
Saturday 5 November 2022

FROM GATE MAN TO BEING AN EMPLOYEE OF THE SAME COMPANY.(Nigerian born, Noel Monday became a staff of a company he was once a gateman)

 How I was employed by my Boss.

The founder of Ganarious Palace Aisha Muhammad Gana, had a wonderful virtual interview with a young promising and ambitious man Noel Monday on the 27th of October, 2022.

"Your story is too good to be hidden. It has the power and ability to change the younger generation. It can be a source of inspiration and motivation, so permit me to put out to the world" said Aisha Gana.

Read below how Noel Monday was interviewed by Aisha Gana.

  1. Hello Noel! Can you tell us about yourself ( Education and Family Background)

ANS. My name is Noel Monday.I was born on the 28th of September 1993 into a family of four, to be precise the eldest son of the family. I am from Kaduna state in the southern region of kaduna (kagoro).

               I am the kind of person who is so determined and aspiring for greatness and I see education as the medium to that greatest place where I wanna be. I’m always quiet and that gentle type as people always say and I'm that indoor type. Why I so much appreciate being indoor is because it gives me the room to be creative. I so much enjoy drawing, Songwriting/singing and dancing as well as researching and exploring books.


After my secondary school I was opportune to go to Niger state College of Education in 2014, which is not up to a degree. And I remember it was a whole lot of struggle out there in the College. 


I am not from  a wealthy family and we are not that poor to go a whole day without food. My mom is a petty trader and  my father is a farmer. 

My father was working in Kano state as company staff but due to the country's economy at that time a lot of companies were crashing down and as a result my dad was affected by redundancy and he had no choice but to relocate with the entire family to the Village. 

  1. Tell us about your personal Struggle and life after the College?

ANS; After College it was the beginning of another struggle. I was willing to do any legal form of job, so without hesitation I started putting up calls to all my friends in Abuja and Lagos to help me secure a job out there. I waited and kept calling for over a year  but couldn’t get a call for a job.

            Finally  God answered my prayer. I got a call from a friend John. He told me he had a job for me. We were actually gonna work together as security operatives in the same place. I was Super excited, so my mother helped me put the money together. She actually borrowed 15,000 Naira from a Community fund. I got a 17,000 Naira job  in Abuja.

  When I started the Job I couldn't believe that it was more than a Residential security Job cos I have to sweep the compound, trim the flowers and even do laundry for 17,000 Naira. I have no choice but to keep doing it because that was the only available job for me. I started working but so many things in my mind thinking of how I could raise and pay the money my mum borrowed for me to travel. I couldn’t continue with the Job after one months because I got a call from a friend we met online who told me there’s a Job for me in Lagos and assured me the job is far better than what I’m currently doing. But when I got to Lagos it was a different case.

There was nothing like an available Job. I had to start searching for a job, a search which lasted for one month. I later got a Cleaning job of 19,000 naira per month. Anybody that stays in Victoria Island knows, that amount of money cannot sustain you for a whole month.


                          The worst part of it all is that I don't have a place to lay my head, I sleep outside and at times I can’t close my eyes because rain. My phone was stolen while i was sleeping at night, at times it’s get so cold out there  and brissy

My friend didn't tell me he has no place for me because he stayed in his Aunt's house, so of course I have to sleep outsid for a 4 months. I hide all this from my parents in order to make them stay out of worries of me.

After a while, my mum started asking about the money she borrowed for me to travel out to lagos. I have to cooked up some stories for her, because I wasn't earning as enough, and as expected. But I was also worried because the money was not hers, but was owned by community, and they asked for it.

Later, she said something that made me shed so i got no choice but to tell her the truth, i told her all i was going through she felt bad and was mad at me for not telling them all this, she told me to come back home but i told her “I came to lagos with nothing i shall never return home with nothing”

  1. What was the hardest decision you’ve ever made? What happened and how did you handle it?

ANS: Ahmm the hardest decision Is never giving Up, despite all that I was passing through, you can imagine no roof over my head, sleepless nights when it rains, my body temperature was always high due to late night sleep and sleeping in such a place that is Open and exposed to mosquitoes, most times i manageably eat twice a day, hahaha garri don suffer.  and one thing about me is that I rather go the whole day hungry than to beg. Despite all of that, I decided not to give up. It was hard.

Noel and his friends in college.

  1. It gladdens us having this interaction with you. Your story is beautiful to be hidden, for it’s surely going to be an inspiration for this generation. Can you kindly narrate to us how you move from being a gate guard to an employee of that same company.?

ANS; Well, I will say it was God. Imagine being employed by an employer who knows your qualification doesn’t  worth the Job, and I can tell you still uptill now he never cares to collect my result.

The day I was employed all I could remember he said was, He admired my personality, he said I speak so well, he said has been observing me for a very long time and he would like me to work with him.

He asked if I have Computer knowledge, I said no, he immediately enrolled for a 4 Months computer class. He paid the fees, I was going for my Computer class at the same time he was still paying me. it’s has been God  all the way

  1. they said every great man has an amazing woman by his side. Do you have any?

