 Years.

At the University of Helsinki, you can choose from a wide variety of multidisciplinary master’s programs with English as the language of instruction. Most of the programs are available in the English language. Many applications for Universities in Finland open in December and ends in January. All the Universities in Finland offer various types of Scholarships. The complete details about the University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023 are available below.

Details About University of Helsinki Finland Scholarships 2023

Scholarship Country: Finland

University: University of Helsinki

Currency: Euro

Degree Level: Masters

Financial Coverage: Fully Funded

Financial Coverage

The Helsinki University Scholarship for 2023/24 is a Fully Funded Master’s scholarship. It has different types of Scholarships such as:

Tuition fees range from 13000 to 18 000 euros.

The duration of  the scholarship is two years

Finland scholarships cover 100% of tuition fees and also include a 5000 € relocation grant. 

The scholarship and the 5000 EUR will be renewed for the second year of your studies.

Student meal discounts

Reductions in public transport.

List of Master Programs at Helsinki University

Ag­ri­cul­tural Sciences

Ag­ri­cul­tural, Environ­mental and Re­source Eco­nom­ics (AGERE)

At­mo­spheric Sciences

Changing Education

Chemistry and Mo­lecu­lar Sciences

Com­puter Science

Con­tem­por­ary So­ci­et­ies

Data Science

Eco­logy and Evol­u­tion­ary Biology


Eng­lish Stud­ies

Environ­mental Change and Global Sustainability

European and Nordic Stud­ies

Food Sciences

Forest Sciences

Ge­net­ics and Mo­lecu­lar Bios­ciences


Geo­logy and Geo­phys­ics

Global Governance Law

Global Polit­ics and Communication

Hu­man Nu­tri­tion and Food-Re­lated Be­ha­viour

In­teg­rat­ive Plant Sciences

In­ter­cul­tural En­coun­ters

In­ter­na­tional Busi­ness Law

Life Science In­form­at­ics

Lin­guistic Di­versity and Digital Hu­man­it­ies

Materials Research (MATRES)

Mathematics and Stat­ist­ics

Micro­biology and Mi­cro­bial Biotechnology


Particle Phys­ics and As­tro­phys­ical Sciences

Pharmaceutical Research, Development, and Safety

Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies

The­or­et­ical and Com­pu­ta­tional Meth­ods

Trans­la­tional Medicine (TRANSMED)

Urban Stud­ies and Plan­ning

Eligibility Criteria

All candidates must meet the following requirements:

International applicants from outside EU/EEA countries

You meet the requirements for obtaining an entry visa and residence permit for Finland.

You have obtained excellent results in your previous studies and can prove this in your application.


The last date to apply is on the 4th January.

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