
Sunday 23 October 2022


 Effective offline marketing strategies that will multiply your sales, and boost your brand awareness.

Dear marketer,

Why do you focus only on online marketing? Is it because you don't know some of the offline marketing strategies that works like magic?

Well if you don't, I'm glad to share with you some of them, which I hope and believe that you'll apply and pay attention to it in growing your business.

One right offline marketing strategy can take your business to high level, if only you can focus.

Offline marketing strategies;

- Print Marketing
- Flyer Marketing
- Event Marketing
- Conference Marketing
- Referral Marketing
- On person Marketing

We all know what the word PRINT means. If we don't, it means a letter/photo being copy unto a surface, or an object. Letters and photos printed on a a surface using a printing machine.
If you'd already have a brand, then I believe your brand should consist of logo, and informations that should lead your customers to you.
Your brand information is what you should use for print marketing.

It can be printed on a car, mugs, T-shirts, face caps, moving bus, on books and lots more. Before I move on, I have a little story to tell, which shows that print marketing really works.
   One day, my mum was returning back home from a different state. Whilst the car she was in stuck in a traffic, she looked through the window and that was when she noticed a car close to the car she was in with a printed information. It's carries information about Herbal medicines and what it cures and does, plus some photos. 
She quickly brought out her phone and snapped the information printed on the car. So when she arrived home, she call my attention to the photo she snapped and asked me to copy and dial the company's contact number so that we can make some enquiries. I did, and that was how we have been constantly buying from them.
Now, imagine how far that car can go. Imagine how many people read what's printed on it as it move around all day.

 Flyer marketing is supposed to be under the print marketing. But, it's a strategy on its own. 
A flyer is a small paper containing all informations of a brand often use for Advertisement by business owners or organizations.
If you'd already have a brand, print out tons of flyers and distributes to;
~Barbing shops(especially if your business is relatable to men)
~Air dropping wherever you can. Especially a busy road where people are always passing by. Drop them, some people will definitely squat and pick to read what's written on it. If they don't buy immediately, they might keep the flyer and contact you when the need arise.

It's high time we stop thinking that events are only for entertainment. No! Events are for everything, including marketing.

Event marketing should be included in your marketing plan, if you've not been doing it. This is how you should begin.
Attend various events when invited. Do not limit yourself to meeting with new people. 
Meet new people at every event. Smile at them, laugh and make a smart talk. Be friendly! Do not directly tell them about your business. You can do that strategically when the conversation is at the peak, and then you can pass on your Business card for them to connect with you.

This is how you continually boost and build your audience, which you'll later turn them into your customers.

Here, you'll spend a little bit. By the way, there's a saying that State that with money you get more money.
This is exactly how this strategy works. 
You meet people, and tell them to get or bring genuine customers ranging from 3-5. When they buy, then the person will be rewarded with a token.

Dear marker, 
Let go back and look at the old ways of marketing, and restrategise them. It works like magic. 
Remember if  you're into a business that's worth dealing with millions, no one will trust or handing over it to you online, especially now that scamming is becoming a thing. 
Focus offline, just as you giving much attention to online and digital marketing.

Thanks for reading. I hope you find value. If yes, drop a comment.

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