ANS; I’m sure the person that made that statement was not referring to a Nigerian women haha…….lols 

Anyway, to be honest with you aside from my mom there’s no one else, my mom has always been my best friend and she gave me the best advice in the World. She always says to me ”My son I give you my blessings anywhere you go, you shall excel ” There wasn’t any woman for me. 

  1. Was there a time you thought of giving up because life seems tiring, and everything was not happening as you want or expected. What happened? How and what restored the strength  of not wanting to give up any more ?

ANS; Life was so tiring if I could remember i said to myself that all we see in the movie is fake but the thought of giving up is not in any close in mind. I always know the journey to greatness is always rough so keep pushing.

 Even if I am  tempted to give up I always do say this to myself, Noel remember where you came from! The other question is, and as the eldest son of the family. If I didn't do it, who else would? Those thoughts strengthen me.

Quitting is not my thing because I read a lot of motivational books and listen to motivational speakers a lot. One of my favourite motivational book titled “tough times never last but tough people do” by Robert H Schuller

When I think of those encouraging words  I read. I feel there’s always hope in the future. All I have to do is to keep the right behaviour.

  1. What is the best ever decision you’ve ever made, and proud of ?

           ANS; I will frantically say my best decision is not giving up. To anyone reading this story, never give up, Keep the good behaviour, God is watching all your struggles wait till the special time to see what he has in store for you. Treat everyone with respect and you shall come up high and don’t forget honesty is the best policy.


  1. Your accent is really attractive, that one will love to listen to you whenever you speaks. Do you live among the whites ?

ANS; haha….Ahmm I don’t live among white i just admire them when I hear them speak, then I said to myself I can do it as well.

I am always that kind of dude that whenever I see someone do something I find attractive,  I always challenge myself if someone can do this then I can do it too so that's just the spirit that gets me to this level. Some people think  i’ve gone to one of the most expensive schools in Nigeria not knowing it’s one of the normal public schools and i live in such a place that we do not speak english that much. So you can imagine. So i practice the whole thing alone 

Back in my secondary school days I was called (Bature) which means white man. while back in the college I was nicknamed after a presentation as (Black America) by my HOD that was a crazy day i can’t forget it. 

  1. What is your greatest accomplishment so far?

ANS; My joy today is that I am able to give my Siblings the best an elder brother could offer. My immediate sister just graduated this year and the last born  just got admission to the University this year.

       They know very well that I don’t joke with anything that has to do Education. I'm striving to put them forward there after i will get myself enrolled as well.Aside that no yet accomplish that greatest thing.

        We are still on the hustle hoping for more blessings.

11. What has always been your weakness/strength?

My weakness is I put other people first at times I will have to displease myself but as times goes on  I learn I have to create boundaries
ahmmm..  My Strength I am adaptable and Flexible I am a very fast leaner

12. From the look of, and the conversation we have had, you seemed to be a kind of person that keep going no matter what. What is your greatest motivation/inspiration that pushes you to go higher?

You know, when I take a look at where I came from I realized God made me the eldest son of the family for a purpose. So the current situation as of those days was terrible I remember those days back in school I have to do minor jobs to buy handout and other things. What I went through energized me and pushed me to pursue greatness because I want to change my Family Narrative.
I listen to lots of  Motivational speech these are my favorite motivational speaker Tyler Perry, Joel Osteen, Steve Harvey and Eric Thomas Listening to this men makes me believe one day I will come up higher and for me to make  difference. I have tried some many things that no one in my lineage have did.

13. What would you want to achieve in life? Do you also dream of becoming rich in future?
My numfaer 1 dream is to be the boss of my own some day. I don't wanna be poor, like who the hell will like that. I Will like to see myself making impact in other people's life that's what my mama always wanted from Us I can't wait to get their I wanna be rich.

14. Is there a message you want to pass on to the youths, and younger generation?

To my fellow youth out there Believe in your self and always believe honesty is the best policy. God watches what you are passing through He does everything at the right time so never give Up keep pursuing your dreams with passion I know the people in power are making things more difficult  but never quit and above all *Never Forget to Pray.* never forget to try take off the fear Never put aside till tomorrow what is to be done today and is never too late.

15. What is your favourite food, color, mode of dressing, and hobby?

My favorite food is pounded Yam with Eggusi soup. My hobbies are dancing, Singing, making research, Drawing and writing songs as well. 
My best color is sky blue and pink I Like simple decent outfit

16. Is there a question I should have asked you during this interview, but I didn't?

Not at all.

Alright! Thank you so much for your winderful time, we really appreciate you. We'll be looking forward to hear from you soon, so that we can update this conversation.


  1. Well done
    His story is inspiring

  2. Congratulations Noel🥰Am proud of you friend 🤗

  3. Congratulations dear. You deserve this and everything beautiful that life has to offer.

  4. This Noel was my coursemate in the college. The guy is very humble and generous man


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