
Saturday 28 November 2020



My Name is Aisha Muhammad Gana. I'm a fashion designer, and content creator. 

I started blogging since 2016, and I found it difficult to publish  always. So often, i got lost of ideas and I'll be like "gooosh what am I supposed to do now🀦🏻‍♀️" .... Then I became uninspired for whole of that day. 

Fortunately, I recently saw this article, which I felt I should share with you.

How to Write a Winning Blog Post Every time

That engages your reader and earns you more! 

Whether you are an individual content creator or a business, your blog the most valuable marketing tool. You use it to build trust with your customers, generate leads, educate consumers, and build brand awareness. So, if a reader tells you your blog’s content quality is poor, that comment will probably make you cringe just a little.

The best blogs are engaging and deliver value. It’s often hard to publish consistently and it is even harder to create content that engages readers. But with these 7 steps, you can get started.

#1. Nail that title and opening paragraph

Compelling titles and introductions make your readers want to read your post right away. Recent studies even show that while 80% of people will read headline copy, only 20% will read the rest. This is the hidden importance of great titles, and why getting them right is so vital to a successful blog.”

Now once you have nailed your headline, comes your introduction paragraph. You should make them engaging. The introductory paragraph should tell your reader what they are gonna get should keep them on reading the blog till the end.

#2. Address a specific audience

The best blog posts are the ones that are targeted to a particular audience. So, before you start developing content, decide who you are selling to and what you are selling. If you are selling to decision-makers in the publishing industry, write a blog post that targets their specific needs. If you are a web developer, try to make the content professional but not too technical because you want buyers to know the benefits of using your services.

#3. Show, not tell

Don’t pat yourself on the back in your blog posts, bragging about what you know about your industry. Let your blog visitors find the value themselves in the content you produce. The goal of your content is to build trust with your audience. You do that by positioning yourself as an expert in your industry.

#4. Optimize your content for search

A great blog post follows basic search engine optimization (SEO) rules: the use of keyword-optimized titles, a good keyword ratio, keyword anchor text, and the use of your targeted keywords in the first and last sentence. Mastering SEO best practices will make your content more relevant to targeted search engine users.

A recent CopyPress article says:

[Marketer] Neil Patel did A/B testing on his site and found that his homepage with 1,292 words led to more leads — better leads — than a second web page with only 488 words. Why? The content on his page answered questions that were commonly asked from customers. He was already solving their problems before they even bought his product! The word count wasn’t the deciding factor as much as what was actually being said.

#5. Ask for the action

You are writing for a reason — to connect with the readers and trigger an action. You should always end a blog with something that moves the reader to perform the desired action; however, be very careful about using your blog posts to ask readers to buy things. That could backfire.

HubSpot’s Customer Demand Manager Rachel Sprung says “you can increase conversions by including more CTAs on your blog if they’re several different types of CTAs, in different formats, addressing different parts of your marketing funnel.”

#6. Be useful and informative

You want to educate your reader. If your posts are useful and informative, you will receive a steady stream of repeat traffic. As you develop content, ask yourself “do I find this useful or informative? Will the reader find this useful or informative?” These two questions should always serve as your guide.

Huffington Post contributor Roger Bryan writes, in his article ‘Informative, Interesting, Relevant: Three Rules for Creating Quality Content in Digital Marketing’:

The content should provide valuable and useful information to the reader. It should teach them at least one or two things or answer at least one question they have. This can be adjusted depending on where the content will be published (such as a blog, website, or social media) and what the main purpose of the content is. The information can range from general information like you might find in a blog post, to strategic information like you might find on a website or in an ad.

The Bottom Line

Great blogs consistently develop content for a specific audience. Those blogs deliver valuable and informative content that’s optimized for search. The titles are catchy and the readers are compelled to perform a specific call-to-action after reading the content. If this isn’t your blog, you have some work to do.

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Thursday 26 November 2020


This small business ideas will inspire you. 

Hey you there! This is for you. These are small scale business you can start just with 10thousand naira only. 
At the end, I might chip in some businesses and services you can do without A capital. 

So many people want to start a business, but then need Huge amount of money to begin. 
While others  have the money, but do not have an idea where to begin. 

From your savings, I know you most have saved ten thousand naira right? 
If you can be patient, gratitude, and hopeful, that ten thousand naira will surely take you to a place you had been dreaming of. 

From the ideas I dropped, make sure you pick one and begin with. 
Firstly, before you can establish a business, checkout the kind of the environment, and people that surround you. 
Check and pick one idea, that obviously will solve a problem in that environment.

Try as much as you can, to learn network marketing. Strategies for selling online.
Learn how to strengthen your relationship with your customers. Your CUSTOMERS,  are your business, without them your business can never be alive. 

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~Small chops (this is categorized into 2-3 ideas) 
~Soaps Making
~Beads making
~Essential oil production
~Food spices and seasonings
~local millo making
~Do it yourself crafts
~Local drinks making
~Seeds business
~perfumes business
~shoes wear production
~Smoothies making
~fura da nono modernize

Do not wait for government to provide a job for you, instead of waiting create one for yourself. 
Create a job, and wealth by picking one from the above idea being mention. 

Produce, market it, and sell. 

There are business you can also begin without capital. 
We'll talk about that below. 
Make sure you come back to check it on this post. 

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Wednesday 11 November 2020


 It's some time irritating how most of our lips look. 

      I had met people looking for a solution for their chapped, and dried lips. While some others lips is dark. 

This solution to it is here, but then there are things one should do, and shouldn't. One seeking for pinkish lips should avoid exposure to sun, should always take water, and avoid smoking. 

This are things needed for pink lips Balm. 

-beewax 50g

-pink powder (food coloring) 1.5g

-Vitamin E. Oil 6-7drops

-Almond oil 2ml

- Coconut oil 2ml

Beetroot juice 2tspn


*melt the wax, pour in the Almond oil, coconut oil and vitamin E oil. hold the mixture for a couple of  2minutes.

*add beetroot juice and pink powder. 

*pour the mixture into empty lipstick container, when it is cool down. 

You can do this for self, or for sale.... 

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